On Wednesday, ‘Role Play: Escape From The Secret Chamber’, began recording as scheduled. 

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        Ruan Tian arrived a bit late and saw Qin An standing outside the studio with his head drooping down, like a child that was under strict supervision by his parents.

        Confused, Ruan Tian looked a bit further. Soon, she saw Qin Yu was also there, just behind Qin An.

        Ruan Tian sometimes had the illusion that Qin Yu knew everything about her.

        For instance, back when she was always being bullied by Zhou Xiaoqiao, or when Zhou Xiaoqiao would easily swoop in and take all the credit for her deeds, it was as if Qin Yu seemed to understand everything.

        Like he was just quietly watching everything from the dark, looking at her like he was looking at a joke. 

        But Qin Yu didn’t seem to be looking for trouble this time. He just leaned lazily by the door and when Ruan Tian was walking past him, he casually asked, “I heard that you have a boyfriend? “

        Ruan Tian slightly smirked, “En, there’s actually more than one. They all love me a lot and want to marry me, and they’ve all told me that they want to pay off my debts so that they can bring me back to live a good life at home~” 

        She couldn’t swear at or scold Qin Yu…

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        But it also felt great to make him angry!

        Qin Yu suddenly reached forward and caught her wrist. He chuckled and asked sarcastically, “But didn’t you want to remarry Shen Shu?”

        Meanwhile, the innocent passerby Qin An saw his brother and Ruan Tian “hand in hand” and felt an earthquake in his mind!

        After all, the brother he knew was usually such a clean freak that he wouldn’t even touch his, his own brother’s, hand!

        Ruan Tian put on a fake smile and pretended to seriously ponder for a moment before replying: “It’s fine. Before I remarry I’ll just have a child outside. It will all work out somehow.”

        “But thank you, President Qin, for your concern.”

        Qin Yu didn’t seem upset this time, and he gradually loosened his grip on her wrist as he said, “Anyway, I’ll remind you again that our company does not allow for the artists to fall in love, except with the boss.”

        Ruan Tian looked over. Qin Yu undeniably had a superior appearance. His features were finely sculpted to the point that it seemed that perhaps he was personally favored by god. His skin was light, his eyes were dark, and his jaw was sharply defined. All in all, he was outrageously handsome.

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        If you set aside his cold temperament, he had no other obvious flaws.

        Ruan Tian was slightly taken aback. Mostly because she felt that Qin Yu’s expression right now seemed to have nine points of gentleness, which was very unlike him. However, she quickly regained herself and didn’t want to talk to Qin Yu anymore.

        After all, it would be better for her to become a nun in a monastery than to have an office romance with a boss like Qin Yu!

        Ruan Tian had her own dreams!

        She raised her eyes to look into Qin Yu’s and said in a flat tone: “Let go of me first, and don’t block my way while I’m going to the top.”

        Right now, Ruan Tian had no time to deal with Qin Yu. Her mind was just full of all of those people who were calling her stupid and who wanted to see her fail. She couldn’t wait to start on ‘Role Play: Escape From The Secret Chamber’ and show the whole world what she could do.

        To put on her best performance and make those keyboard warriors shut their mouths from sheer amazement! 


        In the end, Shen Shu listened to the recording that Ruan Tian had sent him more than a dozen times. He sprawled back against his sofa, his finger tapping the play button over and over again in an almost unconscious motion.

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        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s voice echoed around the cold and empty room.

        In the recording, Zhou Xiaoqiao’s tone was different than it usually was. The normal sense of delicateness and gentleness had disappeared, and there was an edge of scorn he had never heard before. 

        As he listened, Shen Shu’s face was completely expressionless. His eyes followed the progress bar of the recording distantly, and after a while, the corners of his mouth tugged upwards as if with grim amusement.

        In fact, during the recent days he had already vaguely sensed that Zhou Xiaoqiao might have some small thoughts of her own.

        But he had never dreamed that Zhou Xiaoqiao had long already been scheming against him, even from this far back.

        Shen Shu was suddenly overwhelmed with the memory of the first time Ruan Tian had found him outside his classroom after school and stopped him. 

        The girl back then had been younger, with dark eyes that shone as she looked at him. Probably she had run over as soon as her class had let out because her breath had been quick, almost panting, and her cheeks had been slightly flushed from exertion. 

        But her eyes had been bright and smiling to the point that they were like two curved crescents.

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        Shen Shu’s throat tasted coppery and a bloodshot red tinge had appeared in his usually cold eyes. His expression was unreadable. 

        After a while, his finger moved and he tried to send Ruan Tian a reply.

        However, a red exclamation mark appeared on the screen to remind him that Ruan Tian had already blocked him. 

        Shen Shu straightened up and then picked up his suit coat from the sofa before carelessly slinging it on. Then, he raised his eyes and noticed for the first time that the sky had already long gone dark.

        He quickly found his car keys and headed outside, but when he got into his car he found that the hand holding the keys was shaking.

        Eventually, Shen Shu managed to drive over to the building where Ruan Tian lived and park his car. By then night had fallen and the dim street lights provided the only illumination as Shen Shu leaned against his car and began to smoke. 

        A while later the cloud of smoke had become so thick and choking that his nose couldn’t help but crinkle in disgust. 

        However, no matter how long he waited that night, the lights in Ruan Tian’s apartment never came on.

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