After finding this out, Qin An almost wanted to tear his hair out.

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        After all, although Qin An still hadn’t ever been in a relationship, he had at least considered chasing after the goddess in his heart before, right?

        At the very least, he knew that women liked men who were considerate and gentle.

        And as for his brother’s awkward, twisted way of trying to get the other party’s attention…

        Wasn’t this just tantamount to strapping on a vest and detonating yourself at the starting line? His pursuit was over before it even began! ! !

        There was no way you could chase a girl this way unless ghosts were walking around in broad daylight.

        Back then the words ‘Brother, you don’t have the slightest chance.’ had been desperately fighting to escape from Qin An’s mouth. However, after thinking of what his brother might do to him if he really said something like that, Qin An managed to endure and swallow the words back. 

        Meanwhile, back in the present…

        As Qin An looked at Ruan Tian, he felt a strange and uncomfortable feeling sweep up from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. 

        “What are you two doing whispering to each other? Can’t you pay a little more attention to your image?”

        But Gu Jianghe just glanced at him uncaringly and replied, “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in women.”

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        Ruan Tian: …

        Qin An: My ass!

        While the several people were conversing, the crew had finally finished setting everything up. 

        In the first room, the hint was placed on the middle of the wall.

        【Within half an hour, please find a way to open the door and escape the secret chamber~】 

        The apartment they had been brought to was fully furnished in a complicated fashion, with hardly a single square inch of space that was unoccupied.

        Ruan Tian touched her belly and realized that she was feeling a little hungry, so she decided to sit down and rest for a while first.

        Qin An said anxiously, “Quickly get up and look for the key.”

        “There’s still half an hour to go, what are you so anxious about?”

        Qin An thought it over and felt her words made sense, so he found a bench and sat down too.

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        Thus, the exciting escape-the-room scenario abruptly became people sitting around chatting.

        Ruan Tian asked curiously: “Isn’t this just a game of searching around and finding keys?”

        That being the case, why did it have such a high-end and foreign-style name!

        Did Director Liu want to be forcibly made to retire?

        Qin An nodded, “It seems so.”

        Xu Jing also felt that it was indeed a bit monotonous and boring.

        Behind the cameras, Director Liu was so angry that his beard was turning crooked. It wasn’t ‘just finding keys’. He had worked hard to hide the key in a place where no one could find it, okay? ! 

        Despite sitting down, Qin An still felt a bit uncomfortable. He asked uncertainly, “What if we never find the key? Will the director not let us out even if we starve to death?”

        No one wanted to even respond to this brain-dead question. 

        Qin An continued to analyze: “I think… the key will definitely not be easy to find. How could Director Liu, with his twisted personality, let us off easily by hiding the key somewhere normal?”

        Ruan Tian, ​​who had been on ‘Star Transformations’ last time and had some experience working with Director Liu, thought to herself: What he said makes sense!

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        A few moments had passed, so everyone began to look around, following Cen Bei and Gu Jianghe who had already stood up and started searching.

        For a minute or two, they all just searched fruitlessly. 

        However, the petty Director Liu’s voice soon rang out: “If you all really can’t find the key, you can receive a punishment instead to replace it.”

        Qin An asked, “What is the punishment?”

        “You will have to pick ‘Truth’ or ‘Dare’, and you will be informed of your specific punishment after you select a category.”

        Qin An immediately lost interest in this option and went back to looking around.

        Finally, he discovered something while looking around the toilet. There was a small black bag the size of a thumb inside the toilet bowl. Anyone who saw this would immediately feel as if there was a big flashing sign on the bag that said “The key is here!” 

        Thus, Qin An went and told all the others about it with a sad face.

        After he finished speaking, except for silence, there was only more silence.

        Finally, Xu Jing took the lead and replied, “The key shouldn’t have been put in there.”

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        Qin An said, “But we’ve searched everywhere else.”

        Xu Jing pursed his lips and said nothing.

        Ruan Tian tentatively said: “Well, since you found it, why don’t you take it out and have a look? At any rate, whoever finds the key will get a reward!”

        Qin An was a little persuaded by Ruan Tian’s words. He gritted his teeth and stared hard at the toilet, trying to mentally fortify himself. After all, although the water was clear and the toilet looked clear, it was still disgusting!

        Finally, he wrapped his hand in a plastic bag, closed his eyes, and stretched out his arm…

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian had been feeling a little hungry for a while now, and she knew she could only do her best work when her stomach was full. 

        Thus, she had been eyeing the big packets of potato chips that were in one of the cabinets for a long time now. She was especially tempted by the cucumber-flavored potato chips in the green packaging.

        Eventually, her hunger won out and she walked straight over and grabbed the green bag. Then she tore it open and, after popping a few chips into her mouth, she suddenly heard an odd noise. After fishing around for a moment, she found a small key among the potato chips.

        Immediately, she spoke up in an innocent tone, “I seem to have found the key.”

        As soon as her voice fell, Qin An burst out with a low and terrible growl, “Ruan Tian, ​​are you ****ing screwing with me!!! Get the *** out!”

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