Seeing the misfortune that had fallen on Qin An’s head, Xu Jing so shocked that he couldn’t hold back his emotions for a moment. A sneaky and somewhat unkind smile appeared on his face, and he quickly lifted a hand to cover it up.

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        It was really too funny.

        Xu Jing’s eyes unconsciously shifted over to Ruan Tian’s face and he discovered that, when she ate, her cheeks seemed to bulge out cutely like a chipmunk’s, and she had an odd and particular way of nibbling at her chips. 

        She looked almost like a small rabbit eating grass, completely immersed satisfying her stomach.

        It was cute, very cute.

        Xu Jing silently retracted his gaze, and at the same time, the chocolate he had been toying with the idea of giving to her silently returned to his pocket. 

        At the same moment, Director Liu felt like he was going crazy.

        How could Ruan Tian, the person not even looking, be the one who discovered his perfect hiding spot! ?

        After all, he had spent nearly half a month carefully choosing various hiding spots before finally settling on this one. 

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        However, it only took less than five minutes for Ruan Tian to casually find it!

        All the people on the crew looked at each other uncertainly. 

        This was just…

        way too fast.

        What was there to broadcast? !

        Were they supposed to broadcast the contents of Ruan Tian’s chat or something?

        This was absurd.

        Eventually, a trembling Director Liu walked to Ruan Tian and said, ​”Well, why don’t you all just do some improv first?”

        He would just stop recording the show! ! !

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        After all, the problem with the setting this time was just too big to paper over with editing. 

        In addition, he was too embarrassed to bring out the other plots he had prepared after the first one was crushed so easily.  

        Thus, in the end, the heartbroken Director Liu could only go to the producer and suggest that they directly change the show into a daily life show featuring the guests as roommates. 

        The director had a clever tongue, and he persuaded: “Anyway, the audiences these days prefer to watch these sorts of daily life shows. So long as we intersperse in some small games and events the netizens will definitely go crazy talking about their favorite CP. The show will boom and our ratings will explode.” 

        The producer also felt that this was feasible. He replied in a thoughtful tone, “Ruan Tian is definitely capable of bringing in viewers. Plus, she and Xu Jing are also quite popular as a CP online, so the show will probably still be popular even if it’s done like you suggest.” 

        Therefore, on the first day of recording, ‘Role Play: Escape From The Secret Chamber’ announced that it was officially renaming to ‘Me and My New Roommates.’

        This strange action of suddenly changing the name of a variety show midway, which had never been seen before or since, immediately caused a furor among the netizens, and related topics rushed up the hot search. 

        The crew struck while the iron was hot and posted the clips from the day online along with: 【[cryingface.jpg] We could only flee in tears after being bullied by Sister Ruan Tian, and ​​we’ve provisionally decided to rename our show to ‘Me and My New Roommates.’】

        【 P.S.: We will also continue to do regular live broadcasts~ Every Saturday night at ten o’clock, watch it with us on Fruit TV. 】

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        Five minutes later, Ruan Tian forwarded their post along with the comment: 【Sorry, hehehe 】

        After that, the clips of Ruan Tian’s innocent “I seem to have found the key.”, and Qin An’s sorrowful face began to circulate. The netizens found these shots just too funny, so they shared them all around. 

        “Hahaha, I laughed like crazy.”

        “It’s really too funny. I think Ruan Tian has some real comedic talent. Her innocent delivery of that line was so funny.”

        “She’s really a magician when it comes to variety shows. Every time she appears it’s always something new.”

        “I’m Sister Tian, I found it.”

        “It seems that Qin An and Ruan Tian are also a pretty good CP.”

        “Okay, I really didn’t plan to watch this show, but after seeing these clips I’m definitely going to be squatting in Fruit Station’s livestream next week. “

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        “I caught him!!!” A certain excited poster suddenly appeared.

        The excited poster quickly continued: “I’ve caught Xu Jing taking another peek at Ruan Tian again. If it isn’t real this time this old lady will do a handstand!!!”

        Soon after that, a skilled video editor appeared from among the netizens, and overnight a new masterpiece was created. 

        It was a series of edited clips that made it look like Ruan Tian and Xu Jing were a real couple. There was beautiful and romantic background music, a sweet pink filter, soulful lyrics that seemed to perfectly match the images… all in all the quality of this video was already comparable to a well-made idol drama.

        Of course, this masterpiece was quickly forwarded over ten thousand times by the crazy CP fans. 

        Xu Jing’s fan club and the TianTian Group were already used to it though. 

        Especially Xu Jing’s fans, after squabbling with the TianTian Group so many times, they were already calm.

        By now they just had the attitude of ‘just do whatever you want’ and ‘my heart doesn’t hurt anymore anyway’.

        As long as these crazed CP fans didn’t create anything overtly yellow or trample on their brothers, they could keep one eye closed as if they didn’t see their shenanigans. (tl note: yellow as in ‘yellow books’ as in explicit in a lewd way)

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