While all this excitement was happening online, the show continued with its usual schedule and recorded for three days at a time. The two female guests were living on the second floor of the villa while the three male guests lived downstairs.

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        Meanwhile, Qin An was still shuddering from Gu Jianghe’s “I don’t like women”, so he refused to live next door with him. He wasn’t gay, okay? ! !

        However, when Gu Jianghe found out Qin An was avoiding him he was speechless. After that, he boldly declared: “I don’t like men either.”

        “What’s the point of falling in love? It’s better to earn more money, then buy a house, a car, and walk forward to reach the pinnacle of life.

        Ruan Tian on the side: Makes sense to me! 

        After that, the two of them talked about buying homes and cars. From discussing car prices to housing prices, they chattered happily.

        Qin An quickly felt as if he had been isolated from their discussion.

        In the end, he couldn’t help but ask sincerely: “Are houses very expensive?”

        Ruan Tian: “…”

        Gu Jianghe: “…”

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        Could this be the world of rich people? ?

        Ruan Tian scratched her head, “If not, can you buy one for me?”

        Qin An put on a reluctant expression, but he couldn’t immediately take back what he had just said. Finally, he thought of a retort: “You are not my wife, so why should I buy a house for you?”

        ok ok.

        Ruan Tian suddenly didn’t feel like talking to Qin An anymore.

        But at the same time, on the barrage screen, a row of ‘She is your wife, she is your wife’ and ‘Marry her, marry her, marry her’ flooded by. (tl note: the barrage screen is like superchats on twitch? Messages from the people in chat that show up on the stream.)

        After all, it had been decided that the program would first be broadcast live on the Fruit Video app, and then later the edited version would be broadcast on their TV network.

        And as it turned out, the amount that the live broadcasts were bringing in was actually quite considerable. It seemed that the show’s producer had a talent for making money, and he had managed to set up various special reward chains which hinged on battles of donations between fans. According to his scheme, those with high donation numbers would be able to get various rewards on the Fruit Video app and also reach out to their favorite stars.

        The fans immediately raged.

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        “@FruitVideo, I think you are short on coffin money.”

        “@FruitVideo, you know you’ve become like a nouveau riche now, with only money in your eyes.”

        “@FruitVideo, I, your father, won’t give you any money for your so-called membership. This sister here isn’t short of this one livestream.” 

        Of course, many of these fans, who would normally loudly fight to the death in flame wars, ended up quietly caving in and opening their wallets in the end. 

        In response, several large fan clubs issued a joint statement that they wouldn’t partake in these special donation battles, and would only use the regular donation channel.  

        Although the incident was a bit unpleasant, in the end, the number of people that were watching the live broadcast only continued to increase.

        And that evening Gu Jianghe looked and found that the refrigerator was empty, with no more food inside at all. He found the others and said: “Alright guys, we need to decide on a division of labor. Who will go to the supermarket to buy food, who will cook, who will wash the dishes, who will walk the dog and so on…”

        Before anyone else could speak, Cen Bei raised her hand and said, “I can cook.”

        Gu Jianghe said, “Then I will wash the dishes.”

        Xu Jing added in, “Ruan Tian, let’s go to the supermarket to buy the food.” 

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        Ruan Tian, who was suddenly pulled into the conversation: QAQ

        Qin An, who had been happily sitting on the sofa with his arms folded, suddenly felt all of the eyes in the room turn to him. His scalp turned numb, and he muttered, “Well, I will walk the dog then…”

        Xu Jing took the car keys and beckoned for Ruan Tian to head out together.

        Although Ruan Tian and Xu Jing were high school classmates, in reality, they had never been very familiar with one another. Ruan Tian’s understanding of Xu Jing could pretty much be summed up as ‘cold second generation rich that likes to act pretentious’.

        When the two arrived at the supermarket, Xu Jing pushed the cart while Ruan Tian picked out all the ingredients.

        Taking advantage of the fact she had been volunteered for this job, Ruan Tian attempted to make some small private gains and threw several large bags of potato chips into the cart, happy to be able to gain more junk food without spending any money.

        Xu Jing’s mouth twitched when he saw this. Then he reached out and put the potato chips back on the shelf, “Eating too much of these things isn’t good for a person’s body.”

        Ruan Tian was stunned and responded, “I wasn’t planning to feed them to you.”

        “It’s not like I was trying to harm you!”

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        She had clearly bought all of them for herself, okay? 

        Xu Jing fell silent. He wasn’t good with words, so he didn’t try to explain further. 

        Ruan Tian was very protective of her junk food, fierce like a small animal. Of course, as a female star, it wasn’t like she was unfamiliar with the idea of managing her figure.

        She also felt very distressed, okay?

        After all, for some reason no matter what she ate she didn’t seem to gain any weight! 

        When they got back from the supermarket, Qin An was staring at the two of them fiercely, as if he were looking at a pair of adulterers.

        Recently, Qin An felt that the world was too damn hard to understand. Why did his brother like this woman, Ruan Tian?

        Moreover, he didn’t know if it was his illusion, but he somehow felt that ever since Shen Shu and Ruan Tian divorced, Shen Shu always seemed to be in a bad mood. Plus, although it wasn’t to the level of ‘he seemed to have lost his soul’ or anything, these days he always seemed restless and he was also smoking a lot more often than usual.

        It was as if the two of them were under some sort of spell, and it all made Qin An very confused.

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