While Qin An was pondering about life, Cen Bei had quickly appeared to take the ingredients and then went to the kitchen to cook.

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        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian plopped down on the sofa with her beloved big bag of potato chips and began to eat them with relish. Qin An couldn’t help but look over at her a few times. Eventually, he couldn’t stand it, curled his lips, and said “Aren’t you afraid of getting fat?”

        He continued: “You know, actors need to maintain their weight. Even I’ve lost five or six pounds recently for this job.”

        Ruan Tian chomped down on another chip, then turned to face him and said calmly: “I’ve also lost more than ten pounds recently.”

        Qin An didn’t believe that at all, “Heh, yeah right.”

        Ruan Tian innocently continued in an offhanded tone, “And I recently noticed that I’ve been forgetting to wear the ring one of my many crazy suitors gave me. It’s a twenty-carat diamond ring actually, so it’s a bit of a shame.”

        Qin An sneered, “Ruan Tian, do you have to be so shameless!?”

        Like that, the two of them traded barbs for a while, neither of them giving any ground.

        At the same time, the audience watching through the livestream were all laughing to death watching the exchanges between the two. How did Ruan Tian have such a natural talent for making cold jokes! ? Every time, her delivery was so serious but also so hilarious.

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        Xu Jing, who had been sitting on the edge of the sofa nearby, suddenly cut in at a perfect moment: “Qin An, have you walked the dog?”


        【Oh my】

        【Is the long-awaited Shura Field finally arriving? Fight, fight, fight!】

        【Pay attention to this question everyone. Didn’t Xu Jing’s sentence sound almost like: Hurry up and walk the dog, and stop trying to hook up with my wife! 】

        【I’m delirious, the TianxJing CP is finally here! 】

        【During the time they were in supermarket, I really wanted to say… Xu Jing is so spoiled~ Ruan Tian is so sweet~ I’m sure they are absolutely in love! There’s no way their relationship is bad. 】

        【If I were Ruan Tian, I would sleep with one each day. Whoever behaved best would be who I slept with that day!】

        Qin An had been happily ignoring this task before Xu Jing suddenly mentioned it. Unfortunately, now that the task had been mentioned, it seemed he would have no choice but to go do it. Suddenly forced to work, Qin An didn’t even know who he could vent his anger to.

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        The dog invited by the crew this time was actually very large and fierce-looking.

        Obviously, this dog wasn’t very clever and he would happily give a dog grin whenever someone approached him. And, although he didn’t bite, his dog legs were a little painful whenever they slammed against a person’s face…

        As it turned out, not to mention walking the dog, Qin An couldn’t even put the dog’s leash on, and during the process of trying he was nearly kicked to death!

        “I can’t.” Qin An finally said frankly.

        Ruan Tian said from the side faintly, “A real man shouldn’t give up on a task he has agreed to carry out! You must do it, you have to do it! Even if you really can’t, you still have to.”

        Qin An felt like going berserk. Enduring his rising temper, he screamed in his mind: **** your mother, Ruan Tian! 

        Xu Jing and the other staff members: “…”

        Finally, Qin An tossed away his dignity and said in a cheeky tone: “Despite giving it my all, it seems it’s just impossible for me.”

        Ruan Tian set down the snacks in her hand and went over to the large dog, who was still acting a bit crazy and restless. She squatted down and patted his head a bit, and he immediately calmed down. Ruan Tian immediately felt a bit speechless and felt that Qin An had been exaggerating, or else the dog wouldn’t let her pat his head so obediently.

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        Ruan Tian reached down and fed the dog a treat, patted his head a few more times, and then turned around. She blinked and looked at Qin An.

        Qin An saw deep contempt in her eyes.


        Cen Bei cooked four dishes and one soup. She had watched Ruan Tian on ‘Star Transmformations’ and seen how the other woman had won over the other guests with food. Thus, from the very start, she had some small thoughts of wanting to imitate Ruan Tian and gain good impressions from the rest of the cast and also popularity online using the same method.

        After all, who in this circle didn’t want to be popular?

        Cen Bei didn’t want to always just be working a small supporting role like a variety show hostess, she also had dreams. And, although she wasn’t a professionally trained actress, in this day and age there were many instances of people crossing over from other professions to enter the industry, it wasn’t like acting school was a requirement. 

        She also wanted to walk among the stars.

        Thus, the food that Cen Bei brought out looked very good.

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        There was fried shrimp, beef stewed radish, celery fried pork, fried spring rolls, and a yam stewed chicken soup.

        However, the taste was just okay. Ordinary really. Not unpleasant but also not amazing.

        Qin An, the rich young master, had picky taste buds, so he only took two bites before putting down his chopsticks.

        He felt the shrimp was tasteless, the beef was too salty, and the chicken soup was too greasy.

        Cen Bei was nervous and she clenched her chopsticks tightly in her hand. In the end, she was too ashamed to ask if it was delicious, so she changed the question and asked gently, “Are you full?”

        Qin An wasn’t full.

        He suddenly had a faint sense of reminisce. He missed it a little. Back in that small village, Ruan Tian had made bacon fried rice which was somehow both salty and delicious, with a flavor that lingered for days.

        Xu Jing also only took a few bites before his chopsticks stopped moving. He said: “Well, I’m full.”

        Only Ruan Tian and Gu Jianghe ate everything in front of them seriously.

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