Even after doing herb est to cook Cen Bei didn’t get the response she wanted, so she felt very disappointed. What happened made her lose her appetite and, in the end, she didn’t even eat much of her own food. 

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        Meanwhile, in the chat room, some viewers’ had terrifyingly sharp instincts, to the point that they could almost be called professional appraisers.

        【This Miss Cen seems to be trying to imitate the road Ruan Tian has walked? 】

        【I can see that Qin An is a real prince, no wonder his mouth is so picky. 】

        【Xu Jing didn’t eat much either, has Sister Bei already been defeated in the first battle? 】

        【Ruan Tian is a professional at beating up these sorts. Last time, the way she handled Zhao Meng’er on that travel variety show made me laugh so much. It was a wonderful scene, and I recommend everyone go and watch it. 】

        【Even if you paint a dog it won’t be a tiger. I think Sister Bei should change her path, there’s no need for her to try to learn from Ruan Tian. 】

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        After Gu Jianghe finished washing the dishes, everyone found Director Liu waiting for them in the living room of the villa.

        He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with rows of cameras behind him.

        “Next, everyone will have to complete a game.” Director Liu took out a microphone and showed it around. “I will play some preludes to certain songs and if you can guess the song and sing it to the end, you will win the round and avoid punishment. Everyone who can’t do it will be punished.”

        Director Liu was determined to make them kneel and beg for mercy this time.

        The gathered stars all exchanged glances. Among them, only Gu Jianghe could barely be regarded as a singer, so everyone unanimously decided to push this important task onto him.

        Gu Jianghe shrugged, “My skills are a combination of singing and dancing. However, I can neither sing alone nor dance alone very well.”


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        Cen Bei spoke up weakly, “I should be able to do it? I’ve done radio programs before that involve singing.”

        With the victim decided, Director Liu quickly called out to start. The first song was a lesser-known folk song.

        Cen Bei sweated profusely. She racked her brains thinking about it, but in the end, she couldn’t think of what song it was.

        Ruan Tian suddenly piped up: “‘The Boy’?” (tl note: 那个男孩, you can google it. It’s a real song)

        Director Liu immediately felt exhausted. Why was it her again? ! !

        After all, this song was really very unpopular, so it shouldn’t be easy to guess. Even among the millions of people in the live broadcast chatroom, there still hadn’t been anyone able to guess it before Ruan Tian said out the answer. 

        【Is this the expression of Ruan Tian’s girlish heart or something? How did she know? 】

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        【Hmm, she is an actress, but I’ve never heard her sing. This time she won’t be able to use her cooking skills to skate through haha 】

        【I expect her to be terribly out of tune. 】

        【I have turned off my computer’s volume in advance. Everyone remember, you are responsible for protecting your own ears.】

        In fact, Ruan Tian actually could sing this song. After all, deep down she did have a somewhat girlish heart. 

        Thus, back then, when Ruan Tian was still a mental patient without an illness, she had hypocritically learned this song.

        Of course, it had been so she could sing it to Shen Shu. At that time she had gone to the New Year’s art performance with a shy face and, in front of all the teachers and students of the school, she had sung this song to Shen Shu, the outstanding student representative sitting in the audience.

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        Qin An didn’t notice her distracted appearance, and he nudged her with his arm, “Why aren’t you singing? Or can’t you do it?!”

        Qin An, with the depths of his neurosis, seemed to enjoy asking questions and answering them himself, and he continued before she could respond: “It seems that you really can’t do it!!!” 

        He ruthlessly mocked, “You’ve really made a fool of yourself this time!”

        Ruan Tian just ignored Qin An. Of course, it had already been years since the last time Ruan Tian sang this song, but she still hadn’t forgotten the lyrics.

        She took the microphone from Director Liu and then sat on the large chair in the center of the room. Under the shadows cast by the stage lights, her eyes seemed faint and distant, and her voice was soft.

        Her slightly hoarse voice flowed through the microphone. Her tone was soothing and pleasant, but there seemed to be an underlying feeling of sadness in the quiet singing.

        After Ruan Tian sang the entire song, everyone except for Xu Jing was shocked and could hardly react. No one had expected her to sing so well.

        Of course, Xu Jing had actually heard this same song once before, back in the school auditorium that year. He had been sitting in the audience with his classmates, watching with amusement, but not actually paying much attention. Xu Jing could only remember feeling that Ruan Tian had seemed a little bit more beautiful that day, but he had still just dismissed her as a troublemaker as usual and not paid much attention. 

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