Once the song ended, Director Liu had no choice but to reluctantly announce that Ruan Tian had won the round and escaped punishment.

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        Ruan Tian felt that Director Liu certainly had a particular skillset. He was even able to take a regular run-of-the-mill variety show and add in a bunch of extreme punishment games so naturally. It was really no wonder that so many people that had appeared on his shows once were always reluctant to appear a second time.

        Meanwhile, with the second round was starting, Cen Bei was hyping herself up and encouraging herself with the thought that she would definitely be able to guess the second song.

        Unfortunately, the second song was another song that she had never heard before. 

        And, after a dozen or so seconds, Ruan Tian spoke out the answer again.

        Hearing her answer a second time, the smile at the corner of Director Liu’s lips froze. 

        Was there anything she didn’t know? Wasn’t she an actress? Why was she so good at singing? !

        Three rounds went by quickly and each time Ruan Tian not only guessed the songs, she also sang them completely. The crew shooting the show were all incredulous. 

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        For this actress to suddenly come out with skills that weren’t inferior to a singer’s, it was truly too shocking. 

        Even the typically harsh and strict netizens watching on suddenly became kind.

        【Huh, she turned out to be an alright singer. 】

        【Ah, I can feel the angst of the song~ Her voice is so sweet. 】

        【Her singing is really nice, it’s not out of tune at all, and her voice is very suitable for the song. Color me surprised. 】

        【 She really has skills. Much better than those stars who only know how to stir up drama to create hype for themselves. 】

        After Ruan Tian finished singing her last song and set down the microphone, she gave a small sigh with a hint of pride and said: “I think that if I went on a talent show I could achieve a ‘C’ at least, right? If I joined an idol group I could be the ace! I could easily become a big star singer!”

        Sigh, back then she shouldn’t have let herself be fooled by that talent scout and signed with a film and television company.

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        Qin Yu really harmed her with his little tricks and caused her to miss her road to stardom!


        During the rest of the time they recorded, Cen Bei continued trying to imitate Ruan Tian in both subtle and overt ways. Sometimes, she would even deliberately imitate Ruan Tian’s way of speaking, pretending to be blunt and straightforward.

        However, the effect wasn’t actually all that good. Her bluntness just came across as rudeness, and she offended other members of the cast and also the watching audience. 

        No matter what kind of tricks she employed, in the end, the audience was much more interested in the other four people, and her popularity was left lagging far behind. Before long the degree of online discussion surrounding her was comparatively extremely low.

        Eventually, Cen Bei could only secretly make up her mind to wait until the next recording session to try again.

        ‘Me and My New Roommates’ quickly shot up and became the most popular live show on the entire network.

        The Fruit Video app took advantage of the immense popularity to earn a lot of money in membership fees.

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        Of course, such a big surge in popularity would naturally provoke the envy of certain people. Especially Liu Yilee, who had repeatedly conflicted with Ruan Tian over resources in the past. Moreover, her last attempt to damage the other party’s reputation with the news that Ruan Tian had been expelled from school had unexpectedly failed to do any lasting damage, leaving Liu Yilee filled with resentment.

        And recently, several of the advertisers and investors that she had been in talks with, thanks to Ruan Tian’s sudden rise to fame, all suddenly began to hesitate and delay in hiring her, which only made Liu Yilee feel even more annoyed.

        She had spent ten years quietly at the bottom of the industry and only earned a single lousy award.

        Something with “prestige” but which brought no actual increase to her fame or popularity.

        Moreover, Liu Yilee could be regarded as a ruthless person, otherwise, she never would have been able to make it to where she was today.

        And, spurred by the flames of jealousy, she had already forgotten about the warning she received last time. Thus, in a fit of rage, she coordinated all the marketing accounts under her hands and dispatched them all to attack.

        After thinking for a long time, she came up with a way to use the conversation surrounding the still red-hot ‘Obscurity’ to attack Ruan Tian’s reputation.

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        @EntertainmentCircleTalk: 【’Obscurity’ already has a cumulative box office of 900 million a mere ten days after its release. Not only has this film propelled the male and female protagonists to stardom, even the insignificant secondary female lead Ruan Tian has managed to profit hugely off of her role. However, not many people know that the original candidate for the role that ultimately went to Ruan Tian is a certain star who has appeared many times on the small screen. 】 

        A large number of water armies were hired, and the comments below were all clearly being pushed in a certain direction. 

        Many passersby were commenting, taking both sides of the argument.

        “How could our kind Sister Tian do such a thing? Whose cake did Ruan Tian touch? It’s impossible for Sister Tian to steal away someone else’s resources.”

        “This marketing account sure is bold. Taking aim at the most popular actress of tomorrow, Ruan Tian? Is she someone you can besmirch?”

        “Ruan Tian has really had a lot of marketing recently, and she just shows up on hot search one day after another. Her ‘explosion of fame’ is so ****ing forced. Everyone, please pity my eyes for always having to see this garbage.”

        “She really managed to use her connections to steal Liu Yilee’s role!”

        “I’ve always wanted to say that Ruan Tian’s acting skills are not as good as Liu Yilee’s! Goodness, have none of you ever seen any of the dramas Liu Yilee performed in before? That’s called true acting.”

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