The situation was looking bad, and all the resources that Liu Yilee had been in talks with suddenly withdrew overnight. These advertisers and investors didn’t dare to be involved with a person who had caused such a big scandal. Not only that, companies she had worked with previously all began to sue her for compensation.

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        All she had left were a few fans online vehemently arguing that there was no way the person in the photos could be their Sister Yilee. 

        However, the industry insiders had already seen which way the wind was blowing and were ruthlessly casting stones down the well.

        “Liu Yilee has always been notoriously not easy to get along with for people inside the circle. She has a face that’s popular with the audience, and her team knows how to use that to their advantage. They’re not vegetarians, and they always open with a killer move. Considering how many other artists she’s done in, I can only say she deserves this. I don’t know which bigshot she managed to offend this time, but it’s awesome to watch.”

        “You brainless fans, don’t try to deny reality. The photos are crystal clear, it’s obvious she’s the one in them.”

        “She’s also the person who broke the news of Ruan Tian’s expulsion recently. Who would have guessed that the boomerang of karma would come back so fast?”

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        However, Ruan Tian herself currently had no time to care about other people’s affairs, because a new storm was brewing on the horizon. 

        ‘Obscurity’ was mainly a story about the plight of trafficked women, so once filming concluded Director Cheng had reached out to the stars of the movie in the hopes that they would come together and film a short anti-trafficking video.

        Of course, Ruan Tian had agreed, and once filming was done she directly took the check she had received for filming and anonymously donated it to her old orphanage.

        Meanwhile, the rest of the crew later launched a public charity drive. 

        Qin An started things with a bang by directly donating two million yuan.

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        Then the others also began to donate one after another, usually with a minimum of around 500,000 yuan.

        And, whenever this charity organization received money, they would always publish the names of the people who donated as well as the amount. 

        But when the netizens looked this list up and down, they couldn’t find a single trace of Ruan Tian’s name.

        And, although they knew it wasn’t right to use social pressure to force Ruan Tian to donate, they couldn’t help but quietly feel in their hearts that she was just way too stingy. 

        The netizens were indignant. She didn’t mind swallowing down the dividends passed to her by the filmmakers, didn’t mind profiting off kind and honest people who wanted to support the anti-trafficking cause, but she couldn’t bear to even donate a dime?

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        All of the stars who had participated in creating the charity video appeared on the list of names of people who had donated – except for Ruan Tian. This discrepancy made her stand out in a bad way.

        Once the news broke, a group of moral crusaders appeared to publicly condemn Ruan Tian in what could only be described as an ironic twist. 

        These crusaders were all filled with indignation, acting as if Ruan Tian should come out and apologize to them personally for not donating her money.

        Ruan Tian’s detractors had finally scented the scent of a tangible point to criticize her with, so they rushed in from all corners to broadcast the event as far and wide as they could. They came out in droves to try to promote the narrative about what a vicious and stingy person Ruan Tian was among the random passersby.

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        Meanwhile, many of Ruan Tian’s fans also weren’t happy with their idol’s apparent stinginess, but they still came to her defense: “What are you people making a fuss over? It’s not as if there’s some mandatory requirement to donate money, right? Why are you guys trying to take Sister Tian hostage using morality? And besides, it’s not as if there is only one channel to donate to charity, perhaps she already donated elsewhere.”

        However, the voices of her detractors were much louder than the voices of the fans. They came out one after another making posts filled with their ‘righteous indignation’, “Indeed, it’s not a mandatory requirement. However, there are certain people who are happy to rake in the dividends generated by public compassion without donating even a single cent, and we call those people bitches.”

        “Hear hear. From now on, we should call her Ruan Bitch.”

        “Ruan Tian’s fans are also hilarious. Before she can even say anything herself, they are already making excuses for her? Really? Donating through other channels? I’m laughing to death.”

        “She needs to just obediently take her beatings this time. Who asked her to be such a stingy person?”

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