As they looked at this deluge of unkind words for Ruan Tian’s detractors, although her fans were angry, they had nothing they could use to refute.

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        They could only unhappily retreat to their private fan group chats and exchange crying emojis. 

        They all felt terribly wronged in their hearts.

        At the same time, these fans assumed that Ruan Tian herself would never lower herself to join their small fan group chat, so they vented their emotions unreservedly.

        【Wuwuwu, I’m so angry.】

        【That person is insulting me and calling me an idiot and I can’t find a retort! 】

        【Why are they scolding our TianBaby! Why would they give her such an unkind nickname? I’m really crying. 】

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        【I’m so sad that I’ve lost my appetite. I never thought there would be someone who could curse so disgustingly. 】

        Unknown to these fans, Ruan Tian herself was actually in the chat too. As a person with dozens of alternate accounts, how could she not have secretly joined her own fan groups on a few of them?

        Occasionally, in her free time, she liked to search for her own name on Weibo and see what came up, so some of the screennames of these fans were actually familiar to her.

        Today she had seen there was some commotion in the fan group and took a look to see what was going on. As she scrolled through and saw her group of unhappy little sisters, she really didn’t feel well at all.

        Ruan Tian didn’t care what other people said about her, but no one should wrong her little sisters(fans)!

        She spent more than half an hour in the fan group before finally managing to figure out the ins and outs of the matter.

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        After she understood what was going on, Ruan Tian exited Weibo and then went to find the records of the transactions between her the director of the orphanage over the years. In truth, she had kept her bank records from every single transaction in her desk drawer.

        Ever since she started making money, she had always been donating directly to her old orphanage. Back then, the director had always been very kind to her, and she knew it hadn’t easy for a 60-year-old grandfather to raise up a group of naughty little children.

        It was thanks to his efforts that so many people had a place to go as children and a future to look forward to as adults.

        Moreover, Ruan Tian remembered from her own time at the orphanage that the entire operation had been funded through a pittance of money they received from the city. As for the money that charities supposedly distributed, she had never heard of it, and had never seen it – which was why she only trusted direct donations.

        And, despite all the years since then, Ruan Tian still kept in contact with the good friends that she had made back then in the orphanage, and they would still try to get together sometimes during the holidays and festivals. Of course, in the end, they hardly saw one another anymore as everyone was trying to lead their own lives make their own livings.

        However, her records of all the transactions she had made from back then until now were all intact. From five hundred at the very start, then to a thousand, then gradually to twenty and thirty thousand, all the way up until the largest and most recent deposit of eight hundred thousand.

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        Of course, that eight hundred thousand was the pay Ruan Tian had received for filming ‘Destined Immortals’.

        She slowly looked through all these many records, then spread them out on her table and snapped a couple of photos with her phone.

        Meanwhile, the netizens were completely in full swing with their hate train. They were giving Ruan Tian one nickname one another, and Ruan Bitch was already one of the least vicious ones.

        Because Ruan Tian had relied on her recent movies and variety shows to build an impression of a good and kind person among the netizens, this incident caused them to lash back all the harder.

        The screen was full of all sorts of people mocking and ridiculing, and the entertainment forum that had sparked everything hadn’t seen such a grand occasion in a long time.

        Of course, the moderators and administrators tried to stand up to deal with it, but in the end, they just couldn’t suppress the battle between the fans and the anti-fans.

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        Currently, those anti-fans were overbearingly and overwhelmingly suppressing Ruan Tian’s fans until the latter felt stifled and suffocated.

        And because there were just too many, to the point that a new thread would pop up for every thread taken down and two new posters would appear for every one they banned, the moderation team had no choice but to close one eye.

        There was even a certain thread mocking Ruan Tian which already had nearly 8,000 replies. The people in the thread used the protection of anonymity to unscrupulously insult Ruan Tian to their heart’s content, coming up with all kinds of ugly and unkind nicknames.

        At the same time, Ruan Tian had just finished applying mosaics over all the instances of her bank numbers and double-checking that the photo wouldn’t expose her information. Seeing that everything was concealed properly, she quickly uploaded the photo with the documents that showed her bank transfer records from the past few years, along with the text: 【I’ve never had any intentions of using my charity activities to generate goodwill for myself, and I don’t think that my small donations over the years are worth mentioning. However, I don’t like to see my fans being bullied. I’ve already recorded down the information of all the people making personal attacks and spreading unfounded rumors, and whether I’ll forward this information to my lawyers will depend on my mood. If the people who have been shouting the loudest and jumping the highest here don’t delete your slanderous posts and make a public apology within half an hour, then I’ll have to ask you to spend your holiday over the new year in a detention center. 】

        That last sentence was extremely domineering.

        You want to post slander? ! Okay, but can you post it from jail? !

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