The sudden appearance of this official statement from Ruan Tian herself, which was written in a calm and powerful tone, made the eyes of all those fans turn red.

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        In fact, in the eyes of her fans, Ruan Tian seemed as if she were some distant immortal, untouched by worldly concerns and affairs. After all, she had been on the hot search because of various scandals numerous times, but she had almost never made any sort of personal response. 

        Thus far, her only official statement was from the time she had released the divorce agreement between her and Shen Shu.

        The TianTian Group were suddenly bawling happy tears.

        It was as if all the grievances they had suffered over the past days had been wiped out all at once, and everyone in the fan club felt as if they had received a hot shot of chicken blood.

        TianBaby had come out and said it personally! She couldn’t bear to see them, her fans, being wronged!

        Clearly, TianBaby had issued this warning for them, so they also needed to stand up and protect TianBaby as well!

        The fans were suddenly united in purpose, determined not to be a trash fan that could only hide and cry after being bullied.

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        The group of weeping white lotuses suddenly evolved into powerful fighters in an instant.

        At the same time, Ruan Tian’s words really did carry some deterrence. 

        Shortly after she released her statement, one of the more prolific creators of the unkind nicknames suddenly deleted all of their posts and also released an apology: 【@RuanTian, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spread false rumors. 】

        After all, while these keyboard warriors were usually brave… what if Ruan Tian really sued them?

        Hadn’t Ruan Tian already shown that she was a ruthless woman who might do anything? !

        If they were really to go to jail over slandering a star, that wouldn’t be worth it at all!

        Of course, some people were stubborn and refused to apologize or delete their posts.

        For instance, the OP of the thread with more than 8,000 replies was completely fearless. Not only did he not delete the thread or his posts, he even changed the title of the thread to: 【Ruan Tian, ​​I will wait for you to sue me.】

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        Originally, Ruan Tian hadn’t wanted to waste money and time on these sorts of people. However, as it happened, ever since she became popular she suddenly had a lot of spare money lying around, and she didn’t want to feed the company lawyers for nothing, so she kindly satisfied this person’s request and added them to the list of people to be sued!

        And Ruan Tian was a very stubborn person who would always make sure to handle her matters thoroughly.

        Thus, since she had already decided to sue them, she would definitely make sure to drag them all the way to court and never accept any offers for settlement.

        At the same time, a certain fan had finished looking through the bank records Ruan Tian had posted and realized something. 

        “Wow, TianBaby has been regularly sending money to this orphanage ever since 2015, from five hundred or six hundred yuan a month every month at first to much bigger numbers later on, Some people are really too kind.”

        “I heard rumors that TianBaby used to work part-time jobs in high school but I never believed it. It seems it was true.”

        “She insisted on sending money to this orphanage every month from several years back all the way until now. Does this orphanage have anything to do with her?”

        This question was like a piece of juicy bait, suddenly capturing the attention and curiosity of all the fans. And a certain male fan who was bored at home slowly began to investigate the orphanage seriously.

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        At first, this fan had just wanted to take a look and make sure the orphanage had no accounting problems and that his beloved star wasn’t being scammed. After verifying that he couldn’t find any issues on that front, he felt relieved, but at the same time, he inadvertently discovered that this orphanage had a practice of taking a group photo in their yard once every year and then posting the photo online. 

        In one of these photos, there was a thin little girl squatting at the edge of the first row of children who looked suspiciously like a younger Ruan Tian… 

        This male fan was something of a technical otaku, so it wasn’t too hard for him to sift through the orphanage’s site and find the various yearly photos. 

        He easily found pictures of the little girl, ranging from the age of eight or nine all the way until she was fifteen or sixteen.

        The girl in the photos was thin and pale, with sallow yellowish hair and worn, patched clothing, but despite all of that she still looked neat and clean. 

        Her dark eyes were bright as they stared into the lens of the camera year after year and her smile was always sunny and beautiful. 

        Seeing all this, the fan felt his mentality collapsing.

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        In a certain dormitory, there was the earth-shaking sound of someone cursing.

        How could his favorite star actually have been so pitiful when she was young? Not even any good clothes to wear?

        And seeing the smiling face in the photos, he only felt even more uncomfortable.

        Wasn’t Ruan Tian’s family supposed to be rich? ! Her sister was also posting on Weibo, and she was a pure rich-white-pretty through and through, right? If they were sisters, why was Ruan Tian in this state? !

        The male fan felt his mind exploding.

        In the end, he could only turn his grief and indignation into strength. He posted, “Our TianBaby was so ****ing unlucky when she was a kid!!! That rich-white-pretty sister, please quickly come out and die!!! 【Picture】 【Picture】 【Picture】”

        Unfortunately, as a male fan with a newly opened account, his followers were only single digits, and they were mostly just small artists trying to promote themselves by following him, not people who actually paid attention to his Weibo.

        Thus, two full days went by, but no one touched his Weibo, and no one discovered this shocking news.

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