After resting at home for a couple of days, Ruan Tian had to leave again to record the second episode of ‘Me and My New Roommates’.

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        As she arrived at the door of the villa, she saw a group of familiar black-suited bodyguards and luxurious black cars, which informed Ruan Tian that the plague god Qin Yu had once again descended.

        However, this time he was sitting in his wheelchair and was even going into small coughing fits every now and then. It seemed that his health wasn’t doing too good these days.

        Of course, everyone from the crew all recognized him and treated him very politely, even dispatching people to follow him around and serve him tea. 

        Ruan Tian even saw Cen Bei taking the initiative to go over and try to talk to Qin Yu.

        However, Cen Bei’s attitude seemed a little unsettled and off. Her posture was awkward and a bit strange.

        She pinched her palm and tried her best to maintain her composure. She said, “President Qin, it seems you’re not in good health. You should take more rest.”

        Qin Yu’s head was lowered and looking down at his fingers that were lazily fiddling with his phone. As if he didn’t hear her at all, he didn’t say a word of response.

        Cen Bei clearly knew she was being ignored, but with so many people looking on she felt like she couldn’t just back down now, so she bit the bullet and continued: “President Qin, you should pay more attention to your body.”

        Qin Yu slowly raised his head and replied in a lazy tone, “Ah? What did you say?”

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        Cen Bei repeated herself.

        Qin Yu smiled and lowered his head again, going back to ignoring her.

        Cen Bei looked like she wasn’t far from tears.

        Seeing this whole interlude, Ruan Tian could only sympathize with Cen Bei from the bottom of her heart. She was so polite to Qin Yu, but look what happened. Why would anyone bother?

        It was getting close to the time when they would start filming, but Ruan Tian could still see Qin Yu sitting beside the director, seemingly with no intentions to leave, and her little head was full of question marks.

        Qin Yu smiled at her, “What are you looking at me for?”

        Ruan Tian replied unceremoniously, “You’re still not going to scram away?”

        Qin Yu’s face darkened a shade: “I still need to look out for this incompetent little brother of mine.”

        Ruan Tian’s retort had escaped her lips before she even had time to think: “I think a disabled person like you is more likely to need looking after, right? After all, you’re the one in a wheelchair. Of course, I’ve been taught to respect the old and loving the young, so should I call you 120 first?”

        Director Liu: …

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        Qin An:  …

        Xu Jing: …

        However, even though things had already been spoken to this point, Qin Yu still didn’t seem to have any intention to leave. He merely continued to sit there on the sidelines. 

        But, as time went on, his coughing fits seemed to become more violent, the veins in his hands and arms stood out starkly against his skin, and his face looked pale and bloodless under the light of the setting sun. 

        Finally, Qin Yu said to the bodyguard behind him: “Send me back.” 

        As soon as he left, the entire cast and crew all relaxed a few notches. 

        During the live broadcast, Cen Bei was very enthusiastic and rushed around everywhere to do everything, seemingly eager to implement her idea to work even harder from last time.

        And each time she jumped up to volunteer, Qin An would send a contemptuous gaze over at Ruan Tian, as if saying ‘Look at how others behave, and then look at you”.

        Of course, Ruan Tian just rolled her eyes at him so hard that they seemed like they might fly up the sky.

        Xu Jing was afraid that the two of them might quarrel, so he told them to sit separately before sitting down next to Ruan Tian himself. After that, the three of them chatted together for a while.

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        At one point, Qin An muttered that he was thirsty.

        Ruan Tian quickly agreed.

        Xu Jing got up and then asked them what they wanted to drink.

        In unison, Ruan Tian and Qin An responded: Coke!

        Xu Jing went and got them two sodas from the refrigerator.

        Whenever Qin An had something to eat or drink, his mouth would flow freely. Thus, after taking a sip of his soda, he suddenly said, “Ruan Tian, ​​I still haven’t figured out one thing.”


        “Why were you willing to let Brother Shen Shu divorce you?”

        Ruan Tian pondered for a moment, feeling that she needed to respond well, in a way that would give herself some face. 

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        Thus, she decided to ruthlessly let loose.

        “Please be more careful with your words, it was I who kicked Shen Shu to the curb, ok?” 

        The chatroom watching the live broadcast suddenly boiled over.

        At the same time, among the hundreds of notifications constantly popping up in the lower left corner screen, a certain one stood out:

        【Shen Shu just joined the live broadcast room】

        The live broadcast chat became even more excited.


        “This is amazing.”

        “I was just squatting in this ordinary live broadcast, but will it now be Shen Shu falling out with his ex-wife?”

        “Shen Shu? Are you really here? Come out and fight with your ex-wife for us!” 

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