Shen Shu hadn’t been sleeping well recently. He was plagued with dreams and his rest was fretful, and most nights he found himself waking up in a cold sweat.

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        In the past, he had never been very interested in following the developments of the entertainment industry. He had never had any favorite stars, and he hardly ever watched movies or dramas. Aside from when he had to do so for work, he basically never engaged with the industry at all. 

        Thus, it was only when he happened to see a secretly snapped photo of Ruan Tian that Qin An had posted to their mutual friend group that he discovered that the two were currently recording a show together.

        In the photo, Ruan Tian was sitting on a balcony in a rocking chair. For some reason, she was burying her chin in her collar, with only the upper half of her small face and her mischievous eyes exposed. Her dark and glossy bangs fell down over her face in a fan shape, and her porcelain white skin shone and reflected the golden sunlight that was shining in from beyond the balcony.

        Along with the photo, Qin An had posted: 【Just a quick candid shot I took while we were recording the show. Hehe, this post should be invisible to Ruan Tian, so ​​don’t tell her! 】

        Shen Shu spent a long time just staring at the photo until, eventually, he silently pressed a button and saved it to his phone.

        Thanks to his recent bouts of insomnia, these days he was always feeling a faint pain in his temples, along with physical fatigue, and an inexplicable mental weariness. Put together, he was just always in a constant state of exhaustion.

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        However, after learning this piece of news via Qin An, Shen Shu quickly couldn’t hold himself back and went to watch one of the show’s live broadcasts.

        As soon as he joined the stream, he was greeted with the scene of the guests all playing the song guessing game. 

        Later, as he listened to Ruan Tian’s low singing, Shen Shu realized that he had almost forgotten that Ruan Tian had once sung this same song to him in front of the whole school.

        His heart wavered wildly, and the Ruan Tian on the livestream almost overlapped with the one in his memories. However, after watching for a while, he realized that the Ruan Tian now was different from the one back then in high school.

        She seemed a lot more beautiful, and there was a certain firmness in her eyes that hadn’t been there back then.

        And even when Qin An mentioned his name, Ruan Tian’s mood didn’t seem to fluctuate at all. When she responded, her tone was very ‘business as usual’, with no trace of the passion it used to hold.

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        However, Qin An didn’t believe Ruan Tian at all. He was thoroughly convinced that she was just bragging and, after taking another swig of his cola, he stood up and interrogated: “Wait, you’re saying you dumped him? That you’re the one who brought up the divorce? I don’t believe that!”

        For as long as he could remember ​​this girl had always seemed like she would love Shen Shu until the end of the universe, so wasn’t it way more likely that she would try to cling on to him until she died? How could she abruptly decide to divorce instead?

        Ruan Tian replied, “Who are you to me? Why would I bother to lie to you?!”

        Qin An, seeing the scorn in her eyes, could only shut up.

        【I’m laughing to death here. Qin An’s dumbfounded face is way too funny. 】

        【Gather around everyone, I’m an insider on this situation, and let me tell you that Ruan Tian is definitely just bragging to save face. It was her ex-husband who personally approached her and forced her to sign the divorce agreement, okay? How can she lie so easily without changing her face at all? 】

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        【Psh, who hasn’t seen that alternate Weibo account that she was posting on since high school? She was completely intoxicated by love, right? So how could she be the one to initiate the divorce?】

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian really wanted to shake her head.

        She was telling the truth, but no one believed her!

        Back then, she really wished that Shen Shu could have appeared to throw a divorce agreement in front of her, because that would have been much easier! But the sad reality was that she had gone all the way across town to try to find Shen Shu in his office to initiate the divorce but had been shut out at the door!

        But, of course, the netizens loved to pick up this sort of topic and run with it for as long as possible, so they spent a long time arguing with one another and failing to reach any conclusions.

        A certain group of Ruan Tian anti-fans, as if looking for abuse, had all come to watch the livestream this time as well. Thus, when they saw this opportunity, they couldn’t help but immediately start leaving disparaging and negative comments. They frantically spammed the chat, saying that Ruan Tian was a crazy woman, that she wouldn’t hesitate to throw away all face in the name of ‘love’, and that she had ultimately been thrown out of the wealthy family she married into because of her crazy behavior.

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        For a little while, the chatroom was thick with the smell of gunpowder as the fan and anti-fans clashed again and again.

        But then, a simple message from Shen Shu appeared: 【I really was dumped by her. 】

        An instant later, everyone discovered that there was another prompt: 【User ShenShu has left the chatroom. 】

        This faceslap came too hard and too fast, the anti-fans couldn’t bear it!

        The messages that they had just been posting were still there for all to see, but suddenly Shen Shu himself had appeared to drop six simple words that were like six direct slaps to their faces! The anti-fans felt dizzy as a red hot burning sensation appeared in their cheeks, and they just couldn’t bring themselves to type anymore. 

        A good portion of them turned off their phones and exited the chatroom on the spot. As their screens turned black, their distorted faces were reflected.

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