Back in the present, even until now, Ruan Tian still couldn’t really understand why he had been looking for her again and again in the recent days.

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        Her best guess was that he might be treating it as some sort of pastime to while away the hours whenever he felt bored.

        And she had agreed to his invitation only after a great deal of consideration. Of course, she didn’t really have any desire to go see a movie with him, but she also knew that if she didn’t agree, Shen Shu definitely had more than a hundred ways to deal with her.

        Watching them leave together, everyone left behind on set all looked dumbfounded. Director Liu was so confused that he touched the back of his neck and murmured, “Does this mean that those two are going to get back together?”

        Qin An, who had a surprisingly accurate intuition for once, felt that there was no way that would happen. 

        He responded: “I think that they are probably going to be completely finished this time.” 

        His words were full of ominous premonition. 

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        Of course, since things had happened so publicly, on set for a variety show no less, the news spread out very quickly.

        @MigrantWorkersAtTheBottomOf TheMediaCircle: Recently, at the set where an indoor variety show was recording, Shen Shu personally came over to find his ex-wife. As soon as recording was finished, the two of them left together to see a movie. Many photos of this event were taken, and they have been confirmed to be real.

        Seeing this big news, melon-eaters from all walks of life appeared to watch on from the sidelines. 

        There were several anti-fans who had been complaining about Ruan Tian for a long time due to her historical affiliations with various other men in the industry. Seeing this news and finally feeling vindicated, they began to make posts heavily colored by their own personal emotions like:

        “This couple is a model of what a scum man and a bitch woman looks like in real life, it makes me vomit.”

        “This wife who already has a husband, please don’t come out and show your face anymore. It’s disgusting how you take advantage of the excuse of working together to harass other male stars. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.”

        “I’ve been following Ruan Tian’s news for a while now. The result? It’s always the same news over and over again: her trying to hook up with other actors. She really has skills. ​laughingwomen.jpg.” 

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        Meanwhile, The TianTian Group naturally refused to recognize this kind of news. After all, their disgust towards Shen Shu had already reached the level of being his anti-fans. 

        Whenever they thought of that dog man, who had not only hurt their TianBaby, but who also delayed her during the best years of her life, all they could feel was rage!

        “Who is actually dumb enough to believe what these marketing accounts say? If a marketing account told you that I am your father, does that mean I’m really your father?”

        “Some people who only know how to make rumors to try to step on other people’s heads will never get anywhere in life.”

        “Don’t put our TianBaby’s name together with that Shen Shu, thanks!”


        As they approached the theater, Ruan Tian consciously slipped on a mask.

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        And, when they walked up to the front desk, she was suddenly able to grasp what Shen Shu was trying to do.

        It was currently the hot period for summer blockbusters, so there were several excellent films to choose from, but Shen Shu immediately bought two tickets for the movie ‘Obscurity’.

        Maybe because it was a late-night screening, the two of them were the only audience members in the theater. 

        Of course, Ruan Tian had already watched her own movie several times.

        She knew the details of the movie, the twists in the story, and the dialogue backward and forward.

        Because of that, when the movie started, Ruan Tian’s mind began to drift. She suddenly recalled how back then their school had once had them all watch some long and boring educational film with a strict seating arrangement. After a lot of effort, she had managed to secure a seat next to Shen Shu.

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        And not long after that, Shen Shu changed seats.

        And then, around a year ago, she had been weak from donating blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao. Taking advantage of her sympathetic situation, she had invited Shen Shu to come and watch a movie together. 

        At that time, Ruan Tian had more or less expected to be rejected, but who knew that Shen Shu would agree?

        On the scheduled day she had spent several hours choosing clothes and dressing herself as beautifully as she could.

        However, in the end, Shen Shu never showed up.

        He completely missed their appointment.

        On top of that, he didn’t even bother to give her any sort of excuse…

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