Back in the present, the movie’s opening had finished, and Ruan Tian was starting to feel very sleepy. 

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        Ever since they had entered the theater, Shen Shu’s eyes hadn’t once gone to the screen. Instead, he was completely focused on the profile of the woman beside him. Finally, he said, “The first time I saw you, I actually didn’t like you at all.”

        “Back then, you always seemed to be so unfettered. Maybe I envied you for your freedom.”

        “After that, I always thought I hated your endless infatuation. Hated your loud and overboard love, which I always felt was too cheap. But in the end, I never dared to face your feelings directly. Instead, I always put on a ridiculous posture and unscrupulously trampled over your sincerity. Really, I was ridiculous.”

        “I never intentionally wanted to hurt you, but it’s undeniable that you have injuries I have caused. I’m sorry that I can’t go back and change the past, but I want to say, I…”

        Shen Shu’s voice choked, and he found he couldn’t continue. 

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian had been feeling sleepy.

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        As the movie went on, she was only getting more and more sleepy, and Shen Shu’s voice in her ear was like a hypnotic lullaby.

        Before long, Ruan Tian was so drowsy that she could barely lift her eyelids and she felt like she might fall asleep on the spot even without a bed or a pillow. 

        However, some of those words seemed to register, and Ruan Tian’s eyelashes fluttered tiredly a couple of times before she responded, “Ah, well, I really don’t care.” 

        After blurting that out, she didn’t know why, but Ruan Tian somehow felt that Shen Shu’s eyes had reddened considerably. They looked red and fierce and somehow terrible.

        What was even more frightening was that she seemed to have the illusion that Shen Shu’s eyes were also somewhat moist and damp. 

        Ruan Tian looked over and saw a bleak smile on Shen Shu’s face, which she felt was a little weird.

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        In fact, when she had agreed to accompany Shen Shu to the movies today, she actually had a plan in mind.

        She wanted to show him that she really didn’t care anymore, that she really wasn’t still stubbornly clinging on.

        She wanted to act in a way that would send a clear message. That would tell him: ‘Look, I can even get along with you calmly now’, ‘In my eyes, you are the same as any other person’, ‘I have already put down our past grudges’, ‘See how generous I am?’ and so on and so forth. 

        After all, the broken mirror coming together and once more being made whole was something that only existed in fairy tales.

        When Ruan Tian liked Shen Shu back then, all she had ever received in return was insult and injury again and again.

        They had been young, and she had loved him but he hadn’t reciprocated the feeling. It was what it was. There was nothing to complain about.

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        But now he was in front of her again, seemingly determined to get back together and stop her from leaving. 

        On top of that, he was making such a sad and lifeless face. 

        As she thought to this point, those feelings of love from back then were already a distant afterthought, and all Ruan Tian could see was a funny joke.

        After all, she had already walked out of that youthful time that had been full of nothing but Shen Shu. And, from what she could recall, she had been able to move on and wave goodbye to the past very quickly.

        Meanwhile, for some reason, Shen Shu ended up being the one reluctant to give up.

        It was hilarious indeed.

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        “Do you still want to watch the movie?” Ruan Tian’s brows furrowed, “I’m already very sleepy.”

        Shen Shu’s voice was stuck in his throat, failing to break free even after countless attempts to speak. As he looked into the two indifferent eyes staring back at him, it was as if his throat were being strangled. He just couldn’t manage to form those next words: ‘I seem to like you’. Rather, there was a coppery taste in his mouth, as if his throat were blocked up by a mouthful of blood. 

        Shen Shu had wanted to trap her with the past, naively thinking that if he could just compensate her for the wrongs he had done in past and beckon her over gently, then she would definitely come back.

        It was only now that Shen Shu finally understood.

        The woman in front of him had already long bid farewell to the past.

        The only person who was still trapped back then was himself.

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