In the end, Ruan Tian mostly just felt grateful that no paparazzi had managed to get a photo of her while she was out with Shen Shu. After she drove home she immediately collapsed in bed and napped for a couple of hours, which was barely enough to give her the energy to stagger out of bed to go remove her makeup and take a bath. Once she washed up and changed into her pajamas she immediately dived under her quilt and went right back to sleep. 

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        Every time she finished recording a show or a movie, Ruan Tian would always need to sleep a little extra in order to fully recover.

        The next day, Ruan Tian, ​​whose eyes were still full of sleep, unbridledly decided to order some fried chicken and milk tea from a takeout place. 

        But when she was coming back from getting her takeaway, she happened to run into Qin Yu in the lobby. It seemed he had finally been discharged from the hospital.

        He was still sitting in his wheelchair and his complexion was very pale. On top of that, perhaps because of the extended stay this time, the black bangs on his forehead seemed longer, reaching down to nearly entirely cover his eyes.

        Of course, Ruan Tian just pretended not to see him.

        Who knew why, but Qin Yu seemed very bold today. When he saw her, he ordered: “Push me upstairs.”

        Ruan Tian replied bluntly: “I can see so many bodyguards behind you, do they just eat but not work?”

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        After that, she reached out and pressed the button for the elevator.

        Of course, Qin Yu followed her into the elevator, coughing constantly the whole time.

        The seasons were changing, and it was the time of year people were more likely to catch colds.

        Especially for a person like Qin Yu, who didn’t have good health in the first place. If he really got sick he would definitely need to take medicine for a long time to recover. 

        “Ruan Tian, ​​are you looking forward to my death?” Qin Yu asked suddenly.


        She really wasn’t.

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        She wasn’t such a vicious person, okay? !

        At most, she just hoped that Qin Yu could treat the hospital as a second home, and stay there for as long as he liked.

        Qin Yu’s lips curled into a smile, “Since you’re so reluctant to see me die, I will definitely live well and strive to live a long life.”

        Wait, that wasn’t what she said at all, okay?

        It seemed that there had been a big misunderstanding!

        Having learned her lesson, Ruan Tian shut her mouth and refused to say anything more, so as not to give Qin Yu any more chances to misinterpret her words.

        The elevator dinged and reached Ruan Tian’s floor, but Qin Yu still had something else to say: “I heard that your next role is in a martial arts show. Pay more attention to your safety, don’t be foolish and rush to your own death.”

        Ruan Tian casually walked over to her door and slotted in the key before responding, “Thanks for your reminder.”

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        Inside she wondered if maybe Qin Yu’s recent trip to the hospital may have let him experience the vicissitudes of birth, old age, sickness, and death, which had influenced him to say a few human words this time. 

        Of course, it wasn’t too surprising that Qin Yu, as her boss, would know her work schedule.

        Actually, it was only yesterday that Ruan Tian had gone through the dozen or so scripts she had been offered recently and finally decided to accept one.

        It was a martial arts drama titled: ‘The Story of Xie Wan’. It had forty episodes, and the script had already been written entirely, so it was just waiting for the actors to arrive and start the official shooting.

        Ruan Tian had only seen the scripts for the first five episodes, but she had already been deeply attracted to the cool female lead. Plus, by taking on the role of the female lead this time, it would be a good step up for her career. After taking a look, Jiang Lili also had no objections, so they had immediately decided on joining the cast and went to sign the formal contract.

        Meanwhile, it seemed that the show’s male lead had already been decided on before Ruan Tian before she joined the cast. He was a middling star who had already acted as the male lead in seven or eight other dramas since he debuted.

        He had always been able to put on an acceptable performance, but so far he still hadn’t really had any big breakthrough.

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        Looking at all the evidence, he was almost certainly someone who had someone pulling strings for him since he was able to get such good roles over and over again despite his mediocre performances.

        Of course, there was still some time before the show would officially announce who the cast was. Ruan Tian had calculated it and, around the time her current project, ‘Me and My New Roommates’, was all finished filming, it would be about time for her to go and join the new crew. 

        Today, out of curiosity, Ruan Tian went and searched up some photos of the male lead she would be acting with. 

        He was handsome in a generic way, but not particularly memorable.

        And, it wasn’t that Ruan Tian believed in things like fortune or physiognomy, but she really felt she could see a bit of meanness in his face!

        After all, back then when Ruan Tian was still in the thrall of love, she had once gone to a fortune-telling booth on the street to have her fortune told. The fortune-teller had told her the, of the five elements, she was missing earth, so it would be best for her to try to marry a man with ‘土’ in his name. (tl note: 土 means earth)

        But she had just scolded him for spewing bullshit, bluntly saying that if her life was missing any element, it was definitely money, not earth!

        So she could be considered to have some experience in the subject, right?

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