Unfortunately, even after catching the medicine, Qin Yu didn’t move to leave. He merely gently put the medicine aside and then asked: “You seem to have a very good relationship with Qin An recently?”

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        Recently, Qin An had been posting photos of Ruan Tian to his friend group nearly every day.

        Of course, the blocked Ruan Tian knew nothing about this.

        She replied: “It’s okay.”

        Qin Yu’s fever seemed to have burned his brains, because he suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down until they were face-to-face, “A long time ago, you said that you liked Shen Shu because of his face, right?”

        Ruan Tian recalled that she did indeed seemed to have said something like that. At the same time, she uncomfortably tried to pull away a bit. 

        Qin Yu asked firmly: “So am I good-looking, or is he is good-looking?”

        His grip on her wrist tightened.

        Ruan Tian despaired. Why couldn’t these mental patients with fevers just go away?

        She replied mercilessly: “He’s good-looking.” She decided not to care at all and continued: “Shen Shu is much more good-looking than you.”

        Qin Yu laughed out of anger, struggling to force down the coppery taste that was rising in his throat at the same time. He pressed on: “But you should know that Shen Shu doesn’t like you. But I’ve always given you special treatment, haven’t I?”

        Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu was spouting nonsense.

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        Back then, all Shen Shu did was act cold and never give her any hope.

        Meanwhile, Qin Yu had always regarded her as some sort of plaything.

        When he was in a good mood, he would tease her by buying some ugly dead flowers and giving them to her, and when he was in a bad mood, he would take a perverse pleasure in bullying her.

        For instance, one time Ruan Tian had nearly worn her hands out making milk tea for him while working at a tea shop.

        On that day, he would order a cup of tea, she would make it, and then he would throw it into the trash can. It had gone on like that for quite a while. 

        Ruan Tian suddenly remembered how Jiang Lili had said several times that Qin Yu liked her, but as she remembered these events, she was sure that wasn’t right. That wasn’t “like”, it was some abnormal fixation pathology.

        Ruan Tian thought of something, and her lips twitched. From back in high school all the way until now, Qin Yu had mocked her many times with the words ‘Shen Shu doesn’t like you’.

        She raised her eyes and said to Qin Yu pridefully: “Actually, Shen Shu seems to have fallen in love with me recently! He was even crying and whining and begging me to forgive him.”

        She wasn’t even really lying!


        That day at the theater, Shen Shu’s actions were practically screaming that he was full of regret! And that was almost the same thing.

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        Qin Yu seemed a bit dumbfounded for a moment and fell silent. After a long pause, he sneered and replied, “Then I should call him to verify?”

        Ugh, she didn’t expect him to immediately call her out like that.

        Thus, Ruan Tian could only kindly invite Qin Yu to get out of her house.


        It was Tuesday, and Ruan Tian headed off for the training camp as usual.

        However, something was different today. The long-awaited male lead had finally and unexpectedly arrived at the scene in a black BMW. Looking at him, not even mentioning the brand names on his clothes, even his watch was full of diamonds.

        His whole body seemed to scream ‘I am very wealthy’ and ‘Don’t bother me.’

        One of the producers who was here at the training camp introduced him to everyone.

        But when it was Ruan Tian’s turn to shake hands with him, he raised his eyelids and asked slowly, “Who are you?”

        I am your father!

        Of course, she couldn’t really say that. Instead, Ruan Tian smiled and said: “I’m Ruan Tian, and I’ll be playing the female lead in ‘The Story of Xie Wan’.”

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        The female lead.

        These three words seemed to puncture her opponent’s composure completely.

        Wang Baiyuan’s face turned red and then blue, like a wonderful color-shifting tapestry. Finally, he gave a cold snort and reluctantly shook Ruan Tian’s hand. Then, he immediately turned to his assistant and said, “Hurry up and get me some mineral water. I need to wash my hands, they’re all dirty now.”

        His tone was acidic. 

        Ruan Tian sent back a barb of her own: “Wow, they really are dirty. How do you even get all that black gunk under your nails?”

        Of course, Ruan Tian was purely talking nonsense. 

        But Wang Baiyuan’s entire body stiffened and his fingers started to tremble. Suddenly, he raised his arm and outstretched his palm as if to slap. 

        However, his assistant had quick eyes and a fast reaction. He reached out and caught Wang Baiyuan’s arm while saying, “Big Brother… you can’t do that.”

        This Ruan Tian wasn’t some little nobody that could be bullied like in the past. If she were really to be slapped, it would immediately make headlines.

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian was feeling shocked.

        He would really just beat someone?

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        Wang Baiyuan gritted his teeth and slowly lowered his hand. Then he stalked past her and threatened: “My fans won’t let you go.”

        Ruan Tian frowned, but just took his words as farts.

        Wang Baiyuan seemed to have come over to drum up some publicity for himself. He brought a photographer to follow him around and take a few photos while he posed and pretended to train, seemingly planning to upload them online for his fans to see. 

        However, Wang Baiyuan was probably also a competitive person, because when he saw Ruan Tian practicing her wirework and turning circles, he vaguely wanted to go up too.

        Seeing that, Ruan Tian taunted, “This is actually very simple, can’t you do it too?”

        Wang Baiyuan, angered by her words, didn’t bother saying anything else and immediately got someone to strap him to the wires too. He wanted to show this woman what it meant to do martial arts and play with swords. 

        A bit later-

        …Wang Baiyuan was hanging in mid-air and spinning randomly. He was very dizzy and had lost control of his movements and couldn’t stop at all. 

        “Ahhhhhh!! Ahhhhh, help!!!”

        “That surname Ruan, I’m going to kill you when I get down!!!” 

        The crowd all rushed up to try to save him, and the whole time his cursing and screaming was music to Ruan Tian’s ears. 

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