That night, news of this incident appeared on a small forum without much traffic.

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        【Today’s melon: It seems that the male and female leads of the upcoming drama  ‘The Story of Xie Wan’ were fighting at the training camp today. It looks like when filming officially starts there will definitely be more melons ready to eat. 】

        1L: Wow, a person with a backer vs. another person with a backer. Not gonna lie, I think Sister Ruan’s backer is stronger. 

        2L: Wang Baiyuan is the crown prince of Jianan Media. The company has been doing nothing but push him up since his debut. What kind of magical fate is this for him to be facing off with Ruan Tian? Hahahaha

        3L: Ruan Tian dared to fight with Wang Baiyuan? I think she is tired of living!

        4L: Sister Ruan will slay! A noble imperial concubine can’t lose a face off with a small prince, so Wang Baiyuan can only be killed.

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        5L: The noble imperial concubine vs. the crown prince! Who will be the winner? Wait and see!

        6L: Ruan Tian is actually only a lowly maidservant, she will definitely be defeated. 


        As soon as Wang Baiyuan was let down from the tangle of wires he arched his back and stumbled over to a nearby trash can. His face had turned green and sallow and, clutching a doorframe for support, he leaned over and vomited into the trash can.

        Ever since he had been born Wang Baiyuan’s life had been nothing but smooth sailing. Back when he was in college, he was a famous hunk on campus that countless girls looked up to. Then, after he graduated, he had easily used his handsome face to beguile the boss of his entertainment company and enjoyed all sorts of benefits in his career. Until today he had never suffered such grievances!

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        And at the same time, Wang Baiyuan didn’t feel it was shameful at all to rely on his female boss’s love to get ahead in the entertainment industry. Who was he supposed to blame if his face was just too outstanding? Even he felt helpless about how much women liked him. 

        Besides, everyone in this industry depended on their face to eat. What was the difference between any of them? Were some people living off of their faces very moral, but when he did the same it was immoral? 

        He felt that those hypocritical women who were practically prostitutes but who also wanted to set up pagodas were just too pretentious.

        After he finished vomiting, his assistant hurriedly moved forward and handed him another bottle of mineral water. Wang Baiyuan slowly rinsed his mouth and, when he was done, his eyes zeroed in on Ruan Tian’s face. He stomped over to her and snarled in a frosty voice: “Starting from today, you and I can no longer exist under the same sky. Just see how I torture you to death. Wash your neck and wait for me.”

        So cliche! Ruan Tian really wanted to roll her eyes.

        In the end, Ruan Tian didn’t give him any face and only responded with a monotone: “Oh.” 

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        At the same time, the lead producer was also on the scene, but these people were the male and female lead of the production. On top of that, they both had big backgrounds and there would be no good outcome from offending either of them, so he could only close one eye and let them squabble amongst themselves. 

        It was fine so long as nothing too big happened. He had known from the start that some friction was inevitable.

        However, one of the little assistants from the crew who had been working with Ruan Tian for a while now was not so “enlightened” and couldn’t help but say in a low voice: “Mr. Wang, it’s probably not too good to bully people like this, right? I mean-” 

        Now that he had vomited, Wang Baiyuan’s green face had mostly turned back to normal. He raised his chin and, with an arrogant tone, he cut the assistant off: “Don’t talk so much nonsense in front of me. Right now I’m relying on my backer to bully her, okay? Even Ruan Tian isn’t famous enough to do anything about it, so what can you do?”

        Wang Baiyuan wasn’t the type of person to hide behind other people or alternate accounts on Weibo to bully other people. He was the type to bully openly and aboveground. 

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        In this industry, he could do whatever the hell he wanted to do! No rebuttals allowed! 

        This was probably the first time Ruan Tian had met someone who so proudly announced that they were relying on their backer behind them. Somehow, it actually gave birth to a terrible idea in her heart: Maybe relying on a backer was actually a glorious thing?

        In the end, Wang Baiyuan came and went like a storm, hurriedly appearing at the training camp and then swaggering away a little while later. 

        Ruan Tian didn’t take him very seriously though. Once he was gone, she just silently returned to practicing her wirework. A few hours later, her legs and knees had bumped into the ground many times while she was practicing and they had turned so blue and purple that they were scary to look at. It wasn’t until the sky turned dark and evening arrived that she finally decided to call it a day and called a taxi to take her home from the training camp.

        When she got back to her building, she limped her way over to the elevator.

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