As she was limping toward her apartment, Ruan Tian found that Shen Shu was in front of her door again. She only felt surprised for a brief moment, but by now she was already somewhat used to it. 

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        However, today, Ruan Tian was feeling extremely guilty. It couldn’t be that Qin Yu, that lunatic, had really called Shen Shu to verify, right! ?

        The two people faced each other in the corridor silently.

        Finally, Shen Shu spoke first, “I’ve realized something, but I still want to confirm it.”

        Ruan Tian subconsciously opened her mouth and replied: “What thing?”

        Shen Shu reached out his hand. Ruan Tian couldn’t help but notice that his fingers were beautiful, slender and pale, and his fingernails were neatly trimmed. Soon, he had stretched out his hand all the way and wrapped it around the back of Ruan Tian’s head, then he bent down, pulled her face forward, and pressed his lips to hers. 

        Ruan Tian was momentarily stunned.

        Then, before she could think, her hand sent out a slap.

        Shen Shu’s head was violently thrust to the side by her slap face and a clearly visible red handprint appeared on the side of his handsome face. However, despite being slapped, he didn’t get angry at all, as if he didn’t care about the slap to the face.

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        Meanwhile, after Ruan Tian finished slapping, she froze and felt stunned for a long time.

        She almost wanted to sigh. Her behavior had become so heroic! It was too awesome!

        Shen Shu slowly wiped the corner of his mouth with his fingertips and said, “Now I can be sure.”

        The person who had rescued him and carried him to that cave back then was actually Ruan Tian.

        It turned out that he had already kissed her long ago.

        Ruan Tian: ? ? ?

        Shen Shu continued in a low voice, “You were the one who helped me during that school trip back then, right?”

        Ruan Tian fell silent for a moment, then retorted strongly: “No way! It wasn’t me! It was all Zhou Xiaoqiao.”

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        He was the male lead, so he should just go find the female lead!

        There was no reason for him to come around to pester her like this!

        Shen Shu straightened up and touched the corner of his lips again. It seemed that karma was truly a cycle. That he would face a day like this could only be called his just retribution.

        After all, he wasn’t innocent.

        In the past, his dark and gloomy thoughts, his bad moods, all of it had been dealt with by Ruan Tian alone.

        If he had just firmly and decisively refused Ruan Tian’s feelings back then when they were still in high school, he wouldn’t have given her the rays of hope that had caused her to not give up on him for so long.

        He had known how deeply she had liked him, but he had deliberately led her on, each time accepting her gifts just so he could throw them away afterward.

        He was a hypocrite.

        On top of that, he was undeniably a truly despicable and shameless person.

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        But this time, Shen Shu finally said the words he hadn’t managed to say last time, “Ruan Tian…”

        He continued, “Let’s get back together.”

        Ruan Tian was completely frozen in place, as if she had been struck by lightning.

        Huh? How did things develop like this! ?

        This script seemed not quite right.

        Ruan Tian turned vigilant. She leaned back against the wall and chuckled nervously: “That’s not going to work.”

        Unfortunately, it seemed that Shen Shu couldn’t understand human words, because he ignored her reply and carried on: “You should know that I can be a stubborn person. I will wait for you to change your mind.” 

        It was all over this time!

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        After all, Ruan Tian had already experienced Shen Shu’s “stubbornness” more than once before.

        In a way, the two of them were similar people. When they became stubborn about something, the oceans of their feelings were quite intense.

        To the point that people might find themselves sinking down inside and drowning to death.

        Unexpectedly, it seemed that everyone couldn’t help but love this glass of wine called Ruan Tian! Everyone was getting drunk! Even the noble and glamorous young masters like Shen Shu were no exception.

        Ruan Tian fell silent for a few seconds. When she finally responded, her voice was far less polite: “Shen Shu, you should know, I can also be a very stubborn person.”

        Maybe it wasn’t the same for him, but in Ruan Tian’s mind, from the moment they had signed the divorce agreement, she and Shen Shu already had no chance of reconciliation.

        But, in the days after that meeting in the corridor, Shen Shu suddenly changed his usual low-key and modest style.

        He began to often leave likes and comments on Ruan Tian’s Weibo, as if he were afraid that the people of the world wouldn’t know about the connection between them. 

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