Ruan Tian's fans want to say something for her, but their voice and power are too small. As soon as they send out, they are engulfed by more bad comments.

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A staff member of the Civil Affairs Bureau can't help but come out and reveal that Ruan Tian and Shen Hui divorced some time ago. However, they were beaten as fans of Ruan Tian and told her not to wash away.

The little girl who just came out to work was chased and scolded for thousands of times. How could she have seen such a battle? She was crying and typing. It's true. They really divorced.

"Roll, wash white roll."

"What kind of death washing posture is this?"

"Powder with the main, but also a mentally retarded."

Jiang Li doesn't know when Ruan Tian and Shen Hui went to get the divorce certificate. She didn't hear Ruan Tian say it at all. She took the divorce certificate in her hand and looked at it over and over again. "Is this thing true? Didn't you make a fake? "

Ruan Tian shook her head, "no, it's not."

The divorce certificate still costs 20 yuan, or she paid for it.

In this way, she not only didn't get any good from her marriage, but also paid 20 yuan.

What a loss.

Jiang Lili then looked at their divorce agreement. At last, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Shen Hui won't give you a cent?! Didn't you say you could get a lot of money before

Ruan Tian was angry when she thought about it, but she couldn't wring her arms and legs. She couldn't even fight a lawsuit with Qin Yu. How could she beat Shen Hui's lawyer group!

"People should be as comfortable as lotus, so that the breeze will come slowly."

"Money is not money, I never value."

"And I don't want Shen Hui's stinky money. If he insists on giving me money, I will feel that my personality and dignity have been humiliated!"

"I'm so high!"

Jiang Li just didn't believe her many lies and looked at her coldly.

Ruan Tian couldn't resist the scrutiny and scratched her head, "OK, I'm farting."

She sat cross legged on the bed and scratched her hair. "He changed his mind! He went back on this dog. I'm angry when I think about it. "

Jiang Li startled his chin, "is Shen Hui so shameless? Not willing to give up such a little money? Doesn't it mean that the presidents are very generous? How can you be so stingy with your hairy wife when you buy one set after another for Xiaosan

Ruan Tian seriously recalled the next, analysis: "he said that day back, I did not fulfill the obligations of husband and wife in the past two years."

She said a little rudely, "it's just that I didn't give him a free sleep."

"Sweet boy, you are too miserable, too miserable."

Ruan Tian said without any expression: "some people are alive, but they are dead in my heart."

As her good sister, Jiang Li stood on her side and attacked Shen Hui from beginning to end.

Scold of dry mouth, she asked: "then you want to send out the divorce agreement together?"? Sell something miserable or something. "

Ruan Tian shook his head, "sell miserably sell miserably, sell more miserably."

Jiang Li said indignantly, "I think it's cheap for you to issue a divorce certificate like this. Shen amnesty should let the whole country see how stingy the young master of the Shen family is."

Ruan Tian didn't say a word, holding her small face, staring at the picture on the divorce certificate. Shen Hui's face smelled worse than the one on the marriage certificate.

She picked up her mobile phone, found a good angle and photographed the inside and outside of the divorce certificate.

Later, he coded the identity information and Shen's photo with software, then raised his face and bit his lower lip. Some of them were not sure, "then I'll do it like this?"

Jiang Li has never done anything like public relations. He nodded, "let's go."

Ruan Tian edited the microblog content and proofread it to make sure there was no typo.

At 8:30 p.m., I click send.

@Ruan Tian: after careful consideration by both parties, I signed a divorce agreement with Mr. Shen Hui years ago. Before that, I got a divorce certificate and peacefully broke up. Please don't make too much speculation. Thank you for your concern [picture].

The major marketing companies quickly followed, "Ruan Tian announced divorce with the eldest son of the Shen family, the president of Huanshi. What's the level?"

You're dead level.

You are still living at the level of Qing Dynasty.

This is the first time that Ruan Tian has formally responded to the voice of the public. The doughnuts with a "Ma Fen" mentality want to cry. They want to hold their heads together and fight to the front row.

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[wuwuwutiantian, I want to be the most beautiful single kid in the entertainment industry in the future. 】

[my face is full of tears, they are bullying you, no one depends on you. 】

[sister, my sister, cry out. 】

[it doesn't matter! It's easy to find a man with two legs!!! Shine your eyes, don't look for men in the garbage in the future! 】

[those indignant passers-by, I think you are a dead mother passer-by in huangquan. 】

Ruan Tian's divorce certificate is like two slaps on the faces of those who have vowed that she relies on her husband to have a backstage, beating them in the face.And the variety blogger who liked her summed up the roles she played after her debut.

@Qian Duoduo sauce: [I checked, tianzai signed a contract with Qin's film three years ago, and then It's like a year of silence before I came out to play. I've listed all the roles she's played.

"Feast" female N, five minutes.

Fall in love with him, nameless, guest star, two lines.

"Cold Lord's little wife" online drama, nameless maid, four lines to get lunch box.

Hello, Dr. Zhao, the unknown patient, a play.

The female No. 4 of "marry the concubine of the world" has a total of 40 episodes, with an average of less than five minutes in each episode.

Before making a summary, I almost believed that tianzai is a resource coffee on the Internet. If she is also a backstage resource coffee, then I hope all your favorite actors will be such resource coffee.

A female No. 4 let her see the potential of the audience and let me see the hope of the future of entertainment. I know that there must be a lot of little pollen that will explode against her, but the more defense, the more explosive. I believe that our sweet baby will be one of the most popular actresses one day.

Feng Shui turns around. Don't bully the poor youth. By then, you can't bully her any more. 】

Ruan Tian's fans were filled with tears when they were read by the blogger's words, and more strength surged in their hearts to protect the girl they like.

One by one no longer glass heart, bravely stood up to speak.

"If sweet cub really has a background, as you say, he has a good eye, and can't get down all day long?"

"You are my little girl, bullying me!"

"Wuwuwuwu, weeping typing, weeping anti black, weeping to climb out, tianzai cheer up."

Liu Yile's water army almost drifted, and the rhythm was brought back madly.

"The little girl's play is really good. It's not surprising to have a good movie. As for the shouting, fighting and killing?"

"Hahaha, does the explosion-proof xiaohuafen face hurt? People rely on their own auditions for movies. No matter how sour you are, it's useless. Since ancient times, Dahong depends on her life. I think Ruan Tian has such a life. "

"Xswl, epic face bashing."

"To be honest, I saw Ruan Tian's plays in recent years, and I really convinced her. I feel that she plays everything, no matter how small the role is, she always plays. I really rely on myself to make a way out. It's reasonable to suspect that she and her ex husband Shen Hui are not familiar at all."

"I decided to see the film then."


Before that, Ruan Tian thought that the divorce between Shen Hui and Ruan Tian might be well known to everyone. Just like when she married Shen Hui, everyone knew that she was shameless. Toads wanted to eat swan meat and climb up the bed.

The matter finally came to an end, and her enthusiasm dropped sharply after she clarified.

Liu Yile hates her teeth. She has already regarded this little actress who is not famous as her enemy. She has been robbed of the role, and she has spent a lot of money on buying the water army. She has lost her father and mother.

She was reluctant to give up, but there was no way.

But the agent was afraid that she could not say anything. Someone sent Liu Yile's picture frequency to the agent directly. She crawled into Liu Yile's office and said, "sister, it's over. It's all over. "

Liu Yile picked pick eyebrows, look down on her this fussy look, not angry said: "the sky fell down?"

The agent shook his hands and showed her the picture he had just received.

Liu Yile's face changed dramatically, green and white. After a while, he found his voice, "who Who sent it? "

The agent was bloodless, biting his lower lip. "I don't know. It's just that the man warned us not to do it again. "

Liu Yile was cold all over, and his strength was drained away. He muttered to himself, "no, I checked. Ruan Tian didn't have any support at all. Why would someone come out for her?"?! Ah? Why

The voice behind clenched teeth.

The agent doesn't know who this anonymous person is. "Let's stop and make a detour when we see her. It's really not someone we can afford."

Liu Yile has entered a paranoid state and can't listen to what she said, "Shen Hui? Impossible, Qin Yu? It's impossible. Who is it? I don't believe it

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The agent suddenly remembered the incident, then stumbled to the express box outside the office, and found out the envelope inside. There were only three words on the letter paper [don't touch her], and a small insignificant English logo fell in the lower right corner.

She suddenly burst into the office, clenched her teeth and said, "it's the young master of Huai's family."

Liu Yile is really going crazy. "When did she get involved with huaijia again?"

"It's not important. What's important is that we really can't do it any more. These videos will be sent out."

Even if Liu Yile doesn't want to endure this tone, he has to endure it.

From now on, she will be polite when she sees Ruan Tian, because she doesn't know when she will ruin herself if she offends the perverse young master of huaijia.Ruan Tian didn't know that someone had helped her secretly. During the filming, she received a text message from huaimo.

Sister, are you free this Saturday? I want to invite you to dinner (ω)]

Ruan Tian has no spare time recently, and she doesn't want to ask for leave with the director for fear of delaying the progress of filming, so she said in a very euphemistic way: [do you want to make a movie, or I'll go to your school to see you when I finish making this movie? 】Huaimo: [OK, I'll wait for you at school. 】

Ruan Tian didn't reply to his news and secretly planned to take him to his school canteen for a meal, so as to lighten his burden.

After all, the child looks pathetic.

As soon as Ruan Tian put away her mobile phone, she was called over by the director and was ready to shoot today's first scene.

Most of the people in the cast know that she and Shen Hui are divorced. Their eyes are more or less different. Most of the staff are curious about why she put her good little grandmother aside and ran out into the entertainment industry. She was so miserable and finally divorced.

The other actors in the cast are acting normally, and no one has specifically asked about it.

Qin An, who was born with a bad brain, looked at her with the expression of "she's so pitiful", "a miserable woman" and "a pitiful woman abandoned by her husband".

Ruan Tian is speechless and wants to roll her eyes at Qin An.

Qin An doesn't really hate her now. She has been together for ten days and a half months. She finds that Ruan Tian's temper is really good, and the appearance of being forced to blow up her hair occasionally is also very lovely.

The most important thing is that her heart is so strong that Qin An has to give a thumbs up.

The ghost who was scolded didn't change his mood at all. It's time to eat and drink.

Calm and calm, and she doesn't seem to do much.

Qin An thinks that he and Ruan Tian are half friends now. He has heard about Ruan Tian's desperate love for Shen xuai. Now that he is abandoned by Shen xuai, he must feel bad.

He went to comfort her with sentimentality, "Ruan Tian, you don't have to feel too bad. Don't you know that Shen Hui doesn't like you? If you get dumped as soon as possible, you can look for the second spring as soon as possible, right? "

"I didn't get dumped. Don't you know such a big word?"?! After an agreement and a peaceful breakup, I have to poke these eight words in your eyes before you can understand what it means? "

"What are you doing with me? I didn't dump you? "


He's a fool. He can't communicate.

Ruan Tian thinks that she really needs to clarify her attitude towards Shen Hui. She is by no means an affectation. If she doesn't love her, she won't love her any more!!!

Who was blind when he was young and ignorant? Are you still not allowed to recover?

"I used to be a devil."

"That's why I like Shen Hui."

"Now that the water in my head is dry, I really don't love him any more. I sincerely hope that he and Zhou Xiaoqiao will have a good marriage for a hundred years, have a noble son early, hold two in three years, and hold three in four years."

Qin Yu was silent for a long time, and seemed to doubt the truth of her words.

After pondering for a long time, his face became serious, and his voice was melodious. "You really don't like him?"

Ruan Tian shook her head.

Qin An still doesn't believe it. Most of all, her previous infatuation was too crazy. She always felt Ruan Tian's mouth was stiff.


on the day Ruan Tian made the divorce declaration, Zhou Xiaoqiao called Shen Hui. She was very sad and took all the blame on herself. She sobbed and asked: "brother Shen Hui, is it because of me that you..."

Shen said it had nothing to do with her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao has been weeping on the phone, as if very sad, "sweet sister will blame me, she never like my sister, I really don't know what to do now."

Listening to her crying, Shen Hui felt a little noisy and tired.

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Less painful feeling.

He comforted twice and hung up the phone.

Zhou Xiaoqiao wiped the tears on his face and sat quietly on the sofa with a low face for a while. Then he called Qin Yu again. He was still crying. I felt pity for him. "Qin Yu's brother."

Qin Yu said casually, and then asked, "what's the matter?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao is not averse to this person, how to say is a child looking at growing up sister.

It's also the only girl among them. She was spoiled and brought up.

If the mind is not bad, it's just too much.

Zhou Xiaoqiao wiped his tears, burped and said: "Tiantian and Shen Hui are divorced. I always think I hurt them."

Qin Yu leaned lazily against his office chair and said, "it's nothing to do with you. Don't think about it."

After a pause, he said, "hang up first. I have something else to do."

Zhou Xiaoqiao listens to the sound of Dudu's phone. She doesn't like the feeling of being ignored. She is also afraid that Ruan Tian will take everything away from her.

Men who like her, and those envious eyes.Zhou Xiaoqiao bit his lip and decided to go to the crew tomorrow to have a chat with Ruan Tian.


the next day, unexpected guests came to the set.

Qin Yu came to visit the team as an investor, and his bodyguards kept on. There were two at the door and four outside the director's shed.

The Qin family has a great career, and his big arrangement really looks like the posture that a prince should have.

Qin An saw his brother, just like a mouse saw a cat, the whole person was wilted.

Qin An's facial features are softer, Qin Yu's evil spirit is heavier, and the temperament between his eyebrows and eyes is sharper.

Ruan Tian can't get back to her mood at the end of a crying scene.

Silently squatting in the corner of self digestion, crying tears and snivels a flow.

Qin meets languidly to take the leg to appreciate her embarrassed posture, difficult to open the golden mouth, hook the lip to smile softly for a while, "the performance is good."

It's better than he thought.

How can Ruan Tian feel so sick after listening to it?


But it's not easy to hear a word from Qin Yu.

After stopping her tears, Ruan Tian's watery eyes were redder than rabbit's. she turned her face and stared at Qin Yu for a moment. At the beginning, she signed a ten-year contract with Qin.

Qin Yu was insane, almost forced her back to his private house, Ruan Tian directly told him to hurry to die.

Qin Yu is not dead.

She was half dead.

He proposed to terminate the contract, fought a lawsuit, and soon lost the lawsuit.

Regardless of the company for a year, Ruan Tian went to the production group to try the play. She had no connections and no background, so she could only make soy sauce.

Now it's hard to get out.

If someone gets in her way, no one will love her forever!!!

She wants to be a ruthless crazy critic who meets Buddha, kills Buddha, meets God and kills God.

Ruan Tian didn't even respond to Qin Yu.

Just think of her as a cold pretender.

Qin Yu was not angry, and continued to sit in the director's shed for an afternoon.

Ruan Tian didn't finish the work until the evening. She looked into the shed and thought that Qin Yu had left, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground.

After the play, Ruan Tian gets on the RV rented by a rich man named Jiang Lili. She changes her clothes and hears Jiang Lili muttering: "colleagues in the public relations department quietly told me that last time you were hacked by someone else's professional team."

Ruan Tian peeled a banana and said, "have I been hated like this? They should be jealous of my beauty. Alas, being too beautiful is also a kind of trouble. "

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Jiang Li glared at her, "don't be poor. What's more, someone helped you solve the problem without any trace."

Ruan Tian took this sentence as a joke at first.

Meditate for a few seconds.

Well, yes, it's a joke.

Jiang Li stares at her, "don't believe it, it's true!"!!! I can't believe it. Do you think about what boss you've made recently? One hand will force the other side to death. "

Ruan Tian sighed, "master, this is a master."

She thought it over again seriously and asked, "Manjusri? Avalokitesvara? Ah, I only worshipped these two Bodhisattvas in the temple a few days ago. "

Jiang Li

"Come on, I can't ask you anything from your mouth."

Back at the hotel, Ruan Tian took a comfortable hot bath, dried her hair, and went downstairs to the Chinese restaurant for dinner.

Going out of the elevator, Ruan Tian saw the bodyguard in the big black suit in the hotel hall, who should be Qin Yu's bodyguard.

Qin Yu hasn't gone yet? And I stayed in the same hotel with her.

Ruan Tian was surprised for a while and then regained her composure. She ordered several dishes and packed them upstairs.

If it's not necessary, she thinks it's better for her to meet Qin Yu less.

Otherwise, what can we do if we get angry and fight? Qin Yu doesn't want to be shameful, and she wants to.

If you can't fight him, you'll be angry to death.

Ruan Tian went back to her room to have dinner, spread out her limbs and lay on the hotel bed for more than half an hour, during which she also replied to several wechat messages from huaimo.

This younger brother, who has just come of age, is quite clingy.

The news sends many, also often forwards some health preserving public articles to her to see.

Ruan thought, this is a kind and poor little suckling dog.

So she's more patient to get back to the news.

Tiantian: [eat more and don't be hungry just to save money. 】

Sweet: [if you don't have enough money, you can tell me, I'll lend you. 】

Tiantian: [if you are still in school, don't work outside often. How tired you are. 】

huaimo is close to the second, "OK. 】

[sister should also pay attention to her body when filming. 】

[the Chinese food in Laisha hotel is not very good, and the ingredients are not fresh. Otherwise, let the assistant buy it outside. ]Ruan sweetheart big line thick, didn't realize, she didn't tell huaimo which hotel she stayed in.

I know. 】


in the twinkling of an eye, the shooting schedule has passed for nearly a month.

Due to the serious leakage of Reuters and materials in the early stage, the producer and director agreed to play the leading role of Guan Xuan and released the first fixed makeup poster.

On the first day of February, the crew of "unknown" starred.

Unknown: @ Lidong @ Qin'an @ Ruan Tian @ Han Yuanrui, early spring is here, we'll see you in late autumn.

Guanbo also released the fixed makeup photos of four actors.

Ruan Tian's face is painted with poor quality make-up. Her expression is numb and her eyes are empty. Her red eyes are overflowing with water, and her tears can't fall off, showing the extreme beauty.

Before that, even if Ruan Tian clarified the backstage theory, few people believed that she could really play the role well and have a chance to shine on the big screen.

"I'm wrong. Her eyes are so dramatic."

"God, I shouldn't have laughed at her before."

"Broken beauty makes me lose my language."

In this photo, just looking at Ruan Tian's eyes, there is a feeling that her heart will be broken.

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