On the day of the release of the film's make-up photos, the major forums began to press ahead of time, with the rhythm of every minute, and several posts with Ruan Tian's name could be seen.

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Ruan Tian how is also paste than in the small flow.

I'm sure it's time to leave. I'm on top of the "unknown" blockbuster! The blessing after the film can't be underestimated, and Qin An is the most popular blessing. The most important thing is that the film team is so good, from the director to the screenwriter, it's amazing. 】

[in general, the vigorous works in the early stage of the hype will be quiet in the later stage. It seems that I am not very interested in Yazi. 】

[it's like a movie about campus crime. Both men and women are policemen. I'm not sure about the rest, but this movie is really full of faces. It's impossible to fly. 】

[suddenly, I don't think it's good for Ruan Tian to take the second girl, 2333333333]

[but Ruan Tian really has a play in her eyes. My intuition tells me that her performance in it will not be bad. 】

there was a lot of discussion. Although Ruan Tian's make-up photos were highly praised in the entertainment forum, most people still think that this film is going to hit the streets, and it is estimated that it will become one of the humiliating works in Cheng Suian's life, which they are not willing to mention in the future.

From time to time, some people secretly taunt that Ruan Tian's dream of rising will be cut off again.

The film at the center of the discussion is not finished, and there are still two months left to shoot.

Qin Yu has to come to the scene almost every day. As one of the employers, he naturally takes it for granted.

Ruan Tian didn't say hello when she saw him, and the words "I don't know this person at all" were written on her face.

She felt that there were not many people in the entertainment industry who were tired of seeing each other like Qin Yu. She didn't think Qin Yu was coming to visit her class.

Qin Yu didn't want to see her even if she went to the temples in the suburbs of Beijing to see the Buddha.

At the beginning of February, there was a light snow in the suburbs of Beijing. It was really cold.

Ruan Tian was pushed down from the third floor, rolled several times on the stairs and bumped into a stone pillar. Later, she was shot dead by the man as an accomplice of the villain.

Cheng didn't ask her if she needed a stand in. He asked Wu Zhi to help her dress up and make sure she was safe

Ruan Tian looked at the stairs, thought about it and said, "OK."

She used to be a martial arts stand in for the female owner of the online drama, flying around in the sky with her majesty, so she has music in her heart and doesn't find it very difficult.

"Scene 46, one shot, action!"

The villain with ferocious face and ferocious eyes tugged her arm tightly with his fingers and Pooh, "you bitch, how dare you report to that little policeman secretly? Thank you for raising you for so many years. I'll send you to see the king of hell now. By the way, I'll let you see if the little policeman has you in his heart. "

Then she was pushed back.

Ruan Tian actually rolled down the stairs, with a stone on her waist. Her tears came out and her throat smelled of blood.

She used all her limbs, trying to get up from the ground, and her palm was full of blood.

The girl has not yet stood, after a shot, her body was penetrated by the bullet, fell to the ground for a moment, she seemed very confused, blinked clear eyes, transparent tears slowly from the corner of the eye, she issued a very low groan, it sounds so painful.

She raised her hand with her last strength, trying to touch his eyebrows.

That's his favorite person.

I know you're a cop.

I know you're using me.

I know you don't like me.

But can you be nice to me? Give me a last hug.

I haven't been held seriously once in my life.

It must be warm.

She thought, then slowly closed her eyes.

Cheng shouts the card.

The eyes of other people in front of the monitor are moist, and they have an impulse to cry.

Cheng Dao's eyes are red, moistening his throat, he said: "Ruan Tian, can you do it again? Just now rolling is not real enough, you open up a little more, don't be afraid of pain, the others are very good

Ruan Tian made an OK gesture.

Cheng gave them a ten minute break.

Qin An had some bad taste. No matter whether his brother could see it or not, he walked straight to Ruan Tian's chair and said, "do you want to use a stand in? It hurts to fall. "

Ruan Tian has a better impression on Qin An. He is just a spoiled young master who doesn't know the hardships of the world.

Han is Han, but not malicious.

"No. I'm thick skinned and I'll fall. "

"I look at all painful, Ruan Tian, I found that you like to be brave."

"It really doesn't hurt. I've experienced more pain."

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Qin An's eyes were full of consternation, as if he really believed.Ruan Tian took a drink and grinned, "I lied to you."

Qin An was teased by her, a little angry, "go away!"

Ruan Tian didn't cheat. She just didn't want to tell her story like Xianglin's sister-in-law.

She is such an optimistic person.

It's just the drama of bitterness!

Damn it.

At the graduation ceremony of high school, it's hard enough to see the boy you like holding his sister together. I don't know who kicked him down the stairs and nearly broke two front teeth.

That was the real pain.

I cried in pain.

Or sit on the ground, very no face crying.

Later, she fell when she was a stand in for someone else.

The pain in her body was more than ten times what she had experienced in high school, but Ruan Tian didn't feel much at that time.

That is to say, the heart will not hurt.

She also had a wild idea that if she lost her memory, how good it would be.

Forget all the happy and unhappy things.

But she is not qualified to have a female with amnesia this female standard plot.

Ruan Tian re shot at the request of director Cheng. After shooting, she felt some pain in her waist. She rubbed her waist and asked the director, "is this OK?"

Cheng Dao always pursues continuous improvement in his works. He is silent for a moment. "Come again, it's still not in place."

This scene, Ruan Tian photographed for the fourth time, back pain, shoulder pain, she did not say any complaints.

Before the end of the work, director Cheng looked at her more and thought it was a good idea.

He has amazing talent in acting and many people can't find aura.

The most important thing is that she is very modest and studious, and she can do whatever she wants without relying on her talent.

Director Cheng patted her on the shoulder, "it's time to take a picture."

Ruan Tian holds the flowers sent by the crew and nods with a smile, "OK."

After filming with the director, Ruan Tian bowed to the staff and said, "thank you for your care. It's been a hard time."

"No hard work, no hard work."

Qin Yu, who was sitting in the dark, suddenly got up and walked towards her. Her cool fingers fell gently on her shoulder.

Ruan Tian's whole body was stiff and her expression was stagnant.

Back and forth between scolding and not scolding.

In her heart, she constantly recited the words of "step back, open-minded", "I am a lotus" and "I have no temper" to purify herself.

Qin Yu's hoarse voice sank in her left ear, "congratulations on shaqing, take a picture with me."

Ruan Tian: I photographed your mother.

Isn't the three words "don't want" on her face obvious enough?

Qin Yucai did not care whether she was happy or not. He pressed her shoulder with his wrist, and his eyes were smiling. After taking photos with her, he released her.

Ruan Tian had a dejected face and looked listless.

She really can't understand Qin Yu. She can't guess and see through.

Sometimes crazy, sometimes normal.

Mad as a wild dog. Bite her when you catch her.

Qin Yu appeared in the "unknown" crew too often, the news could not be concealed, and was also photographed.

He is always low-key and rarely appears in public, and Qin's film is just a company of no importance under his name. His presence in the company is amazing enough, and no one thinks that he will condescend to go to such a place as the film set.

[xswl, Ruan Tian's CP and others' CP are all fake, and Qin Yu's CP is real]


[handsome men and beautiful women, I also kowtow first]

[my parents may be fake, but on a sunny day (Qin Tian) CP must be true! 】

[I've had a blast upstairs, and I've lost my brain. It's a pity to see it]

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however, most of them are still playing tricks, and there are few serious studies on their relationship.

Because they only dare to pick a soft persimmon to make a rumor about Ruan Tian, but they dare not make a rumor about Qin Yu. Qin's lawyers never lost a reputation lawsuit.


Ruan Tian came back to the hotel in Qin Yu's car. Jiang Li didn't know where he was. He didn't answer the phone when he was missing.

The driver is very slow. It's half an hour's drive and it hasn't arrived in forty minutes.

She looked down to play with her cell phone and regarded the man beside her as air.

When we got to the hotel, Qin Yu went upstairs with her.

Ruan Tian did not notice for a moment, and was thrown into his top suite by him.

Ruan Tian hit 120 in front of his face, and said without expression: "if you are sick, go and treat it."

Qin Yu sneered twice, put her on the sofa and said, "what did I say?"

"I said two years ago that what you can get from Shen Hui is suffering. You still don't believe me."

"I'm not wrong. Tut, he just doesn't like you.""I'm not surprised that you will divorce, but why don't you always hit the south wall and don't look back? Didn't it hurt? "

Ruan Tian laughed angrily, "you control me, you control me, you control me!"

Ruan Tian kicked him hard, but he didn't seem to hurt at all.

"Yes, I'm from the countryside. You look down on me, tease me and mock me. Do you think you are noble? You are not as good as me

Qin Yu didn't mean to provoke her.

He's so proud.

He waited too long for her to divorce Shen Hui.

He was so depressed that he was going crazy.

Qin Yu was silent, then turned around and took two plasters, "promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis."

Ruan Tian low eyes looked at the eye box, American brand, it seems very expensive.

She's angry, but she won't get along with money.

Take it down and leave with a brave spirit.

Qin Yu looked at her back and sighed softly: "how can you just learn to be soft?"


at the end of each play, Ruan Tian would sleep for a day.

Instead of rushing home to stay, she stayed in the hotel for two more days. She closed the curtains tightly and put on an eye mask to sleep until the afternoon of the next day. She had enough energy to pack slowly.

Ruan Tian's forehead was sweating before she finished cleaning up. She took off her coat and sat on the ground for a rest.

Suddenly, the doorbell of the hotel rang.

Ruan Tian thought it was the room service of the hotel. She went to open the door, and Zhou Xiaoqiao was standing in front of her now.

Zhou Xiaoqiao small face pale, frowning, a pair of weak Liu Fufeng posture, she carefully asked: "can I go in and talk to you?"

Every time Ruan Tian gets along with her alone, she doesn't know how to face her.

"Come in."

Zhou Xiaoqiao is sitting on the sofa in embarrassment.

Ruan Tian was a little strange, "did you come to me specially?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao nodded, his eyes turned red and his throat choked.

Ruan Tian asked again, "what can I do for you?"

Is wechat not good? No matter how hard it is, we can still contact each other. Why do we have to meet? How embarrassing.

Zhou Xiaoqiao opened his mouth and began to cry without saying anything.

Women are not made of water, but of tears.

Ruan Tian is not a man. She doesn't like it at all.

Cry, cry. She can't die anyway.

Cry blind eyes do not have to pay.

As soon as Zhou Xiaoqiao saw that Ruan Tian didn't even mean to pass the paper to her, he gradually stopped.

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Her tears are still hanging on her face, looking very pure and fragile.

She choked and said, "sweetie, I I'm really sorry. I always think it's me who caused you to divorce Shen Hui. "

Ruan Tian stood still, his eyelids were too lazy to lift, "you think too much."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was stunned, wiped his tears and continued to say: "it's really not because of me? I know you like Shen amnesty when you were very young, so I never thought of robbing you. You don't blame me, do you? "

Ruan Tianshan smile, slightly embarrassed, "Oh, you don't want to think."

What she's really trying to say is, don't put gold on your face.

She and Shen amnesty divorce this matter, is a certainty, and Zhou Xiaoqiao fart relationship.

Zhou Xiaoqiao nodded and wept with joy. "It's good that you don't blame me." She sucked her nose and said, "I heard that brother Qin Yu is also here. Didn't you fight?"

Ruan Tian probably knows what Zhou Xiaoqiao thinks.

Will not deliberately harm her, but possessive, do not allow people who love themselves to love her.

Ruan Tian didn't want to deal with Zhou Xiaoqiao. He pondered for a while, "you are not well. I'll call a car for you and take you home."

Zhou Xiaoqiao bit his lower lip and was reluctant to leave this evening.

She originally wanted to stay with Ruan Tian for one night to get in touch with her sisters.

Ruan Tian half pushed the person to the hotel gate, quickly called a Didi, but the taxi peak still need to wait.

Zhou Xiaoqiao stood at the door of the hotel still hesitated, "I'll stay with you for one night, OK?"

Ruan Tian: you can shake me.

"No more."

Zhou Xiaoqiao used her usual coquetry method to reach out and grab her sleeve. Ruan Tian, like a big enemy, subconsciously pushed her hand away. She didn't know that her elder sister was more fragile than glass. She leaned back and almost fell down the stairs.

Thanks to Ruan Tian's quick eyes and quick hands, she was dragged back.

The blood color on Zhou Xiaoqiao's face retreated, and he said in a low voice, "thank you."

Soon, the car Ruan Tian called arrived, she waved to the driver, waiting for the car to stop steadily, without hesitation to send Zhou Xiaoqiao to the car, and then said to the driver: "please, master."

Zhou Xiaoqiao sat in the car, staring at the reflection of the back outside the window. She clenched her fingers and knew that she should not be jealous of her sister.My sister has been out for so many years. She should care about her sister.

But Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn't help it. She was afraid that her parents would be partial to her sister. She was afraid that those who only spoiled her would fall in love with Ruan Tian.


after returning home, Zhou Xiaoqiao fell ill for a long time. He had a high fever and stayed in the hospital for three days before his temperature came down.

Zhou's mother was so worried that she turned around her, "Joe, where have you been!? How did you come back and get sick like this? Have you been bullied? "

Zhou Xiaoqiao is sick in bed, weak all over, soft voice, she said: "no, mom, I'm really not bullied."

The more she denied it, the more she doubted what had happened.

But the child's mouth is so tight that he can't pry it open.

Zhou's mother does things in a vigorous and resolute manner. She immediately arranges for someone to check her itinerary and calls out the surveillance. After watching the surveillance video, she knows that Zhou Xiaoqiao went to Ruan Tian the night before she was ill.

All of a sudden, it ignited the fire in Zhou's mother's heart.

Zhou's mother went out of Zhou Xiaoqiao's bedroom and found a sound proof room to call Ruan Tian.

As soon as she got through, she couldn't wait and said angrily, "what did you and your sister say?"?! As soon as she came back, she got sick and had a fever. I told you ten times to treat your sister better. Why don't you listen to me? "

Ruan Tian just woke up with a nasal voice, "ah, she's sick, so what's the matter with me?"

Zhou's mother's lungs were about to explode with her anger. "What's your tone? Come home tonight to have a good look at your sister and see how much she suffered because of you."

Ruan Tian thought seriously for half an hour and decided to go back.

She borrowed the advanced Maserati from jianglili and drove onto the road. She got stuck at the gate of Zhou's house 60 yards away.

The Zhou and Shen families live not far away.

Shen's mother came to see Zhou Xiaoqiao when she heard that he was ill. Shen's reaction behind her was flat, as if it was not his white moonlight who was ill.

Ruan Tian glanced at him, but did not take him seriously.

She went upstairs to see Zhou Xiaoqiao as her mother would like.

Well, it's a good life.

After dinner, Zhou's mother reprimanded Ruan Tian in front of an outsider, "you know your sister's health is not good, you still let her stand at the door of the hotel to blow cold air? You are trying to kill her

Ruan Tian played with her fingers.

Zhou's mother pointed at her and said angrily, "why can't you learn well?"

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Ruan Tian raised her head, "it's not that I can't learn well, it's in your eyes that whatever I do is wrong."

"I didn't understand why you didn't love me and would go around looking for me and taking me home."

"Now I've figured out that you're trying to make yourself at ease. You lose me, so you don't have a good conscience. If you take me back, you feel that your fault has been compensated, and you don't have to feel guilty any more."

Zhou's mother didn't expect that Ruan Tian would speak so frankly about her selfishness.

She had nightmares for so many years that after she got the child back, she never had any more.

So the little guilt she had left was gone.

Ruan Tian won't cry in front of her parents, nor in front of Shen Hui. She is very calm. She wanted to say these words for a long time.

"I can't do anything better than Zhou Xiaoqiao. If you think I've become a miss of the Zhou family, I should thank you."

"I've lived in many families since I was five years old, and I've been robbed by childless families. Then when they have children, I'll be abandoned."

"I've had meals, picked up garbage, and I've worked hard to survive."

When she was a child, she was at the gate of the amusement park. When she saw her mothers holding their children, happily taking them in to play and buying them candy, she would also dream that if she found her mother in the future, would she be such a gentle person?

So when she was found by Zhou's mother, Ruan Tian didn't hesitate at all, so she followed her back to Zhou's home.

Zhou's mother's face changed again and again, even from Ruan Tian's eyes to see the resentment.

Shen Xun didn't look very good either. He never knew about Ruan Tian, and he never heard her mention it to anyone.

Zhou's mother stepped back several steps, and her heart became flustered.

"Now I think it's good to be an orphan without a mother," she said

In a word, it's like a knife into Zhou's mother's chest.

When she heard her daughter say this, she couldn't accept it for a moment.

The soles of her feet softened, and she could barely hold on to the corner of the table.

Ruan Tian then left.

She thought that if someone scolds her on the Internet in the future - your mother is dead.

Then she can also brazenly reply - I don't have a mother.

Shen Hui chased her out of the villa hall and stopped her in three or two steps.

Ruan Tian bypassed him, and he continued to block.

"What can I do for you?" She asked."There are still your things in the wedding room. When are you going to collect them?" Shen Hui answered calmly.


Does she have a marriage with Shen Hui?

"I don't want it."

"No more rings and necklaces?"

"Yes, I don't want any more."

Shen Xun's face is heavy. He watched a lot of Ruan Tian's TV and searched a lot of shooting trivia. He never thought Ruan Tian had been so hard in the past two years.

She lives so tenacious and dazzling, like a sunflower growing against the sun.

Shen Hui folded his chin and tightened his pale face. His eyes were bloodshot. He said, "I gave it to you when I got married."

Do you still refuse to take it like this?

Ruan Tian thinks Shen Hui is really funny.

She blinked her innocent eyes. "Isn't that what your secretary prepared?"

They're all Foxes of a thousand years old, playing Liaozhai.

Shen Hui pursed his lips and said, "I bought it."

Ruan Tian was stunned for a second. She lowered her head and raised her face again. "You can put it in the garbage can. You can sell it. I don't want it."

Shen Hui's eyes were like ice, which could freeze the dead.

Ruan Tian Yisheng said with a smile, "Shen Hui, don't look at me like this. You should be good at it."

"Isn't all the presents I gave you in the trash can?"

Whether it's hand-made.

Or she saved money, worked for several months, and bought the famous brand with the money she saved.

Shen Hui abandoned them like shoes.

Why, it's too much to let him lose a Broken Necklace now!!!

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