Ruan Tian felt that her mood was out of control.

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It seems that these two words she said are intended to stimulate and irony Shen Hui's behavior.

In fact, she didn't want to.

Ruan Tian really likes him when he likes him. He has no face and no skin. He can offer all his sincere love to him.

In the same way, after giving up, I don't want to have any more contact.

Ruan Tian raised her eyes and looked at him. There was no doubt that the man's facial features were outstanding. The bridge of the nose was high, the eyebrows and eyes were delicate, and the slightly pursed lips made his expression look a little cold.

Qin Yu is right. She doesn't look back even if she bumps into the south wall. She won't cry even if it hurts. She has to break her head and blood to know the pain.

She just like Shen for many years.

Ruan Tian said, "it's up to you. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Shen Hui was silent for a few seconds and moved slowly to make way for him.

After a while, Shen came up to him, looked at her son and asked, "what did you talk to her about?"

Shen Hui's throat was tight. "Nothing."

Shen's mother also knows her son well. She knows that he has been arrogant since he was a child, and everything will never turn back.

She patted Shen Hui on the shoulder, "go home first." After a pause, she added: "since you were in junior high school, your father and I have never interfered in any of your choices. Since you have chosen them yourself, don't regret it."

Shen's mother doesn't like Ruan Tian's daughter-in-law, and she won't make trouble.

When they get married, they guess that they won't last long.

At that time, Ruan Tian's eyes were full of shyness and longing, and her vision was the same as Shen Hui's.

What about her son? Cold face, no expression, also can't see how happy.

After Shen Hui came home, he went into the bedroom upstairs and found out the ring and necklace that Ruan Tian had never worn before. It was really bought by him. He had it wrapped up and sent it to Ruan Tian by his secretary.

He didn't even know that the ring wasn't the right size.

Nanny knocked on the door and asked, "young master, do you want to prepare for supper?"

Shen didn't eat much at the Zhou family. He said, "cook a bowl of light porridge."

The nurse said hello.

Shen Hui felt headache. He closed his eyes and lay on the bed for a while. When he woke up, he was still very uncomfortable.

A kind of unspeakable irritability, scurrying in the chest.

Shen Hui has received the best education and learned the best etiquette since he was a child. He has been a model of his classmates since he was a child. He is introverted, modest and considerate. However, his pride can not be changed.

He remembered what Ruan Tian said today.

Indeed, all the things that Ruan Tian gave him were in the dustbin.

He treated her as a joke with prejudice.

Never really regard Ruan Tian as his wife.

At first, only from the mouth of Zhou Xiaoqiao that her sister is a vulgar person.

Later, in the spring sports meeting of senior two, Ruan Tian reported three events at a time. He and Qin Yu also went to see her tug of war competition together.

The slender girl was dressed in school uniform, with a number plate on her chest. She stood at the first place, holding a hemp rope in her hand. When the whistle came up, she tried her best to drag back. Soon, she won the game.

Ruan Tian also won the first place in the shot put competition and broke the school record in running 3000 meters.

At that time, Shen Hui didn't think she was very powerful. He had only one impression - rudeness.

Like other people, Ruan Tian's life was good. He flew from a village girl to a branch and became a Phoenix.

He didn't know what life Ruan Tian lived in those ten years. He also forgot that she should have been the daughter of the Zhou family.

The next day when she went to work, secretary Liu felt that her boss was not in a good mood. She looked cold and scolded several colleagues.

After the meeting, Shen Hui lost his pen and leaned back. His brow was covered with black air. He said in a cold voice, "go and check Ruan Tian. I want all the information about her from birth to now."

Secretary Liu repeatedly confirmed, "is it madam?"

Shen Hui looked up at him.

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Secretary Liu quickly said, "is it miss Ruan?"

Shen Hui replied, "well."

Secretary Liu's professionalism is very high, "good."

He still doesn't understand. He has been divorced for some time. Why do you want him to check Ruan Tian all of a sudden? And as far as he knows, there was no property dispute between the president and miss Ruan when they divorced.

They divorced in harmony.

Secretary Liu felt that the boss should be disgusted with Miss Ruan, otherwise she could not do such a cruel thing.


the day Ruan Tian returned the car to Jiang Lili, she told her the story of her bravery against Zhou's mother with exaggeration.

Jiang Li immediately angrily broke the car key, "is your mother sick? Zhou Xiaoqiao is human, you are not human? "Her angry hand trembled, "she asked you to donate blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao before, she is really not a thing."

Ruan thought.

She almost forgot about the blood donation.

The needle went into the skin. It really hurt.

The female owners of the drama are not in her misery.

After Jiang Li calmed down, he asked, "but how dare you turn against her this time?"

Ruan Tian peeled an orange and put it into her mouth. It was sweet juice when she bit it. She said: "I'm rebellious."

"I'm not a damn bun."

She and Jiang Li are talking, cell phone Ding, the bank's text messages to her eyes.

Ruan Tian's card has been stopped.

Ruan Tian looked at it, with an indifferent expression on her face.

She didn't use the money given by the Zhou family, and she didn't touch that card once.

Ruan Tian ate two oranges and was in a better mood. She asked, "do I have any work next? I love work. Work is my wife. "

Jiang Lili played the role of an agent and combed it out for her. "I've helped you pick up a reality show of tourism variety show, and a female owner of online drama is under consideration."

Ruan Tian scratched his head. "Why should we consider it?"

She's never been a hostess in her life.

Jiang Li was asked silly, "right, why should we consider it, or we will take it?"

Ruan Tian is also very rash, "take it."

In fact, Jiang Lili thinks that the low-cost online play looks ok. It's an IP adaptation. The author of the original work is the screenwriter himself, and the broadcasting platform is also good. It's only shooting in March, and it can give Ruan Tian a good rest.

"Another thing, I almost forgot to tell you, the company's annual meeting this year has been decided, the Laisha Hotel, the day after tomorrow at 7 p.m., remember to dress up beautifully."

Most of Qin's films are powerful actors, and there are many movie stars after the film.

There are also many popular flowers.

Every year's annual meeting is a place where the company's female stars compete. Jiang Li is really afraid that Ruan Tian will go in her sweater and jeans. At that time, she will be crushed to pieces, which will be a shame.

Ruan Tian said, "OK."

She and Jiang Li did not expect that the newly signed drama and variety show were soon burst out on the Internet.

Variety shows are deliberately released by the producers in order to get ahead of time.

As for online dramas, the producers are really small workshops. They are not professional at all. They can't prevent anything. Rumors and wechat screenshots are flying everywhere.

[ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? 】

[a small cost online drama with 20 million investment, ha ha, ha ha. 】

[no matter how much Ruan Tian rubs the traffic, it still doesn't work. What's the connection? It looks very retarded. 】

[seeing the title of the play, I left slowly. 】

[hahaha, I think fans want to commit suicide. 】

before the official announcement, the play has been demoted to be worthless.

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Fans in front of Ruan Tian a mouthful of a mother's baby, but the essence is still fierce incomparable.

All the people except Ruan Tian were merciless.

[I like staring at our sister so much that I wonder if your love bean is dead? 】

[we'll see what sweet cub takes. Don't worry about it. 】

[sucking, biting, be careful you laugh, and the play will explode. 】

the fans probably inherited Ruan Tian's way of speaking to the point, and in two or three words, they shut up the group of people who mocked in advance.

On the day of the annual meeting, Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili went to the hotel together. The evening dress was prepared for her by the company and matched with jewelry.

When receiving this skirt, Ruan Tian once doubted whether it was sent to the wrong place.

It's very inexplicable.

The Laisha hotel has been chartered. Security check is needed for entering and leaving, and then live broadcast on the red carpet.

The annual meeting won't lose the award ceremony.

Fans have long been squatting in the studio, waiting for the emergence of their love beans.

Ruan Tian's fans can't wait to watch her.

In the traffic jam on the road, Ruan Tian was almost late. She arrived at the hotel in the last few minutes, arranged her skirt, checked her make-up again, and then got off the bus. She was invited to the hotel by the staff.

At the same time, pink forum updates the progress of the annual meeting in real time.

[I'm really surprised that Ruan Tian finally left the red carpet It's the motherfucker's treatment 】

1L: I was surprised, too. I watched the live broadcast, and Liu Yile walked on the red carpet in front of her after the three grand slam.

2L: last year was the finale of Lidong, and the year before last was Shao Yuzhuo, who took the film king. Which year was not a big man? There are so many celebrities this year. No matter what, it's not Ruan Tian's turn?

3L: I suddenly thought of the rumor that she met Qin some time ago. I'm afraid it's not true. Does anyone take a careful look?

4l: I'm so impressed. I'm afraid there's no such treatment.5L: Qin Yu is the one in charge of the Qin family. Ruan Tian, is she a concubine? fucking great.

6L: there's no doubt about it. Qin Yu went to the annual meeting. Someone just made a picture. In addition, the evening dress on Ruan Tian's body is a luxury super season custom-made one.

7L: Damn it, for so many years, I remember correctly that this is his first time to attend Qin's annual meeting, right?

8L: Yes, I have. How about you?

9L: I'm dead laughing in chaos.

In fact.

Ruan Tian is simply blocking the car!

She didn't plan to walk on the red carpet, but she was pushed by others. When she got on the red carpet, she was attacked by the camera.

She had to smile gracefully.

After watching the red carpet live broadcast, fans will only say "I'm dead and beautiful", "ah ah, it's so beautiful and beautiful", "my sister killed people with her beauty again today", "ah, I'm sorry that we sweet cubs are not careful today.".

When the red carpet is over, the live broadcast is over.

Entering the infield, Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili are divided into two tables. Ruan Tian sees Qin Yu in the main position. This table is almost the top of the company, and she is the only actor.

Ruan Tian is on pins and needles, and her back is cold.

She felt that this was Qin Yu's plot and deliberately put her on the fire rack.

Other high-level also don't recognize Ruan Tian, guess this woman is who one after another? There can't be someone who doesn't want to die and openly puts his own little love on the main table.

Although they have doubts, they will not ask.

No one thought about Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian buried himself in the meal and put it out of the way.

As soon as the chopsticks reached out, other people on the table stood up and toasted Qin Yu, "Mr. Qin, here's to you."

Ruan Tian thought about it. She's a poor drinker, so she won't drink.

And if you ask her to toast Qin Yu respectfully, you may not be able to control pouring the wine on his face.

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So only Ruan Tian was as stable as Mount Tai and sat still.

The boss of the film and Television Department couldn't take a look at it and gave her a wink, "get up quickly."

Ruan Tian reluctantly stood up and said to Qin Yu, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, I'm sick. I'm afraid I can infect you, so I won't drink it."

Qin Yu looked at her face with a smile but not a smile, holding a wine glass in his hand. When he opened his mouth, he said, "it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of infection."

Shit, that's shameless.

Ruan Tian was silent after hearing this, and then she said, "I'm afraid you'll get sick and infect me."

The people in this room took in the cold air. I can't believe that someone dared to speak like this in front of Qin Yu.

Qin frowned and sneered, but Ruan Tian and he choked.

After eating enough, Ruan Tian didn't watch the program or participate in the game, so she took the chance and ran away.

Qin Yu is a god of pestilence. It's no good to see him every time.

Ruan Tian asked Jiang Li to borrow a shawl before she left, and then left by the back door.

Outside the back door of the hotel is a dark path. The street light is not very bright. You can barely see the scenery when you are close.

Qin Yu put his pocket in one hand and leaned lazily against the wall. When he heard the footsteps, he raised his pale face and laughed at Ruan Tian. "Are you full?"

Ruan Tian stepped back and banged into the door.

Qin Yu walked up to her lightly. His cool fingertips climbed up to her side face. His eyes stayed on her white clavicle for a moment. Then he moved down slowly and picked his eyebrows. "What do you do so fast? Can I eat you? "

Ruan Tian gathered her shawl tightly and pursed her lips.

Don't try to reason with a madman. This is what she has known since she was a child.

"I'll drive you back and you cook me a meal, OK?"

Ruan Tian in order to get rid of him, spit out a sentence, "Qin Yu, do you always appear in front of me because you like me, and I can't pass?"

Qin Yu didn't say a word. He seemed to be thinking about it seriously.

Ruan Tian then said nonsense: "but there are too many people who are crazy about me, you can't play."


because of the red carpet finale, Ruan Tian was chased and scolded by Liu Yile's fans all night. It was light to scold her for being shameless. Most of them had risen to personal attack and were merciless.

Liu Yile's big fan made a direct summary. Chang Bo: [Ruan Tian, the chief Bai Lianhua in the entertainment circle, who has rubbed the popularity of Xu Jing, has taken the initiative to end up frying the CP of he Qin An. What's the actual performance? Asking is no, scolding is cyber violence. 】

[with all due respect, a person who has not even played the role of a hostess is not worthy to be compared with our sister. 】

[as long as I sleep with enough people, I can finish the whole story. I suggest that other students learn from her. 】

Liu Yile's fans are the top fighting force and endurance in the entertainment circle. They directly tear up the hot search, seize the hot spots, control the microblog square, confuse black and white, sell miserably first, and then frame up.

The team took the lead in rhythm and direction control, and made Ruan Tian's fans clear to death.A large number of passers-by just listen to one side of the story, and directly stand on Liu Yile's side. They just regard Ruan Tian as a malicious robber, and then they begin to denounce her behavior.

Jiang Li is regarded as hating Liu Yile. This man is so poisonous that he has been blackhanded again and again. As for him?

Ruan Tian, the victim in turn comforted her, "once the cable is pulled out, go to hell."

Jiang Li turned off his mobile phone, and then said, "the first phase of the travel variety show will be recorded next month. This time, there is no Taiwan version. I'll help you find out. The other four guests seem to be very good."

Ruan Tian thought that she had to meet him at huaimo's school before recording.

She promised to do everything, can't let a little boy down?

So Ruan Tian found a free Friday, put on a mask and took a taxi to huaimo's school.

It's a long time since we met last time.

Ruan Tian didn't expect huaimo's grades to be so good. She was a top student of Capital University. She just entered the freshman year.

Huaimo went to pick her up at the school gate after class. Ruan Tian was surprised to see his white coat. "Are you a doctor?"

Huaimo's eyes curved with a smile, "yes."

He was a little embarrassed. "Sister, I just came out of the lab and didn't have time to change my clothes. Would you mind?"

Ruan Tian doesn't mind, but thinks huaimo looks better in this white coat.

His facial features are very beautiful, his skin is delicate, white and transparent.

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Huaimo took Ruan Tian to a canteen of the school to have a meal. When the elder students of the same laboratory saw him smile, it was almost like bumping into a ghost.

Huaimo is very famous in the Department of medicine of Capital University. He is a gifted student with a deep background, but he is very lonely. He likes to do anatomy exercises in the laboratory.

He has no friends and disdains to make friends.

I just like to deal with all kinds of animal carcasses.

It seems that huaimo has never been afraid or vomited since he first entered the dissecting room. No matter what he sees, he can deal with it calmly.

When ordering a good meal, Ruan Tian pointed to the classmate who was also wearing a white coat at the next table and asked, "is that your classmate?"

Huaimo glanced, "it's my seniors."

Ruan Tian said twice, "can you become a doctor after graduation?"

Huaimo has no plan to save the world and help others. His talent in medicine does not mean that he is interested in medicine.

He just likes to cut with a scalpel.

"No accident, it should be, sister. My childhood dream is to cure and save people."

Sure enough, Ruan Tian's eyes were brighter when she looked at him. "Ah, you're so nice."

Huaimo lowered his head, red face, looks like a green young man, "I don't have such a good sister boast."

Ruan Tian was flushed and shy again. She couldn't help rubbing his hair. "You're just fine."

After lunch, Ruan Tian still remembers that huaimo is a lonely teenager. She wanted to give money directly. After considering it, she thought that giving money hurt people's self-esteem, so she took a circuitous way and led him to the school supermarket. She bought him a pile of fast food and let him take it back to his dormitory.

Huaimo didn't live in school for a day, and fast food was taken home by him.

The atmosphere in huaijia's villa is depressed, and the housekeeper and nanny are very cautious.

Huaimo is the kind of ancestor that everyone has to give up.

Towards evening, the nanny summoned up the courage to knock on the young master's door and invite him down to dinner.

Huaimo cold face downstairs, see the food on the table, chuckled, raised eyelids, "withdraw."

The housekeeper's worried hair turned white. Young master Huai had a very serious anorexia. He said, "young master, you should take two mouthfuls anyway. Otherwise, Miss Ruan would be worried if you look so thin."

Huaimo thought, "is she really worried?"

"Yes," said the housekeeper

Huaimo finally agreed to sit down. After eating a bowl, he suddenly said, "I don't like her acting."

"But I can't help it."

"It's a headache."

The housekeeper knows that huaimo is easy to be extreme.

It doesn't make sense of anything he doesn't want to hear.

Just shut up and listen.

Ruan Tian was not recognized in the Capital University, but was photographed when huaimo took her to the car.

The reporter deliberately picked the misplaced photos. Put it directly on the front page of the website, with a huge red Title: "Ruan Tian sweet private club student suckling dog, the love affair is suspected to be exposed in advance. 】

Photos blinded netizens.

"So the question is, how many men does she have? There are no less than five rough estimates. Life is a winner. "

"Woo woo woo, is my sunny day gone again? My courtyard collapsed into a small bungalow. It's too miserable. ""No, you didn't think that Ruan Tian's new love affair broke out so soon. Would she cheat without divorce?"

"Watson, you found the blind spot."

"Oh, eat melon eat melon, derailed women are not good to die."

"Cheating is a moral problem, isn't it?"!!! What a cheap girl. "

After the incident spread, Ruan Tian received tens of thousands of insults. She prepared the clarification materials and learned a lot of curse sentences from the comments.

It's all knowledge points, to remember!

Later, it will be applied to those dog men, hee hee.

To Ruan Tian's surprise, at ten o'clock that night, Qin's film industry official made a statement and sent lawyer's letters to the website editor and more than a dozen dirty black fans.

This kind of treatment gave Ruan Tian the illusion that I was a woman.

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