Many stars have sent lawyer letters to black powder, but the prosecution time is long, often can't wait for the verdict, things are almost forgotten.

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Therefore, many stars and studios only send letters without prosecution, which serves as a deterrent and makes them stop making rumors and stop after reaching their goal.

This led to black powder more fearless.

Among them, Liu Yile, the big fan who took money from heiruan Tian, even intercepted the lawyer's letter sent by Qin's film company and sent a blog to ridicule: "you can buy it for 50 yuan on a treasure. You're pretending to be your mother. 】

if it can be mixed into big powder, naturally many people support it.

When others saw that she was not flustered, they began to launch a mocking microblog: "what are you going to sue me for? I'm thinking about your father. Isn't it true what I said? 】

[I don't know how many lawyer's letters have been sent, but you don't have many. I'm so happy. Who doesn't know that lawyer's letters are sent to fans? It's just to stabilize the morale of the army. I'm afraid you'll sue me? 】

[you are welcome to sue heehee hee. If you don't, you will be grandson. 】

this is the first time that the official blog of Qin's film industry has sent lawyer letters for its artists. Some of them just came to see the excitement, sighing that Ruan Tian is really the imperial concubine of Qin's film industry? The treatment is good.

After all, when the movie queen was blacked out, Qin's film industry never sent her any lawyer's letter and statement.

"Ruan Tian, is this a trick for Qin? It's not the treatment of a concubine. It's directly the treatment of a queen. Qin An is not as well treated as she is. "

"No, I don't think Qin's film industry paid much attention to Ruan Tian before. This year, it seems that she is crazy. The red carpet finale of the annual meeting, and she is allowed to sit at the main table full of big men. Now she's going to send a lawyer's letter in person. I'm really convinced."

Qin's film industry has always been high cold, and its official blog rarely Posts microblogs related to artists. Ruan Tian's treatment is the first since the company was founded.

After sending the letter, the rumor that Ruan Tian was cheating on huaimo was slightly reduced.

Before long, under the leadership of Da Fen, a new round of ridicule came.

Mojo was laughing and didn't dare to tell them. Their faces were full of pride.

At 10 a.m. the next day, after the official blog staff went to work, they logged in to the microblog and sent out the screenshot of the court's case, with the words: "everything is going through the procedure about the reputation lawsuit of our company's Miss Ruan Tian. We will inform the public of the specific process in time. 】

to put it bluntly.

That is -

it's settled.

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I'll see you in court.

Not only will I sue you, but I will publish you.

In a statement, Liu Yile's big fan hasn't tweeted for ten hours, silently deleting the previous provocative words.

But what they are facing is a powerful lawyer group, which can't be solved by deleting microblog.

Ruan Tian's fans are full of confidence and strong momentum. He said on the Internet with a smile:

"I've never seen a person slip and kneel so fast."

"Congratulations to everyone on the list. Have a good year in the detention center."

"Be kind when surfing the Internet, or you'll have to pay the price when you meet the tough stubble."

"It's killing me. It's killing me. I'll agree to the agreement between Tian Zai and Qin Yu."

"It's a man who loves our sister and can knock CP. remember that the man is a tool man, just to set off the beauty of our sister! We only have sister in our heart! Ah! Our sweet baby

Ruan Tian couldn't understand what the picture of Qin Yuzheng was.

If Qin Yu treated her badly, she could understand it. If Qin Yu suddenly cared about her life and death like today, she would not be used to it.

Jiang Li's degree of shock is no less than her. It's incredible that the company helps Ruan Tian make a statement about this.

"Did you sleep with Qin Yu?"

Ruan Tianpei said, "go away."

Jiang Li is too fuckin 'puzzling. No matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out.

Back then, Ruan Tian broke her contract, but she didn't control her mood. She smashed the things on his desk in Qin Yu's office. She still remembers that battle today.

Qin Yu's face was blacker than the bottom of the pot at that time. He broke the pen in his hand, and her cold face made her cool behind her.

Jiang Li continued to guess, "is that Qin Yu crazy?"

Ruan Tian felt that what she said was reasonable and nodded, "very likely."

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Qin Yu has long been a mad dog.

Jiang Li sat down on the sofa and sighed, "sweet boy, I feel really cool being covered by the company."

Ruan Tian didn't feel much, perhaps because no matter what she saw on the Internet, she could pull herself out.

It seems that the person being scolded is not her.

"Well, all right."

The mobile phone placed on the tea table hummed and vibrated.

Zhou's remarks flash on the screen.Ruan Tian felt that since the last time they tore their skin, with the strong character of Zhou's mother, if she didn't accept soft, she would never contact her again in her life.

Ruan Tian looks at the screen and turns it on and off, and turns it on and off.

Zhou's mother persevered in calling her three times, but Ruan Tian didn't answer any of them.

Waiting for the mobile phone to stop, Jiang Li gave a thumbs up, "I've had enough of your mother long ago. The garbage classification scores are all in the harmful garbage."

Ruan Tian nodded with approval, "I'm fed up with it, too."

Every time I answer her phone, I have to be angry. This time, Zhou's mother must have no good thing to look for her.

Ruan Tian remembers that in the later part of the book, Zhou's mother drives her mate out of the house for another daughter she loves. She doesn't care if she dies outside.

Jiang Li said happily: "fortunately, you didn't change your surname, otherwise you would be more aggrieved."

Ruan Tian's name is her own. Ruan Zi picked up the surname of her wandering grandmother at the beginning. Tian Zi is the word she took when she grew up and could read.

Ruan Tian loves sweet food and hopes to live a sweet life every day.

There will always be sugar to eat and people to love.

"I don't want to be Zhou." Ruan Tian said with a frown.

At the beginning, Zhou's parents did mention helping her change her surname. She didn't agree. Zhou's mother was stubborn, but she had to go with her.

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Zhou's mother always hated Ruan Tian's obstinacy and thought she was extremely disobedient.

Jiang Lili said, "the reality TV variety show that will be recorded in a few days has a live broadcast. It seems that Xu Jing has been invited by the program team to be a permanent guest. You should be prepared."

Ruan Tian Yi two, slightly puzzled, "I read the list, how do I remember that there seems to be no him."

Jiang Li explained: "there is a new man who is ill and can't come. The program team invited Xu Jing with a try attitude. Who knows, he met a ghost, and Xu Jing agreed!"

Ruan Tian signed the contract earlier than Xu Jing. No wonder she didn't know that Xu Jing signed the program later.

However, he was not so hard to accept, and she was not at a loss after thinking about it.

She asked: "Xu Jing was not cheated by the program team, was he?"

"I asked. Xu Jing knew you were there, and didn't say that you and he could only keep one."

"That's OK, oKKK."

Ruan Tian is afraid that Xu Jing will turn over and leave when she sees her on the day of recording. It's not that Xu Jing can't do such a thing!!!

When the time comes, the program team will kick her for Xu Jing's sake. What can we do? How can she make money!!!

Sweet boy only knows money, everything else is fart.

Jiang Lili was worried, but he still couldn't let go of his heart. "Sweet boy, when recording, let's endure more. Don't conflict with Xu Jing again. I'm afraid you'll suffer a loss, wuwuwu."

Ruan Tian thinks that Xu Jing is arrogant, doesn't like to talk, doesn't deal with people, and has a good temper. She and Xu Jing can get along with each other peacefully.

Ruan tianpi didn't smile, blinked and said seriously: "you don't have to be afraid of me. You should be afraid of Xu Jing getting along with me more and finding my beauty. What if you fall in love with me? "

The river is speechless.

After the Spring Festival, "brother and sister's journey" officially began recording, and for the first time, it was broadcast semi live on TV.

At the beginning of March, the program group began to announce five guests. Ruan Tian was the first official to announce, while Xu Jing was placed in the C position.

In order to invite him over, the program team spent a lot of effort and naturally gave him the best treatment.

Xu Jing's fans have seen the news before, and they all eat it as fake melons. They don't believe that he will agree to cooperate with Ruan Tian.

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After seeing the list, the fans couldn't accept it for a while, and their mentality collapsed. "Why do you want to go on the same show with Ruan Tian?"

"Wuwu, Wuwu, my brother will be ruined again."

"It must be Ruan Tian who knew in advance that her brother was going to be on the show, so she also went on with him to learn from the elite!"

"In order to catch up with our brother, Ruan Tian spent a lot of effort."

"With her perseverance, I would have caught up with my brother long ago."

"Pray they don't know Wuwuwuwu."

There is no sugar in the world that CPF can't crack.

Soft and hard, they can knock.

Among the complaints, the voice of CPF is very abrupt.

"I didn't expect that I'd be able to knock sugar out of the patio in my lifetime."

"CPF's spring is coming, only powder sisters, shake it!"

"The same frame is DOI, not bad."

This variety show is also considered to be the first show. The number of bookings in the fruit video app on the same day exceeded 500000, which is roughly estimated to reach a million before the first live show.

Passers-by always watch the excitement, but they don't think it's too big. They feel that the program team is deliberately doing something and invite two people who have had a holiday to a variety show.

Almost not in front of the two parties excited to call them to fight!They can't wait to see the fight. It's better to kill each other for three days and three nights.

However, things become strange, and they imagine the routine is not the same.

The night before the recording of the variety show, Xu Jing followed Ruan Tian's microblog.

Jingfen: Yes??? Ruan Tian, if you seduce our brother again, you will die.

Doughnuts: Xu Jing climb for me, don't get close to our sweet baby!!

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