After Xu Jing's Weifen expressed his anger on his microblog, he went to the official blog of "brother and sister's travel" to comment.

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"If you dare to maliciously edit or group, you will die."

"Protect our brother!"!!! Our brother is beautiful alone, and the rest of the demons go away. "

"Ruan Tian of * * caught us King ye to suck blood alone. Was she a vampire in her last life? No words

"I'm going to be an Internet spammer. I'm going to be Ruan Tian every day!"

"I'm not afraid. From today on, I'll kill one of the chickens, and I'll be a professional chicken butcher."

After venting his emotions under the official blog, fans have never let Xu Jing's agent go. If the agent is professional enough, he should put pressure on the program team and kick Ruan Tian out.

"Dead fat man, eat, eat every day. Why don't you die! That is, our brother is kind-hearted and didn't fire you. "

"@ Xiao Pang, you give me a bloody apology."

"@ xiaopang, you really don't have any broken resources for my brother."

"@ xiaopang, it's amazing. I'm your mother. Let our superstars be stuck and hyped? Fool

Ruan Tian said that she really didn't want to fire CP. she signed the contract earlier than Xu Jing.

Does she really want to face Xu Jing's cold face?

Ruan Tian felt that if she had to look at Xu Jing's face all day, she would have to apply for work injury with the program team!

The night before the program was recorded, Ruan Tian received an express, which should have been sent by Shen Hui. In the box were rings and necklaces that he asked his secretary to give her two years ago.

Ruan Tian was silent when she looked at it.

Does Shen Hui not understand people? Didn't he lose it? Send it to her, she can't wear it!

This idiot.

Rings and necklaces together can sell a lot of money, if put in the past, Ruan Tian will not hesitate to sell.

However, what she had left was her dignity and backbone, which made her not do so.

Ruan Tian left the ring and necklace in the trash can downstairs when she went out.

Just like Shen Hui, she doesn't want any more.


the first episode of "brother and sister's journey" was recorded on an unknown island. The program team bought tickets for all guests in advance and sent cars to pick them up.

Ruan Tian's home is too remote. She was the last one to arrive at the airport.

Five guests, three men and two women.

Another female guest also knows that she is the heroine in "marry a concubine for a son". The popularity of this play is almost occupied by Xu Jing alone, and the rest is Ruan Tian.

At the beginning, Zhao Menger had no sense of existence as a woman. Her constitution was transparent, just like that of God.

You know, Zhao meng'er found an old man who was more than 20 years older than herself, and then she was finally put into "marry a concubine for a son" to be the woman leader. Seeing that she was going to be red, Ruan Tian, who was born in the world, robbed her of all her popularity. She hated Ruan Tian and wanted to kill her in her dream.

This time, Zhao meng'er knew in advance that Ruan Tian was going to be on the show. He was so obedient to the gold master that he put himself in temporarily.

Zhao meng'er swears that this time she will make Ruan Tian unable to turn over.

From the airport, the program team has been on live.

The program team introduced the guests one by one.

Zhao meng'er gently smiles at Ruan Tian and reaches out her hand, "sister Tiantian, I've met again. I miss you so much."

To be honest, Ruan Tian is a little scared.

She is muddled, this at the beginning Zhao Menger is not in the drama group! She is the only heroine appointed by the management. She doesn't pay attention to the actors except Xu Jing.

Once, Zhao Menger was furious because she accidentally touched her water cup.

It's so sweet now, isn't it?

Ruan Tian moistened her throat and said, "I'm twenty-two."

Then, word by word, she said, "you are twenty-seven."

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Two! Ten! Seven!

Zhao Menger doesn't deserve to be called her sister.

When the words fall to the ground, Zhao Menger's smile at the corner of her mouth becomes stiff, and the whole person becomes stiff. She is blocked in her chest at one breath, almost not angry to death by Ruan Tian.

Zhao meng'er adjusted her expression, delicate and weak, with tears in her eyes, just like Ruan Tian bullied her.

After boarding the plane, the live broadcast was temporarily suspended.

Without a camera, Zhao meng'er regained his original appearance. He spent a little money and went up to the first class. He didn't care about Ruan Tian any more.

Ruan Tian just stayed in economy class.

She wants to go first class, too.

Why is she so poor!

Ruan Tian and Xu Jinggang are sitting in a row. They thought that Xu Jing would go without hesitation. But they didn't expect that he would sit in the same position and keep still.

Xiao Pang also asked Xu whether he needed to change his seat.

Xu Jing closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "no need."Xiao Pang really wants to cry.

When it comes out, he will be scolded by Xu Jing's fans.

After the plane took off, Ruan Tian was still not sleepy, and her mobile phone had no signal, but she couldn't take the initiative to chat with Xu Jing. She leaned against the back of her chair and emptied her head. It was too boring. She turned on her mobile phone and played a stand-alone game.

It takes seven hours to get to the island.

Ruan Tian was dizzy after playing for less than half an hour.

She turned to the staff in the back seat and said, "sister, do you have any extra goggles?"

"Sorry, I didn't bring it."

Ruan Tian said yes.

Xu Jing, who had been silent, said, "I have more."

He gave Xiao Pang a wink, and Xiao Pang immediately handed Ruan Tian the unsealed new blindfold.

Ruan Tian put on her mask and went to sleep.

Xu Jing took a look at her and immediately looked away.

In recent months, it's hard for him not to see Ruan Tian's news, and the divorce is a hot topic.

Xu Jing didn't expect that Ruan Tian and Shen Hui divorced so soon. In high school, they all saw the crazy look that she bumped into.

The whole high school, no one like Ruan Tian, the pursuit of no turning back.

Regardless of any secular vision, moths to the fire, chasing.

Xu Jing didn't like her very much all the time. He thought her mind was not pure, but he didn't go too far as Qin Yu did. He went to her for trouble from time to time.

Having known Ruan Tian for so many years, Xu Jing suddenly feels that he doesn't know this person at all.


while Ruan Tian was sleeping on the plane, her conversation with Zhao Menger was intercepted from the live broadcast.

Across the screen, you can feel the gunpowder between the two female stars.

Doughnut girl: @ Ruan Tian, sister, how dare you say [picture]. "

[fuck, ha ha ha ha, Ruan Tian is a real tiger. 】

[sweet sister is really the first person in the entertainment industry to cure a whore. Zhao Menger's face is so black that she can't see it, and she has to endure dressing innocent Yazi. It's so funny. 】

[it's wonderful to treat a whore with a whore. 】

[what kind of program is this? I also want to go to Kangkang!!! 】

[damn, I think Zhao meng'er just wanted revenge. When she was the imperial concubine, she was so stupid that she was a disgrace to the heroine. 】

[we have to avenge the enemy of blasting! Fight! Fight! 】

Ruan Tian's upright personality suddenly won the hearts of the people. Some people summed up some golden sentences for her. After summing up, they found that Ruan Tian was so awesome that she dared to say anything and hated people.

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[I'm going to live broadcast "brother and sister's journey". Two of the other four guests are regarded as Ruan Tian's enemies. I think the program team is deliberately trying to make things happen and want her to die. Ha ha ha. 】

[I want to see the drama. 】

[ruthless, low-key, big man, X mouth without cover, divorced women, patio CP is too easy to knock, give me Meidi tomorrow! 】

[wait for the patio to sugar. 】

the number of fans on the official blog of "brother and sister's journey" has increased by 100000, and the number of reservation in the live room has also increased.

Seven hours later, the plane landed at the island airport.

Ruan Tian sleeps better than a pig. She wakes up slowly when she hears the sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong. She has a sore back and shoulder. She gets up full of pain, takes her carry on luggage and gets off the plane.

Of the five guests, only Ruan Tian did not bring her agent or assistant.

As soon as the plane landed, the crew would not allow the assistant to do anything for the artist. They had to pick up their luggage and find their own accommodation.

The program group gave each person 1000 yuan for a five-day tour on the island.

Ruan Tian thinks that this program is too humanized. She pays back the air tickets.

One thousand yuan is enough for her, and other guests are slightly dissatisfied.

Zhao meng'er looked at the director pitifully, selling cute clothes, "director, can you give more money?"

"No," the director said coldly

For the first day of the first issue, the program team was very considerate and helped them book in advance.

When Zhao Menger was crying, Ruan Tian had already looked for a car on her mobile phone. The airport was more than ten miles away from B & B. It took only about half an hour by car. The fare was 200 yuan, and each person was 40 yuan.

So, after taking her luggage, Ruan Tian kindly suggested, "shall we take a business car?"

Zhao Menger jumped out and refused to agree. She was determined to set up a sensible and gentle person for herself.

Biting her lips, she said cautiously, "we'd better take the subway. It's not good to take a taxi on the first day of the trip."

Several other guests had a good impression on Zhao Menger. They thought the little girl was diligent and frugal.

But Xu Jing didn't say a word.

After thinking about it, Ruan Tian said, "it's hot and crowded now, and we are not familiar with the road here. Everyone has two big suitcases. It's better to take a taxi by subway, and it won't be very expensive."Zhao meng'er insisted on fighting against her, even playing the role of Wenwan at home and playing an addict, "ah, although it's not expensive, you should use your money as money. It's 200 yuan by taxi and 30 yuan by subway."

"Then listen to Zhao meng'er. If we can save some, we can save some?" Speaking of a senior singer, he had many popular songs in his early years and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala many times.

After a silent film, Ruan Tian said, "I'll find someone to carpool. You can take the subway."

Zhao meng'er is eager for her not to be sociable. She smiles sweetly, "OK."

The live barrage was very interesting.

"Zhao Jiesheng in the first game, tut Tut, I really hate Ruan Tian's cutting-off."

"I can't see that Zhao Menger is so sensible. I shouldn't believe her black stuff. This person is much better than Ruan Tian. Ruan Tian really goes her own way. She's not popular. "

"Zhao meng'er's elder sister who can live like this is our model. Ruan Tian is too unsociable!! She deserves to be isolated. "

"U1s1, Zhao Menger is so pure, guarding the last pure coffee in the entertainment circle."

Before Ruan Tian left, she asked, "does anyone want to go carpooling with me?"

No one paid any attention to her.

Xu Jing doesn't mean to carpool. He thinks Zhao Menger is more sensible than Ruan Tian.


These people have never been on the subway during the rush hour, and they don't know what pain is!

Ruan Tian didn't spend much time. She took her two suitcases and went to the parking lot outside the terminal.

Sure enough, there are many drivers in it.

The photography teacher divided into two groups and followed them.

There are many people waiting to see Ruan Tian's jokes in the barrage. It's not so easy to carpool in a foreign country.

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The first is the language barrier, and the second is that if foreign tourists are not careful, they will be slaughtered every minute.

"I remember right, Ruan Tian's high school diploma? Was University expelled because of poor grades? All of a sudden, I'm looking forward to her English level. "

“woo。 Does she recognize ABCD? "

"Sharpening the knife is not a mistake for firewood cutters. Please ask Ruan Tian to come out to work after finishing her university education."

"The contemporary female high school students are killed."

As soon as Ruan Tian entered the parking lot, two men came up. They spoke the local language, but not the English that is used all over the world.

The audience was stunned. What did this man say?

What they can't believe is that Ruan Tian actually understands.

People can not only listen, but also speak.

Men speak Arabic, and Ruan Tian also speaks Arabic.

Her science grades are in a mess and her English is average.

However, in grade one, Ruan Tian was asked by her English teacher to read the text. Qin Yu took the lead in laughing, and Shen Hui couldn't help laughing.

Qin Yu even used this stem to ridicule her in the school new year performance.

Since then, Ruan Tian has made great efforts, vowed to learn English well, and strive to stand in front of Qin Yu in the future and scold him in English. You dog are dead.

As for Arabic, I went to school every day and night for the sake of forgiveness.

Want to be a better person for him, want to be able to stand with him.

After some exchanges, Ruan Tian spent 30 yuan to get a business car for B & B.

She was the first guest to come to the B & B. when she got off the bus, the photographer didn't understand what she said to the driver, and the man charged her 10 yuan less.

"What the hell? Ruan Tian's education is fake. Did she really not graduate from university? "

"DBQ is a drag on college students. I can't speak Arabic as well as her."

"Sweet sister is a real cow."

"I can't laugh any more. I feel that sweet sister is beating sunspot's face every day."

"Ah, our sweet baby is really wonderful. She's my mother's good daughter."

"Don't black our sweet cubs. You are the only ones who are injured and spit blood. Our sweet cubs will only become more and more red and purple."

On the other side, the four people who took the subway had not taken the subway for a long time.

All the time it is a special bus to pick up and drop off, and they don't know the human suffering. Looking at the huge flow of people in the subway station, they almost want to go back to take a taxi, but they can't save face.

Zhao Menger also regrets that she should not take the subway in order to fight Ruan Tian.

She's going to cry.

How can there be so many people? And they also took a lot of luggage, they couldn't squeeze.

It's not easy to understand the subway line. I can't get on the train.

They are sweating and exhausted, and the older singers are discontented.

After waiting four or five times, some of them reluctantly dragged their heavy luggage onto the bus. When they looked at the road map, they had to turn the route four times and change to four stops. Zhao meng'er almost fainted.

Her face was sweaty, her hair was close to both sides of her cheek, and her makeup was a little flowery. She looked haggard.Xu Jing got off the bus on the way. He said, "I'll take a taxi."

Zhao meng'er wanted to stop him, but she didn't dare to speak in front of his cold face. She was tearful and only knew how to cry.

The other two men were embarrassed to leave her.

After several hours of tossing, Zhao meng'er and the three of them got to the final stop.

Check with the map, the result is still 2000 meters away from the B & B.

She couldn't walk any more. She reached for a taxi and got on to the B & B.

Zhao meng'er didn't know that a taxi in an island tourist country is ten times that in China. When converted into RMB, the taxi she took for a few minutes cost 80 yuan.

The older singer and the other actor's face sank.

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The atmosphere among the three is very rigid.

"Zhao Menger is miserable."

"She deserved it. She chose her own way, didn't she? I want to laugh when I look like the singer doesn't want to talk to her anymore. "

"If I form a team with people like Zhao meng'er during the trip, I'll kill myself."

Zhao meng'er's fans are not vegetarians either. They form teams to slaughter the barrage.

"Why do you think we deserve it? She's just so kind. It's for everyone's good. Don't you see what she's crying like? "

"You are snowflakes, you are not innocent when avalanche!"

The first day's live broadcast continued, which lasted less than an hour. There were more and more people in the live broadcast room, and the heat was going up all the time.

After the guests have enough rest, they will start to divide rooms. There are four rooms and four single beds in the B & B, which means that at least one person has to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

Zhao meng'er doesn't want to suffer this kind of crime, but she can't express it directly because there is a camera shooting at the moment.

So she said very euphemistically: "sweet, I'm not in good health."

Ruan Tian immediately took out her mobile phone, "then I'll call an ambulance for you? It should be time to rescue now. "

Zhao meng'er

Ruan Tian, go to hell.

Zhao Menger controlled his temper, "sweet, I don't want to sleep on the sofa."

Ruan nodded, "good coincidence, I don't want to."

What makes her sleep? Is she easy to bully? Go away.

Ruan Tian put forward a very fair idea, "draw lots, whoever you draw is who."

The proposal was unanimously approved.

Zhao meng'er's luck may not be very good, the first to smoke on the sofa, she directly shed tears, "sweet, can you..."


After a day's rush, they decided to go back to their rooms and have a rest.

Ruan Tian took off her make-up, took a bath, dried her hair after she came out of the bathroom, and lay on the bed playing with her mobile phone. At the request of the program group, she sent a propaganda microblog: "floating island ~ happy to turn the circle ~]

even if today's picture with Xu Jing was less than 20 minutes, and she didn't say a word directly, CPFS still said that she was knocked.

And believe the unknown crowd, said the two of them chatted for seven hours on the plane.

CPF a look, they must be made really!

Xu Jing's fans are chasing Ruan Tian again. Ruan Tian has been promoted to their most annoying star.

They left messages and praised the front row.

"It's also the first time I've seen such an ugly female star."

"You might as well not divorce!"

"@ Shen Hui, please come and get back together with your ex-wife as soon as possible."

"@ Qin Yu, your favorite little lover, OK?"

"@ Qin's film industry, you don't care if the imperial concubines come out of the wall? Is that rubbish? "

Rare, Ruan Tian had the feeling of being angered by netizens.

She rebelled again.

Deleted and hacked the users of the last three comments.

Immediately reply in the comments on microblog -

remarriage is impossible for the next eight lifetimes [bared teeth] [bared teeth] [bared teeth]

and Qin Yu and I don't know [bared teeth] [bared teeth] [bared teeth].

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