Ruan Tian left his relationship with them clean.

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Shen Hui seldom goes online, and his microblog has not been used for many years. Xu Jing sent him the screenshots by wechat.

When Shen Hui saw that sentence, he felt a kind of breathless discomfort. He stared at more than ten words for half an hour.

Every word is like a thousand pounds.

The meaning of Ruan Tian's sentence is very clear. It's impossible to remarry.

Shen Hui knows that he first mentioned the divorce. He always thinks that Ruan Tian has no place in his heart and it doesn't matter.

She took his wife's place for two years. That's enough.

Divorce is a happy thing for both of them.

Their marriage is very hasty, from the very funny.

She didn't even have a wedding photo or a wedding.

The only existing group photo between them is probably the graduation photo of high school.

Ruan Tian was standing on the edge of the position, a small word, wearing school uniform, face up with a bright smile, in the ear than a Ye posture.

There were more than a dozen people between them. He stood in the middle, his eyes fixed on the front, his face expressionless.

The more Shen Hui thought about it, the more suffocating he felt in his chest.

He really didn't want to think of Ruan Tian, a woman who didn't conform to his aesthetics from top to bottom.

But my heart is not up to me.

Shen Hui was silent for a long time, and his inner dryness lingered. He found Ruan Tian's wechat, considered it for a moment, typed a line, and asked: "have you received the ring and necklace. 】

Ruan Tian did not return to him.

An hour later, Shen Hui couldn't help calling, though he didn't know what he could say.

The phone rang three times. Not surprisingly, Ruan Tian hung up.


at eight o'clock the next morning, the guests got up one after another.

Ruan Tian changes her clothes and goes downstairs after makeup. Zhao meng'er has already cleaned herself up. She is wearing a lovely suit, which makes her look like an adult college student.

Zhao meng'er took her arm and said, "did Tian Tian sleep well last night?"

Ruan Tian took out her hand without any trace. "It's very good. I had a good dream."

She's a little hungry.

She said, "I'll make breakfast."

Zhao meng'er won't give her a chance to enter the kitchen. She knows that Ruan Tian's cooking skills seem to be very good. If she gets another chance to show off, it's amazing!?

She clung to Ruan Tian's arm to keep her from walking. "I'd better go. You sit and have a good rest."

Ruan sweetheart way, this person isn't a silly!?

Competing for work?

Ruan Tian had no opinion at all, "OK. Then you go. "

God knows that Zhao Menger doesn't know how to cook at all. She only knows a simple fried rice with eggs. She goes into the kitchen with a stiff head. Even the gas is still turned on by the camera.

Ruan Tian and Xu Jing are sitting on both ends of the sofa. Their faces seem to be clearly engraved with five words: "we don't know each other.".

The live broadcast in the morning, there are not many bullet screens.

"My God, it's the same frame, it's the same frame! That's great. "

"It's a patio scene."

"It's like a couple in a rich family who are shamed by the uneven division of property."

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"I can only say four words: kswl."

Xu Jing's Yu Guang secretly looks at Ruan Tian. The morning sun shines on her cheek. She unconsciously purrs her mouth, which is a bit more childish.

Xu Jing swallowed his throat and closed his fingers tightly. "I heard that you played Cheng Dao's movie?"

Ruan Tian can only, um.

Xu Jing then asked, "are you scolded by director Cheng?"

The big director has a good temper. As long as you don't play well enough, he will point to your nose and scold you bloody no matter you are the movie king or the movie queen.

Ruan Tian, after ah, shook her head again, "No

Director Cheng looks serious. He really hasn't scolded her on the set.

It may be that she

was born with

trouble! People! happiness! Love!

Ruan Tian looks at Xu Jing's expression as if she doesn't believe it. She touches her face reddened by the sun. "Really, director Cheng hasn't scolded me, but he has scolded Qin An for crying."

She was careless for a moment and forgot that it was still live.

Xu Jing almost couldn't help covering her mouth.

Fingers clenched together, restrained from reaching out.

"Ruan Tian is bragging."

"Ruan Tian is really a master of stepping on Qin An's business ability. He even said that he was a fool. I'm so happy."

"Although, Qin An is really naive. He is a delicate young master."

"Dare to scold Qin An, I don't think Ruan Tian wants to live."Ruan Tian just noticed the camera flashing red light on the opposite side, with a low cry, "yes, it's still live."

She took her butt to the side and said, "then don't talk to me."

Who can stand being attacked by his fans every day!!!

When the avalanche, the black powder will move the snow mountain to kill her.

Xu Jing, who suffered from deep dislike, said: "I'm not sure."

After jingling in the kitchen, Zhao meng'er finally made breakfast.

A dish of fried rice with eggs that doesn't look good.

Zhao meng'er's hand was still scalded. With tears in her eyes, she insisted on making a strong smile and called the four of them to the restaurant for dinner.

Ruan Tian's stomach is empty and he is starving to death.

Singer Qi tasted it first. Her expression changed and she was stunned.

Zhao meng'er felt uneasy and asked, "teacher Qi, is it delicious?"

I'm sorry to hit her.

Ruan Tian dug a big spoon, just into the mouth, she wanted to spit out, endure severe discomfort, after swallowing the meal, she said directly: "it's too bad."

"I want to throw up."

She trotted to the garbage can and said, "ouch."

Singer Qi

Xu Jing

Director group: --

The hungry Ruan Tian is one of the most irascible people in the world.

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Zhao Menger's tears are streaming, but she is already happy. She just plays a little white flower who is bullied by Ruan Tian. Many fans will love her and hate Ruan Tian.

Zhao meng'er cried and said, "I'll do the dishes. You can order a takeout."

Ruan Tian gargle, said: "then you wash it, wash me to cook."

Zhao meng'er's lower lip is about to be bitten by her and bleeding, "order takeout. I'm afraid I'm starving other teachers."

"How much does it cost to take out? The delivery fee is about 100 yuan. "

Zhao meng'er went to wash the dishes with hatred. This time, her tears were sincere.

Most of her hands have never touched such dirty dishwashing water since childhood!

Zhao Menger also broke three when she washed the dishes. She seems to know nothing but crying.

At first, Xu Jing and Qi wanted to be tolerant, but gradually they got bored.

"After watching the live broadcast, Zhao meng'er is really a bully. After hard work, he has to be despised."

"I took Ruan Tian and vomited in front of Zhao meng'er's face. I almost didn't recite it with a smile just now."

"Zhao meng'er has been bullied and cried. It's still Ruan's elder sister."

"There is such a vicious woman like Ruan Tian in this world."

It took Ruan Tian half an hour to prepare a good breakfast, soft and glutinous preserved egg and lean meat porridge, fried shrimp cake, steamed wheat and red bean milk.

The breakfast with all kinds of color, fragrance and taste evokes the greedy insects in the stomachs of netizens along the Internet.

"I'm hungry. I can't control my saliva."

"No comparison, no harm. It's better to choose from Zhao meng'er who is the first in tears."

"Ruan Tian, please be my wife."

"Roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll

"The world is strange, sweet cubs are lovely."

Five people after breakfast, according to the arrangement of the program group, went to a local private villa by car to experience the noble service.

It's said to be the private property of some big man.

Ruan Tian hates the word "noble". She studied in noble high school. She didn't even have a good friend and was "bullied" by Qin Yu and others.

After arriving at the destination, Ruan Tian understood.

They didn't come to the villa. It was a small castle in front of them.

Like the residence of a noble count in the middle ages.

Before getting off the bus, Xu Jing had a saying that he didn't speak for a long time.

"You haven't turned me off yet," he said

Ruan Tian touched the back of her head, "do you pay attention to me? Ow! I see

Xu Jing picked an eyebrow, "is that it?"

Ruan Tian hesitated: "then I'll remove you?"

Xu Jing will be angry to death by her. He will turn his face and ignore her.

Ruan Tian whispered to himself, a man's heart, it's really hard to guess.

In the castle, the decorations are antique.

Zhao Menger turns to the program group to ask if the owner of the castle is there. She has changed many gold owners over the years. People want to climb up.

She's fed up with the bald old man who is more than 20 years older than her now.

Zhao meng'er is very willing to catch richer and younger people.

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The director is so strict that Zhao Menger can't find out.

Ruan Tian didn't think as much as she did. She chose a sunny room and settled down first.

The castle housekeeper announced that he would take them to experience the local archery at 3pm.Ruan Tian was not interested. After opening the door, she saw the man sitting on the simple sofa.

Four big words came out of her mind: haunted.

How can you meet Qin everywhere?

Just like when she was in high school, no matter how many part-time jobs she took, Qin Yu could always find her accurately. She ordered dozens of cups of milk tea in the milk tea shop, and there would be all kinds of difficulties in the convenience store.

Ruan Tian can only breathe when Qin Yu is ill and has no time to find fault.

But Qin Yu's health is still not very good, see him ten times, eight times in his face is white.

Ruan Tian had guessed that the owner of the castle must be Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian knew that Qin Yu had a bad temper. He stood up slowly, his eyebrows and eyes were extreme, and his expression was restrained. He gently laughed and said, "Miss Ruan, my name is Qin. Let's get to know each other."

Ruan Tian saw his present expression and thought of the day when he took advantage of the fire.

He looked the same, his eyes fixed on her like prey.

Today, Ruan Tian still remembers the taste of that kiss.

She didn't have the guts to cry when she went back.

It was her first kiss. She wanted to kiss Shen Hui.

Qin Yu stood in front of her, "why don't you talk?"

Ruan Tian hates it.

At the beginning, how could she just recite and sign in to Qin Yu's company.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Did you have a good time?"

"Not bad."

Qin Yu leaned close, and could smell the faint fragrance of pear blossom on her body.

He clasped her wrist, leaned over her ear and said with a smile, "Ruan Tian, I won't care about your career in the entertainment industry. Just listen, you are an artist of Qin's film company. You are in my hands. Don't dream of a double harvest of career and love."

"I'll press it down for you about that college student."

"You'll never see him again."

If Ruan Tian and Qin Yu had not known each other for a long time, they would have been scared by his gloomy and terrible appearance.

But why does she want to listen?!

Ruan Tian ha ha's smile, "I and the company are not signed the contract of sale, I want to see who will see who, now, you give me roll."

Get out of here. You'll be annoyed if you see it.

Qin Yu coughed a few times, his fist against the corner of his lip. He looked at Ruan Tian's face coldly. He was introverted and couldn't see through. He reached for her chin and couldn't tell if it was a joke. "I really want to kiss you again."

You psycho!!!

Ruan Tian did not dare to move. When he saw enough to go away, his rigid body gradually relaxed.


the next recording of the program group was very smooth.

Zhao meng'er has been a demon for several times, but he has failed to succeed. He gives himself a wave of disgust, so he doesn't dare to fool around any more. He thinks that Ruan Tian will die when he returns home, so that she can't turn over.

On the fourth day of the recording, Zhao Menger had a low fever, and the program team ended the recording ahead of time, catching the earliest plane of the day and flying back home from the island.

Fortunately, Zhao Menger is in good health and soon gets better.

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However, she stayed in the hospital for seven days and posted a self portrait on her micro blog: "finally she survived, and all her sufferings will pass. 】

the photos taken in the hospital were gaunt and weak, which made her fans feel bad.

"Mengmeng suffered. Wuwuwuwa, I love my dream so much."

"Ruan Tian, the poisonous woman, vented the resentment of the failed marriage to you."

"Mengmeng, take good care of your illness. We will help you get it back."

"Guard the best dream in the world!"

Ruan Tian doesn't understand what Zhao meng'er is doing with these moths? Don't actors have to rely on their works?! Isn't it a waste to use all your intelligence and wisdom in the wrong ways?

But on second thought, she was relieved.

A fool is blessed with a fool.

It's lucky to be a Shabi.

He's a happy fool anyway.

On the day of returning home, Ruan Tian didn't expect huaimo to guard her at her door.

Huaimo, wearing a thin black sweater, waited in front of the corridor door for more than two hours. As soon as he saw Ruan Tian, he hugged her waist and said, "sister, I miss you so much."

I want to make my bones itch.

He has been very restrained.

Ruan Tian was a little out of breath when he held her. She asked, "how do you know that I will come back today?"

Wymour checked her flight.

"I'm waiting for you every day." Huaimo had two dimples with a smile. "I watched the live broadcast, and I envy them."

Can get along with her day and night, but also to eat her cooking.

When huaimo hugged her, he felt calm for the first time in his life.

Violent elements in the body, those extreme ideas, all annihilate.

Just want to hold her tight forever.Ruan Tian took him back to his home.

"Are you hungry?"


"Then I'll make you a bowl of noodles."

Ruan Tian's kitchen knives are ready. Jiang Li, who is traveling abroad, calls in.

She wiped her hands and picked up the phone. "What's the matter?"

Jiang Li was so anxious that he said, "go to Weibo, Zhao meng'er's cheap maid has sent a message to diss you!"

She prevented everything, but she got the wrong person.

There is nothing wrong with Xu Jing.

I don't know where Zhao meng'er came from. He can really do it!

Ruan Tian put on the lid of the pot, wiped her hands clean, and opened her microblog. Zhao meng'er made a long speech.

In short, in the past four days, she was taken as a nanny by Ruan Tian. She worked here and there, and suffered from the internet violence of Ruan Tian's fans. She was exhausted, very painful and almost depressed.

After Ruan Tian finished her fine work, she didn't expect that Zhao Menger's writing style was OK. What she wrote was really sad for the listeners and tears for the listeners.

The image of her unreasonable shrew is depicted incisively and vividly.

Ruan Tian sincerely replied in Zhao Menger's Micro blog: "the novel is well written. 】

when a cheap maid comes, she picks up one.

Sweet boy is so fierce!

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