Watching the crowd, they want to tear a little louder.

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Zhao meng'er's process of selling miserable throwing pot is as smooth as flowing water. She just gently sets the fuse. Her team and fans will help her with the rest.

She is the only artist in the broker's hand. Naturally, she is the main factor in everything and pursues the theory of malicious hype.

Black and red are also red. What's the use of a good reputation? Can it be converted into famous gas for resources? What's more, this time they won a great victory.

They paid off millions of entertainment bloggers on Weibo, and let them send out the black and white manuscripts.

Entertainment star gossip: [according to myna, a divorcee artist is really strong and has a little temper. Princess, the divorcee artist knows in advance that dingliu is going to take part in the show. She dredges up her contacts and makes a show. In fact, she often bullies another little actor in private. She also pities the little actor, so she has to take part in the show Backstage is not backstage, can only be bullied by the head. 】

internal entertainment burst: "in a small fire's travel variety show, the two female guests really don't get along very well. Ruan Tian, a rich family, is used to being arrogant and domineering, and is not a person who can bear losses and hardships. Let's wait and see the follow-up. Another female guest has to be reorganized and her resources have been spoiled for several times. 】

has the gossip come yet: [Zhao meng'er is really miserable. She has been reorganized in the program, and Ruan Tian has robbed the female owner of a subsequent TV play. Alas, I don't know how she will spend the rest of the series. 】

marketing numbers are all about just right food. They only know how to collect money and handle affairs, no matter what is right or wrong.

Ruan Tian has been completely blackened by this wave of manuscripts, and she has become a mad woman who loves to play big names in marketing.

Zhao meng'er is very satisfied with the wind direction on the Internet.

The money was not wasted.

Her agent is a greasy 40-50-year-old uncle and a famous black PR in the industry.

In the past, the same method was used to blackmail many artists, first making rumors, then labeling each other crazily, destroying each other's image.

He said with a smile: "Mengmeng, we have stepped on Ruan Tian's feet this time, but we can't take it lightly. You must show your weakness when you are on the show."

"Let the image of Ruan Tian's coquettish and cheap woman be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, you know?"

Zhao meng'er smiles sweetly, "brother Li, I know what to do. Ruan Tian has robbed me of the limelight. This time, I won't let her bully me again."

Li Ge was Zhao meng'er's agent. He liked such a smart artist as her. He said, "don't worry, my brother will make you angry."

In brother Li's hands, 800 marketing numbers were sent out in the same night.

Zhao meng'er takes a self portrait of herself after crying in the voice of everyone's heartache. 】

after the post, Zhao meng'er threw the eye drops into the garbage can with a sneer, and then began to enjoy the comments.

"My heart is broken into petals when I cry in my dream. The tears of fairies are diamonds."

"Our dreams are also bad luck, tainted with the cancer of the entertainment industry."

"No wonder Ruan Tian's ex husband can't stand it. Who dares to take such a poisonous woman?"

"Mengmeng was bullied so miserably. I was suffocated when I thought there were still five programs to be recorded. You must protect yourself and stay away from Ruan Tian."

"I think Ruan Tian is just like that kind of crazy critic who comes out to revenge society and can't see other people's good psychology."

Ruan Tian, who is in the whirlpool of public opinion and roasted on the fire, is unaware of this. After returning to the microblog, she puts on her apron and makes a bowl of beef noodles for huaimo.

The noodle soup is light, the stewed beef is sliced, and a poached egg is put on the noodle.

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Ruan Tian took the noodles to him and said, "OK, come and eat."

Huaimo felt a sense of hunger for a long time.

No one has ever been so gentle to him as Ruan Tian.

He is the product of two disgusted parents.

Huaimo received the most extreme education.

I've seen the bloodiest picture between my parents.

He's been raised out of character for a long time.

Never had a normal day.

Everyone was afraid of him, avoided him and regarded him as a evil star.

Huaimo only saw gentleness in Ruan Tian's eyes.

He ate the whole bowl of noodles.

Huaimo raised his mouth and laughed. He seems to like Ruan Tian more.

Ruan Tian caught a glimpse of the bruises on his fingers. He was surprised and naturally associated with some bad things, "were you bullied at school?"

Of course, no one can bully huaimo.

The bruise on his hand is that he hurt himself when he couldn't control his mood.

He likes Ruan Tian and cares about him.

It makes him feel good.

Huaimo shook his head. "No."

Ruan Tian only thought he was embarrassed to tell her, turned to find the medicine in the medicine box, and pasted a post it note for him."You have a bullying face. If you are beaten, you must call the police. Don't be submissive."

Huaimo whispered yes.

Ruan Tian said: "it's not early. I'll take you downstairs. Remember to tell me in advance before you come to me next time. Don't stand downstairs waiting foolishly."

How cold it is.

Beautiful brother is not worth freezing.

Huaimo's smile closed. He didn't want to leave, but he couldn't find an excuse to stay.

Wait downstairs, huaimo with a changed face, look cold as frost, face cloth haze.

The bodyguard has some doubts. Every time the young master sees Miss Ruan, he is in a good mood. How can he calm down this time? Is the identity of the young master discovered?

He was afraid to ask.

Huaimo sat in the back seat, black eyes staring at the front, he suddenly said: "I'm a little unhappy."

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The bodyguard waited for his next words.

"I feel like she's just treating me like a younger brother," wymour said

The bodyguard did not dare to tell him the truth. According to his observation, Miss Ruan seemed to regard the young master as an ordinary friend.

Huaimo suddenly laughed, "I have to let her know that I am a man."

Ruan Tian had a two-day rest at home, and Jiang Lili was finally willing to end her family holiday and fly back from abroad.

As soon as I got off the plane, I went to Ruan Tian's nest with my suitcase.

Her vacation was beautiful, but Zhao meng'er completely ruined her mood in the last two days.

"In terms of poison, it's really poisonous, but the 800 marketing numbers in her agent's hands are first-class in their ability to turn black and white upside down."

Ruan Tian was at a loss. "Is it so powerful?"

Jiang Li poked her forehead with his finger, "of course! It's the kind of thing that's doomed if you're not careful. "

Ruan Tian thought about this time, "ah, you said she met Zhou Xiaoqiao, who would be more powerful?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao was asked.

After thinking about it seriously, he replied: "it's still Zhou Xiaoqiao. It's invisible to kill people. It's special. They all kill people with a knife. When they see that those men are fascinated by her, Zhao Menger hasn't reached Zhou Xiaoqiao's rank."

Ruan Tian thinks what she said is reasonable.

In the white lotus whore this, Zhou Xiaoqiao can be said to be the temperament of the dead.

For so many years, only she can be so close to Shen Hui.

Only Zhou Xiaoqiao can turn Xu Jing and Qin An into a gentle and considerate man.

Ruan Tian held her chin and said, "I really want to see a wonderful duel between them."

Jiang Li splashed cold water on his head. "They will only deal with you together. At that time, your life will be really wonderful."

Ruan Tian

In the evening, Ruan Tian sincerely invites Jiang Li to live in her apartment.

Jiang Li expresses his dislike and urges Ruan Tian to move quickly.

Ruan Tian really has no money.

Just a poor one.

It's the poor guy who's in debt.

At the beginning of the lawsuit with Qin Yu, he lost miserably. If the contract could not be terminated, he had to pay Qin a large amount of liquidated damages.

Ten million!!! Why didn't Qin Yu just kill her at that time?!!

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That sum of money, up to now, she has paid Qin Yu.


at the end of March, Ruan Tian's previous film "unknown" officially released its first announcement, and announced that it will be released in theaters at the end of June.

Twenty four hours after the announcement, the broadcast volume of the official blog was up to 50 million, and the name of the director was searched.

Ruan Tian forwarded this microblog on request: "Hello, I'm cha cha. 】

I don't know if Qin An's brain is not good enough, so I have to forward her microblog, [Hello, Cha Cha Cha, police officer Cheng has come to report!]

Ruan Tian's face looks like her grandfather's looking at her mobile phone.

God, master Qin, did you forget that you shot me in the end!!!

Qin An can do whatever he wants.

A tweet stuns their fans.

"Whether it's Qin Yu or Qin An, it's sunny. Sure enough, all things can be sunny, and there's no loss in taking a share!"

"My first interaction, please get married tomorrow."

"It's like a NP. It's so cool."

"Sweet cub's CP, I can, who is good to sister, I knock who, hehe hehe."

First notice, one and a half minutes.

Ruan Tian took up 20 seconds of the play, standing on the street with a desperate smile and crying in the rain.

These two scenes are out of proportion.

The mood in the eyes is in place, crying and laughing are pulling the audience's heart.

It's amazing that beauty and purity are integrated.A well-known film critic wrote: "Ruan Tian's several scenes shocked me. I didn't expect her to have such a good performance. As a new film star, her two scenes are undoubtedly excellent, even comparable to Li Dong, the film queen. When the film is released, I must go to have a good look. 】

seeing that Ruan Tian was turning over again, Zhao meng'er immediately couldn't sit still, and made small moves in private to encourage her fans to continue to pour dirty water on her.

"Don't blow sweet powder. Have you forgotten how you bullied Zhao Menger?"

"Ruan Tian may be the real character, ha ha ha."

"If an artist doesn't have a virtue, she doesn't deserve to live in the entertainment industry."


when the manager of the public relations department went to the president's office, he shivered.

I don't understand why a big man like the president suddenly wants to see him?

Qin Yu leaned back in his chair, his expression was lazy, and his tone was light and slow. "If I hadn't met manager Liu today, I would have thought that the company didn't have a public relations department."

Manager cold sweat repeatedly, "total President. "

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Qin Yu's smile sank and his pen tapped on the desk. The sound was disturbing. He said, "deal with Ruan Tian's news."

The manager was surprised. "Ah? OK, yes

Isn't it true that Ruan Tian doesn't agree with the president? They also beat a table and smashed things!

Otherwise, their public relations department would not care about everything.

Qin Yu said with a smile, "go away."

Manager Liu could not wait to get out of the room, went back to the Department for an emergency meeting, and soon came up with a public relations plan.

Qin's public relations strength can not be underestimated. The joint legal department privately sent an abridged notice to the rumor making marketing number, and soon found out that it was Zhao Menger's black hand who joked about entertainment.

Manager Liu told President Qin about it.

Qin Yu and he kindly called the boss who joked about entertainment. When he heard that, he was shocked and angry. Then he knew that his little love had poked a hornet's nest.

His company is not even ants in front of Qin.

If Qin Yu is really upset, he will have to go away to drink.

He was humble like a grandson. He apologized to Qin and promised not to do it again.

After hanging up the phone, he rushes to the artists department, kicks open the door of Zhao Menger's lounge, and grabs her hair.

He was a rude man, and his words were very ugly. "Are you too comfortable?"!? If you want to die, I won't stop you. Don't take me with you to die. What's the matter? I'll make trouble everywhere. "

Zhao Menger was beaten silly, covered his face, and cried out on the spot.

The trainee of the artists department, standing at the glass door, watching.

Zhao meng'er cried and belched. For a moment and a half, she couldn't even speak.

It hurts to be beaten in the face.

Zhao Menger was severely punished in public. She lost face and had to swallow when she broke her teeth. No matter how much she hated Ruan Tian, she didn't dare to fight again recently.

she was unwilling to suggest that her fans would stop fighting with Ruan Tian.

So the microblog calmed down.

The forum is still active in the lives of a small number of people.

Ruan Tian has a technical fan who accidentally found her microblog trumpet. It should be the microblog she has been using since high school.

More than 1000 microblogs.

A thousand of them have something to do with Shen Hui.

Fans can't help posting.

[tree hole, I found my baby's microblog trumpet and watched it all night. Now I really love her. 】

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