Chapter 161

The fight was so fierce that even other crews who were working in adjacent areas overheard and came to take a look at what was going on, and before long gossip about the incident was spread all over.  

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        They only felt that this scene… not only was it unbelievable, but also it was a bit funny.

        It was the first time anyone ever heard of the two lead actors on a project being so incompatible with each other!

        As it happened, Shao Chengyue was also in the film and television city working on another project. When he happened to hear Ruan Tian’s name from the gossip, he realized that the one who had been fighting was actually someone he knew.

        In Shao Chengyue’s impression, Ruan Tian was a smiley little girl with a good temper and also good business ability.

        He frowned and ordered his assistant to bring his phone over. After hesitating for a while, he sent a WeChat message to Ruan Tian: 【You aren’t in any trouble, are you? 】

        However, Ruan Tian didn’t see his message right away.

        After this incident, Wang Baiyuan seemed to have been beaten into honesty and didn’t dare to make any more trouble for the short term.

        At the same time, the news was flying all over the place on Weibo, with both pictures and videos.

        【Click on this video to see Ruan Tian beating Wang Baiyuan, really makes me laugh to death 】

        “Sister Tian is indeed worthy of being Sister Tian, not afraid of that Wang Beiyuan at all and just directly beats him up, ah.”

        “My BaiBai! How dare she spoil the face that won ‘The Most Beautiful Face in Asia’?”

        “I’m having a heart attack.”

        “Wang Baiyuan really looks like a joke, he can’t beat Ruan Tian at all hahahaha.”

        “This is only the first day, but the show will be shot over the course of three months! I look forward to seeing even more wonderful drama every day!”

        The netizens even said that Ruan Tian, this Noble Imperial Concubine, and Wang Baiyuan, this prince, were definitely fighting for the royal throne. 

        Basically, it was a very exciting show. 

        And on top of that, it was completely unexpected. 

        Even the production crew were completely caught off guard. They really didn’t expect their two stars would immediately start fighting on the first day.

        In a flurry, they were all desperately thinking about how to salvage the relationship between their two main stars. Finally, they decided to arrange a dinner in an attempt to bring the two of them together with the hopes that they could behave amiably toward each other for the next three months.

        Because of being drenched over and over again on set that day, Ruan Tian began to feel sick, her nose was stuffy and her throat was sore.

        After returning to her hotel room she took a hot bath and then went to the dinner arranged by the crew with a groggy head.

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        The big bosses from the production crew were all at the dinner table when she arrived. The producer, the director, the screenwriter, they were all there. But then, soon after the food arrived, the door to the private room was pushed open from outside.

        A man with a frosty aura slowly walked into the room.

        The producer stood up and stretched out his hand. Smiling from ear to ear, he said, “I really didn’t expect that President Shen would come over today.”

        Shen Shu accepted the handshake, then went over and sat down next to Ruan Tian without saying anything.

        Apart from Wang Baiyuan, everyone else in the room knew that the relationship between Ruan Tian and Shen Shu was somewhat subtle and probably not very harmonious.

        Ruan Tian blew her nose and managed to completely ignore Shen Shu. She was busy replying to Shao Chengyue on her phone: 【I didn’t suffer any. Rather, Wang Baiyuan was beaten up by me and now he’s finally turned honest. 】

        Shao Chengyue couldn’t help but laugh, 【I saw the video. 】

        Ruan Tian typed back, 【Actually, I don’t usually do things like that. 】

        She was super gentle, okay?

        Shao Chengyue replied: 【It’s cute. 】

        Very bold and brave.

        Ruan Tian felt her old face turning hot.

        Seeing her blushing, Wang Baiyuan mistakenly thought it was caused by this President Shen who had suddenly appeared and sat next to her. He said in a sly tone: “Teacher Ruan, hurry up and pour your respected President Shen a glass of wine.”

        Ruan Sweet suddenly realized she had been wrong.

        It seemed that Wang Baiyuan still had not been beaten enough to become honest.

        At the same time, she felt Shen Shu’s eyes on her, making her feel very uncomfortable.

        Ruan Tian decided to just treat Shen Shu as a dead person and immersed herself in eating.

        In the second half of the dinner, Shen Shu suddenly stretched out his hand and handed her a few boxes of medicine, “Here. Cold medicine. Should be very effective.”

        As soon as he had entered the private room, Shen Shu had heard Ruan Tian coughing and saw that she didn’t look very energetic.

        Of course, she had also just lowered her head without even looking at him, seemingly completely focused on chatting with someone else on her phone.

        Ruan Tian pushed the medicine back, “Thank you for you consideration, but I can buy some for myself.” 

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        Her voice was cordial, polite, and distant.

        Shen Shu felt uncomfortable all over. His heart sank and he felt anxious.

        His brows furrowed, and he seemed a little sad. 

        After they finished dinner, the director suggested for everyone to take a group photo and then post it online. This way they could dispel the rumor that Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan were irreconcilable.

        Naturally, Shen Shu had no intention to participate.

        He just quietly waited for Ruan Tian to finish taking the photo, and then followed behind her and stubbornly pushed over the white plastic bag of medicine again. “You need to take medicine to get better.”

        Ruan Tian looked at him silently for a few seconds, then accepted the bag and walked away. 

        Shen Shu followed behind her slowly and, sure enough, right after Ruan Tian walked around a corner she immediately dumped the medicine he had just passed her into the trash. 

        Standing beside the trash can, Shen Shu’s face was expressionless as his cold eyes gradually darkened.

Chapter 161

The fight was so fierce that even other crews who were working in adjacent areas overheard and came to take a look at what was going on, and before long gossip about the incident was spread all over.  

        They only felt that this scene… not only was it unbelievable, but also it was a bit funny.

        It was the first time anyone ever heard of the two lead actors on a project being so incompatible with each other!

        As it happened, Shao Chengyue was also in the film and television city working on another project. When he happened to hear Ruan Tian’s name from the gossip, he realized that the one who had been fighting was actually someone he knew.

        In Shao Chengyue’s impression, Ruan Tian was a smiley little girl with a good temper and also good business ability.

        He frowned and ordered his assistant to bring his phone over. After hesitating for a while, he sent a WeChat message to Ruan Tian: 【You aren’t in any trouble, are you? 】

        However, Ruan Tian didn’t see his message right away.

        After this incident, Wang Baiyuan seemed to have been beaten into honesty and didn’t dare to make any more trouble for the short term.

        At the same time, the news was flying all over the place on Weibo, with both pictures and videos.

        【Click on this video to see Ruan Tian beating Wang Baiyuan, really makes me laugh to death 】

        “Sister Tian is indeed worthy of being Sister Tian, not afraid of that Wang Beiyuan at all and just directly beats him up, ah.”

        “My BaiBai! How dare she spoil the face that won ‘The Most Beautiful Face in Asia’?”

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        “I’m having a heart attack.”

        “Wang Baiyuan really looks like a joke, he can’t beat Ruan Tian at all hahahaha.”

        “This is only the first day, but the show will be shot over the course of three months! I look forward to seeing even more wonderful drama every day!”

        The netizens even said that Ruan Tian, this Noble Imperial Concubine, and Wang Baiyuan, this prince, were definitely fighting for the royal throne. 

        Basically, it was a very exciting show. 

        And on top of that, it was completely unexpected. 

        Even the production crew were completely caught off guard. They really didn’t expect their two stars would immediately start fighting on the first day.

        In a flurry, they were all desperately thinking about how to salvage the relationship between their two main stars. Finally, they decided to arrange a dinner in an attempt to bring the two of them together with the hopes that they could behave amiably toward each other for the next three months.

        Because of being drenched over and over again on set that day, Ruan Tian began to feel sick, her nose was stuffy and her throat was sore.

        After returning to her hotel room she took a hot bath and then went to the dinner arranged by the crew with a groggy head.

        The big bosses from the production crew were all at the dinner table when she arrived. The producer, the director, the screenwriter, they were all there. But then, soon after the food arrived, the door to the private room was pushed open from outside.

        A man with a frosty aura slowly walked into the room.

        The producer stood up and stretched out his hand. Smiling from ear to ear, he said, “I really didn’t expect that President Shen would come over today.”

        Shen Shu accepted the handshake, then went over and sat down next to Ruan Tian without saying anything.

        Apart from Wang Baiyuan, everyone else in the room knew that the relationship between Ruan Tian and Shen Shu was somewhat subtle and probably not very harmonious.

        Ruan Tian blew her nose and managed to completely ignore Shen Shu. She was busy replying to Shao Chengyue on her phone: 【I didn’t suffer any. Rather, Wang Baiyuan was beaten up by me and now he’s finally turned honest. 】

        Shao Chengyue couldn’t help but laugh, 【I saw the video. 】

        Ruan Tian typed back, 【Actually, I don’t usually do things like that. 】

        She was super gentle, okay?

        Shao Chengyue replied: 【It’s cute. 】

        Very bold and brave.

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        Ruan Tian felt her old face turning hot.

        Seeing her blushing, Wang Baiyuan mistakenly thought it was caused by this President Shen who had suddenly appeared and sat next to her. He said in a sly tone: “Teacher Ruan, hurry up and pour your respected President Shen a glass of wine.”

        Ruan Sweet suddenly realized she had been wrong.

        It seemed that Wang Baiyuan still had not been beaten enough to become honest.

        At the same time, she felt Shen Shu’s eyes on her, making her feel very uncomfortable.

        Ruan Tian decided to just treat Shen Shu as a dead person and immersed herself in eating.

        In the second half of the dinner, Shen Shu suddenly stretched out his hand and handed her a few boxes of medicine, “Here. Cold medicine. Should be very effective.”

        As soon as he had entered the private room, Shen Shu had heard Ruan Tian coughing and saw that she didn’t look very energetic.

        Of course, she had also just lowered her head without even looking at him, seemingly completely focused on chatting with someone else on her phone.

        Ruan Tian pushed the medicine back, “Thank you for you consideration, but I can buy some for myself.” 

        Her voice was cordial, polite, and distant.

        Shen Shu felt uncomfortable all over. His heart sank and he felt anxious.

        His brows furrowed, and he seemed a little sad. 

        After they finished dinner, the director suggested for everyone to take a group photo and then post it online. This way they could dispel the rumor that Ruan Tian and Wang Baiyuan were irreconcilable.

        Naturally, Shen Shu had no intention to participate.

        He just quietly waited for Ruan Tian to finish taking the photo, and then followed behind her and stubbornly pushed over the white plastic bag of medicine again. “You need to take medicine to get better.”

        Ruan Tian looked at him silently for a few seconds, then accepted the bag and walked away. 

        Shen Shu followed behind her slowly and, sure enough, right after Ruan Tian walked around a corner she immediately dumped the medicine he had just passed her into the trash. 

        Standing beside the trash can, Shen Shu’s face was expressionless as his cold eyes gradually darkened.

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