Chapter 162

 Back at the hotel where the cast and crew were staying, Ruan Tian took some medicine she had bought herself and drowsily crawled under her quilt. 

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        Meanwhile, the photo from the dinner was posted online by the director, seemingly trying to announce to the world that their crew were all very harmonious and friendly, and they were all getting along well. 


        These days…

        Ruan Tian had found…

        … that Wang Baiyuan didn’t seem to be acting up so much in the crew anymore. After receiving a beating, the delicate flower-like man without the strength to lift a finger had somehow evolved into a normal person.

        On top of that, he had put away his attitude of treating her like a servant.

        These days, whenever they had a scene to shoot together, there were no more deliberate NG’s happening, and all in all, the set had regained a sense of peace and stability.

        Because the crew was currently shooting in the film and television city just outside the capital, Ruan Tian was free to go home and sleep in her own bed whenever there were no scenes for her on the next day.

        However, at the same time, Ruan Tian never had time to properly recover from the cold she last time, so it actually gradually got worse until she was running a high fever.

        Ruan Tian had always been a person with a strong vitality and good health, but this time her luck seemed to have run out. Her cold only worsened day by day despite her taking medicine the whole time.

        Only when she truly felt very ill did Ruan Tian relent and go to a nearby clinic to find a doctor. However, after being prescribed some medication and going to leave the lobby, she fainted directly. 

        When her eyes finally fluttered open again, she found that it was the doctor from the clinic who had kindly woken her up, “I’ve already prescribed you your medication, so quickly go back and eat it and have a good rest. During this next period of time, you should avoid eating spicy food or drinking alcohol.”

        Ruan Tian slowly slipped her mask back on and obediently agreed.

        Her head felt as heavy as the lead, and she was in a daze during her entire walk home. At the foot of her building, she barely managed to muster up her last bit of energy to begin her journey upstairs. However, after she came out of the elevator and slowly made her way toward her unit with the wall for support, she finally couldn’t bear it any longer and fainted just outside her door.

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        However, just as Ruan Tian was slipping into unconsciousness, she seemed to hear a distant ‘click’ sound, like a door opening, and then felt something sturdy beneath her, as if someone had caught her before she could fall. 

        A cold scent vaguely reminiscent of pine needles slowly wafted into her nose and penetrated her hazy brain, and she could only lean weakly against the firm shoulder that had appeared. 

        Qin Yu lazily caught her and held her up, and a moment later a leisurely voice spoke up: “Where’re your keys?”

        However, the girl in his arms had flushed cheeks and seemed to be running a high fever, and couldn’t give him any response at all.

        Qin Yu was surprised. He had never seen Ruan Tian in such a fragile and vulnerable state.

        After all, for as long as he could remember whenever she was in front of him she would never show any weakness at all. She acted like a little hedgehog guarding against a natural predator whenever she saw him, erecting all the sharp thorns on her body to their fullest extent, always on alert and ready to strike back at him the moment he opened his mouth.

        Qin Yu found the key to Ruan Tian’s apartment inside her coat pocket and, after unlocking the door, he pushed inside and carried her to the bed where he took off her shoes.

        As he looked around and tried to find her anti-fever plasters, Qin Yu happened to find the desk drawer where Ruan Tian kept her important documents, including the certificate of divorce and also the contract termination letter from that time.

        Qin Yu still remembered this incident clearly. In fact, for this sort of little contract dispute with a small artist, it had been completely unnecessary for him to mobilize the whole Qin Pictures legal team, but he hadn’t wanted to leave this matter even slightly to chance and had wanted to make sure for Ruan Tian to clearly know that it would be impossible to terminate the contract with his company.

        Seeing the termination letter, Qin Yu felt slightly uncomfortable and pushed it back to the back of the drawer. As for the divorce certificate, he found it quite pleasing to the eye and left it alone. 

        Just then, Ruan Tian dazedly began to wake up, and she looked around with blurry eyes. 

        Qin Yu noticed that she was waking up, so he said, “You fainted just now.”

        Ruan Tian sat up stiffly. For Qin Yu to stumble over her at such an embarrassing moment, what rotten luck!

        “I’m fine now, thank you Mr. Qin.”

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        Qin Yu’s lips unconsciously curved upward and before he knew it he was already retorting. After all, when it came to this woman he had never been able to say nice things. “Don’t call me Mr. Qin. I’m really undeserving. You think so as well, right?”

        Ruan Tian felt that she really couldn’t understand men.

        Was it possible that saying a few bland pleasantries somehow violated his taboo?

        Why were his moods so unpredictable?

        Since he was like this, there was no need to put up a polite front!

        As Qin Yu was leaving, he paused and looked around Ruan Tian’s pink princess-style bedroom.

        In those few seconds, Ruan Tian could see deep disgust and serious doubts about her aesthetic tastes reflected in his eyes.

Chapter 162

 Back at the hotel where the cast and crew were staying, Ruan Tian took some medicine she had bought herself and drowsily crawled under her quilt. 

        Meanwhile, the photo from the dinner was posted online by the director, seemingly trying to announce to the world that their crew were all very harmonious and friendly, and they were all getting along well. 


        These days…

        Ruan Tian had found…

        … that Wang Baiyuan didn’t seem to be acting up so much in the crew anymore. After receiving a beating, the delicate flower-like man without the strength to lift a finger had somehow evolved into a normal person.

        On top of that, he had put away his attitude of treating her like a servant.

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        These days, whenever they had a scene to shoot together, there were no more deliberate NG’s happening, and all in all, the set had regained a sense of peace and stability.

        Because the crew was currently shooting in the film and television city just outside the capital, Ruan Tian was free to go home and sleep in her own bed whenever there were no scenes for her on the next day.

        However, at the same time, Ruan Tian never had time to properly recover from the cold she last time, so it actually gradually got worse until she was running a high fever.

        Ruan Tian had always been a person with a strong vitality and good health, but this time her luck seemed to have run out. Her cold only worsened day by day despite her taking medicine the whole time.

        Only when she truly felt very ill did Ruan Tian relent and go to a nearby clinic to find a doctor. However, after being prescribed some medication and going to leave the lobby, she fainted directly. 

        When her eyes finally fluttered open again, she found that it was the doctor from the clinic who had kindly woken her up, “I’ve already prescribed you your medication, so quickly go back and eat it and have a good rest. During this next period of time, you should avoid eating spicy food or drinking alcohol.”

        Ruan Tian slowly slipped her mask back on and obediently agreed.

        Her head felt as heavy as the lead, and she was in a daze during her entire walk home. At the foot of her building, she barely managed to muster up her last bit of energy to begin her journey upstairs. However, after she came out of the elevator and slowly made her way toward her unit with the wall for support, she finally couldn’t bear it any longer and fainted just outside her door.

        However, just as Ruan Tian was slipping into unconsciousness, she seemed to hear a distant ‘click’ sound, like a door opening, and then felt something sturdy beneath her, as if someone had caught her before she could fall. 

        A cold scent vaguely reminiscent of pine needles slowly wafted into her nose and penetrated her hazy brain, and she could only lean weakly against the firm shoulder that had appeared. 

        Qin Yu lazily caught her and held her up, and a moment later a leisurely voice spoke up: “Where’re your keys?”

        However, the girl in his arms had flushed cheeks and seemed to be running a high fever, and couldn’t give him any response at all.

        Qin Yu was surprised. He had never seen Ruan Tian in such a fragile and vulnerable state.

        After all, for as long as he could remember whenever she was in front of him she would never show any weakness at all. She acted like a little hedgehog guarding against a natural predator whenever she saw him, erecting all the sharp thorns on her body to their fullest extent, always on alert and ready to strike back at him the moment he opened his mouth.

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        Qin Yu found the key to Ruan Tian’s apartment inside her coat pocket and, after unlocking the door, he pushed inside and carried her to the bed where he took off her shoes.

        As he looked around and tried to find her anti-fever plasters, Qin Yu happened to find the desk drawer where Ruan Tian kept her important documents, including the certificate of divorce and also the contract termination letter from that time.

        Qin Yu still remembered this incident clearly. In fact, for this sort of little contract dispute with a small artist, it had been completely unnecessary for him to mobilize the whole Qin Pictures legal team, but he hadn’t wanted to leave this matter even slightly to chance and had wanted to make sure for Ruan Tian to clearly know that it would be impossible to terminate the contract with his company.

        Seeing the termination letter, Qin Yu felt slightly uncomfortable and pushed it back to the back of the drawer. As for the divorce certificate, he found it quite pleasing to the eye and left it alone. 

        Just then, Ruan Tian dazedly began to wake up, and she looked around with blurry eyes. 

        Qin Yu noticed that she was waking up, so he said, “You fainted just now.”

        Ruan Tian sat up stiffly. For Qin Yu to stumble over her at such an embarrassing moment, what rotten luck!

        “I’m fine now, thank you Mr. Qin.”

        Qin Yu’s lips unconsciously curved upward and before he knew it he was already retorting. After all, when it came to this woman he had never been able to say nice things. “Don’t call me Mr. Qin. I’m really undeserving. You think so as well, right?”

        Ruan Tian felt that she really couldn’t understand men.

        Was it possible that saying a few bland pleasantries somehow violated his taboo?

        Why were his moods so unpredictable?

        Since he was like this, there was no need to put up a polite front!

        As Qin Yu was leaving, he paused and looked around Ruan Tian’s pink princess-style bedroom.

        In those few seconds, Ruan Tian could see deep disgust and serious doubts about her aesthetic tastes reflected in his eyes.

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