Chapter 167

After this little interlude, the atmosphere at the dinner table had turned awkward and stiff. Director Liu finally decided to personally interrupt, and he spoke up with a smile: “Next, you will all have to complete the last game for this episode. The four players will form two pairs. The winning pair can continue to eat as normal, while the losers will have to stop eating and also lose tomorrow’s breakfast.”

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        Qin An quickly grabbed Ruan Tian’s arm, “I’m in a group with Ruan Tian.”

        Gu Jianghe silently moved over to Xu Jing and said, “Then I’ll group up with Teacher Xu “

        Cen Bei seemed to be the odd man out, left without a partner.

        The game wasn’t very difficult and was a bit similar to charades.

        One person was given a list of words and tried to describe them until the other person could guess the word. 

        Xu Jing’s group took the lead in the game. Each round was ten words, and in the end, they managed to guess them all in five minutes.

        Although the two men hadn’t spoken much and weren’t very familiar with each other, they still had some tacit understanding between them and managed to finish pretty quickly.

        When it was Ruan Tian’s group’s turn, Qin An was full of confidence and rubbed his hands together eagerly. He said, “I will do the describing, you can guess.”

        Ruan Tian sighed, “Alright.”

        The first word Qin An had was 【Pineapple】. 

        This was a happy coincidence. He remembered that his brother used to raise a dog with the same name at the old house, so this should be easy!

        Qin An made an OK gesture with his hand and his confidence shot through the roof.

        He looked at Ruan Tian and said: “The dog that my brother raised.”

        Ruan Tian snapped her fingers and blurted out without thinking: “Isn’t this you?!”

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        Qin An: Go to hell!

        Xu Jing lowered his head and pursed his lips, but he couldn’t stop a slight smile from creeping onto his face.

        The chatroom was quickly spammed with ‘lol’ and ‘hahahaha’.

        Qin An tried to break out of conventional thinking, changing his words and using strange gestures, but in the end, he realized that Ruan Tian really couldn’t guess it and could only reluctantly admit defeat.

        From the rounds of the game that followed, it was quickly revealed that he and Ruan Tian had no tacit understanding between them at all.

        In the end, they couldn’t even guess one single word.

        Of course, Qin An and Ruan Tian lost the game.

        Qin An even still had the face to blame her and asked, “Why are you so stupid?”

        Ruan Tian snorted disdainfully, “You shamelessly begged me to join your group, right? What right do you have to blame me? If this were a blind date show, I would be the first one to vote to kick you off the show.”

        Anyway, thanks to this, the two lost the opportunity to continue eating hot pot as well as their breakfast tomorrow.

        Meanwhile, the CP fans all watched the two of them quarreling with relish.

        【Ahh, isn’t this just a young couple’s quarrel? My teeth are itching from all the sweetness. 】

        【I haven’t slept or eaten for three days because I’ve been too busy making more materials for the two of them. This exhaustion is bliss. 】

        【Ruan Tian is so cute~ Our TianTian is the strongest! 】

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        【The isolated Cen Bei seems so out of tune with the rest of the show. 】

        【Cen Bei is a new hostess that Fruit Video recruited last year. In just one year, she has hosted various galas and appeared on several local variety shows. Looking at it, it seems she has been receiving a lot of support internally but still hasn’t become very popular. 】

        【Heh, if a person’s virtue doesn’t match their position, they will only suffer disaster! 】

        As the evening dragged on, Xu Jing’s stomach started to bother him because he had eaten too much spicy food. His face had turned pale and he couldn’t help but cover his stomach with one hand while using his other hand to grip the table tightly for support.

        Seeing this situation, Ruan Tian pondered silently for a while. Finally, she dug out the stomach medicine she usually carried in her bag and handed it over to him. At the same time, she said, “You could have just told us if you can’t eat spicy food, no one would force you.”

        Xu Jing lowered his eyes and looked at the medicine she had pushed into his hands. His tone was complicated: “Thank you.”

        This scene was secretly recorded by one of Xu Jing’s fans who was mixed in with the crew, and the video was sent out on the spot. For the past six months, this fan had been chasing the drama surrounding Ruan Tian and Xu Jing. At first, she had been one of the ones wildly insulting Ruan Tian, but by now she had changed her attitude and was full of admiration for her. 

Chapter 167

After this little interlude, the atmosphere at the dinner table had turned awkward and stiff. Director Liu finally decided to personally interrupt, and he spoke up with a smile: “Next, you will all have to complete the last game for this episode. The four players will form two pairs. The winning pair can continue to eat as normal, while the losers will have to stop eating and also lose tomorrow’s breakfast.”

        Qin An quickly grabbed Ruan Tian’s arm, “I’m in a group with Ruan Tian.”

        Gu Jianghe silently moved over to Xu Jing and said, “Then I’ll group up with Teacher Xu “

        Cen Bei seemed to be the odd man out, left without a partner.

        The game wasn’t very difficult and was a bit similar to charades.

        One person was given a list of words and tried to describe them until the other person could guess the word. 

        Xu Jing’s group took the lead in the game. Each round was ten words, and in the end, they managed to guess them all in five minutes.

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        Although the two men hadn’t spoken much and weren’t very familiar with each other, they still had some tacit understanding between them and managed to finish pretty quickly.

        When it was Ruan Tian’s group’s turn, Qin An was full of confidence and rubbed his hands together eagerly. He said, “I will do the describing, you can guess.”

        Ruan Tian sighed, “Alright.”

        The first word Qin An had was 【Pineapple】. 

        This was a happy coincidence. He remembered that his brother used to raise a dog with the same name at the old house, so this should be easy!

        Qin An made an OK gesture with his hand and his confidence shot through the roof.

        He looked at Ruan Tian and said: “The dog that my brother raised.”

        Ruan Tian snapped her fingers and blurted out without thinking: “Isn’t this you?!”

        Qin An: Go to hell!

        Xu Jing lowered his head and pursed his lips, but he couldn’t stop a slight smile from creeping onto his face.

        The chatroom was quickly spammed with ‘lol’ and ‘hahahaha’.

        Qin An tried to break out of conventional thinking, changing his words and using strange gestures, but in the end, he realized that Ruan Tian really couldn’t guess it and could only reluctantly admit defeat.

        From the rounds of the game that followed, it was quickly revealed that he and Ruan Tian had no tacit understanding between them at all.

        In the end, they couldn’t even guess one single word.

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        Of course, Qin An and Ruan Tian lost the game.

        Qin An even still had the face to blame her and asked, “Why are you so stupid?”

        Ruan Tian snorted disdainfully, “You shamelessly begged me to join your group, right? What right do you have to blame me? If this were a blind date show, I would be the first one to vote to kick you off the show.”

        Anyway, thanks to this, the two lost the opportunity to continue eating hot pot as well as their breakfast tomorrow.

        Meanwhile, the CP fans all watched the two of them quarreling with relish.

        【Ahh, isn’t this just a young couple’s quarrel? My teeth are itching from all the sweetness. 】

        【I haven’t slept or eaten for three days because I’ve been too busy making more materials for the two of them. This exhaustion is bliss. 】

        【Ruan Tian is so cute~ Our TianTian is the strongest! 】

        【The isolated Cen Bei seems so out of tune with the rest of the show. 】

        【Cen Bei is a new hostess that Fruit Video recruited last year. In just one year, she has hosted various galas and appeared on several local variety shows. Looking at it, it seems she has been receiving a lot of support internally but still hasn’t become very popular. 】

        【Heh, if a person’s virtue doesn’t match their position, they will only suffer disaster! 】

        As the evening dragged on, Xu Jing’s stomach started to bother him because he had eaten too much spicy food. His face had turned pale and he couldn’t help but cover his stomach with one hand while using his other hand to grip the table tightly for support.

        Seeing this situation, Ruan Tian pondered silently for a while. Finally, she dug out the stomach medicine she usually carried in her bag and handed it over to him. At the same time, she said, “You could have just told us if you can’t eat spicy food, no one would force you.”

        Xu Jing lowered his eyes and looked at the medicine she had pushed into his hands. His tone was complicated: “Thank you.”

        This scene was secretly recorded by one of Xu Jing’s fans who was mixed in with the crew, and the video was sent out on the spot. For the past six months, this fan had been chasing the drama surrounding Ruan Tian and Xu Jing. At first, she had been one of the ones wildly insulting Ruan Tian, but by now she had changed her attitude and was full of admiration for her. 

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