Chapter 168

   In the past few days while Ruan Tian had been busy recording the last episode of the variety show, the head of the HR department from Huanshi Entertainment had directly called Ruan Tian himself a few times and threw out all kinds of attractive conditions to try to poach her away.

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        Even though Ruan Tian had made it very clear that she had no plans to jump ship, he didn’t give up at all and continued to try to buy her over with money and various resources.

        Today, he had called again: “Miss Ruan, our company can provide you with access to roles in high-quality films and shows, as well as introduce you to wealthy companies who will seek you out for endorsements, and also prepare an entire team of professionals for you. If you join us you will definitely be able to develop further and faster than with your current company.”

        Ruan Tian felt moved for half a second or so before she came to her senses and refused.

        This campaign of trying to poach Ruan Tian away wasn’t hidden at all, and gossip about it was flying all over the place. Of course, when the TianTian Group heard this news they all felt nauseated. Their hatred for Shen Shu was already soaring to the skies! 

        Ruan Tian getting access to better resources was one thing, but Shen Shu needed to scram away! 

        However, the fans of the ShenxRuan CP were also very determined. They were all looking forward to Shen Shu successfully chasing his wife back and secretly communicated together in their own smaller groups. They were convinced that when these two finally remarried it would be their turn to feel proud!

        Of course, Qin Yu had also already received this news, but he was in no hurry to make a move.

        According to his understanding of Ruan Tian, ​​there was no way she would agree.

        On some days Qin Yu hated Ruan Tian’s stubbornness, but today he felt it was very lucky that she was such a stubborn person.

        Qin Yu had truly hated that stubbornness back then. At that time, Ruan Tian’s eyes were only full of Shen Shu as if she couldn’t see anything else, and her love had been only for him. 

        Qin Yu had used various methods, threatened and cajoled, grabbed her wrist and demanded for her to say that she wasn’t worthy of Shen Shu, and even said that he would strangle her to death. But Ruan Tian had only returned him a blank look and said: “Well, strange me then, I’ll still keep liking him.”

        That Friday night, Qin Yu and Shen Shu happened to meet at a cocktail party.

        When Shen Shu spotted Qin Yu, he lifted his chin and said lazily: “Go out and talk?” Then he sauntered away.

        At the end of the dimly corridor, Qin Yu found Shen Shu leaning against the wall and lighting up a cigarette. He had put away his usual false mask of cordiality, and his eyes were cold and unfeeling. 

        Shen Shu asked: “You’ve liked her since long ago?” 

        His tone was frigid, with traces of anger.

        Qin Yu didn’t deny, “Yes.” He then smiled softly, “Are you unhappy? Shen Shu, the person who has been leading her on for several years is not me, nor is it me who forced you and her to divorce.”

        Internally he sneered. What was the saying? Reaping what you sow?

        Shen Shu slowly raised his looked up, and his eyes were frosty, “You really calculate well.”

        Thinking about it, Qin Yu had also contributed to this outcome.

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        Qin Yu had always been looking on from the side while he made a fool of himself, and also doing whatever he could to make him hate Ruan Tian more and more as the years went by.

        Shen Shu had never been a person with a good temper. Of course, in front of outsiders he would always pretend, but it wasn’t necessary when he was in front of Qin Yu. 

        He angrily stubbed out the cigarette butt. But then his face changed and he smiled lightly. He said: “Ruan Tian has always liked the sunny honor student type.”

        After all, it was exactly that facade of his that Ruan Tian had fallen in love with back in high school.

        The one she had liked was the Shen Shu who was an honor student, who always wore his school uniform all year-round, who was never late, and who never cursed. 

        He walked over and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder, “It’s true that she hates me now, but she has never loved or hated you. Qin Yu, to her, you are nothing.”

        Shen Shu was also a qualified executioner, the type who could easily kill with words and strike people where it hurt the most. 

        Qin Yu had definitely had a hand in things reaching this point, so he could at least leave some words to disgust him. 

        After that, the two returned to the party and had no further communication.

        However, the stiff atmosphere between them was very obvious.

        Someone who was more in the know saw other people looking confused and informed in a low voice, “Actually, Mr. Qin’s current girlfriend is Mr. Shen’s ex-wife.”

        With that, the crowd suddenly realized what was going on.

        It was said that you should never make a move on the wife of a friend. Since the situation was like this it was no wonder that it seemed as if Young Master Shen was ready to completely cut ties with the Qin family.

        The gossip from these sorts of high-end social gatherings always spread out very quickly, so by the next day, the news that Qin Yu’s girlfriend that everyone knew about but no one had seen was actually Ruan Tian was already spreading wildly.

        Even more exaggeratedly, some people had even made up “inside news” about Ruan Tian and Qin Yu’s upcoming wedding date.

        When Ruan Tian heard about these rumors from Jiang Lili, her face was full of question marks. At the same time, she felt it was very funny.

        If it was said that the chances of a remarriage between her and Shen Shu was 1%…

        Then the chances of her marrying Qin Yu were probably something like 0.1%. It was practically an impossibility.

        What’s more, the woman whom those two dog men were really aiming for was obviously Zhou Xiaoqiao, the female lead who had a big chest and a thin waist.

        However, even before Ruan Tian could refute the rumor personally, Qin An scolded the rumormonger who had broken the news on Weibo for her: “This is fake. Nonsense like this shouldn’t exist.” 

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        After Qin An helped her refute the rumor, he triumphantly jumped into WeChat and haughtily sent her a message:【I’ve helped you, you’re welcome. 】

        【Do these people even have brains? They should know that there’s no way our Qin family could accept a woman who has already been married once! 】

        Qin An absolutely refused to let Ruan Tian become his sister-in-law.

        If that really happened, wouldn’t he be killed? 

        Ruan Tian didn’t bother saying much nonsense. She just sent back three short messages in rapid succession- 

        【Go and die!】 

        【Go and die quickly!】

        【Take your brother and Shen Shu and all go die together! 】

Chapter 168

   In the past few days while Ruan Tian had been busy recording the last episode of the variety show, the head of the HR department from Huanshi Entertainment had directly called Ruan Tian himself a few times and threw out all kinds of attractive conditions to try to poach her away.

        Even though Ruan Tian had made it very clear that she had no plans to jump ship, he didn’t give up at all and continued to try to buy her over with money and various resources.

        Today, he had called again: “Miss Ruan, our company can provide you with access to roles in high-quality films and shows, as well as introduce you to wealthy companies who will seek you out for endorsements, and also prepare an entire team of professionals for you. If you join us you will definitely be able to develop further and faster than with your current company.”

        Ruan Tian felt moved for half a second or so before she came to her senses and refused.

        This campaign of trying to poach Ruan Tian away wasn’t hidden at all, and gossip about it was flying all over the place. Of course, when the TianTian Group heard this news they all felt nauseated. Their hatred for Shen Shu was already soaring to the skies! 

        Ruan Tian getting access to better resources was one thing, but Shen Shu needed to scram away! 

        However, the fans of the ShenxRuan CP were also very determined. They were all looking forward to Shen Shu successfully chasing his wife back and secretly communicated together in their own smaller groups. They were convinced that when these two finally remarried it would be their turn to feel proud!

        Of course, Qin Yu had also already received this news, but he was in no hurry to make a move.

        According to his understanding of Ruan Tian, ​​there was no way she would agree.

        On some days Qin Yu hated Ruan Tian’s stubbornness, but today he felt it was very lucky that she was such a stubborn person.

        Qin Yu had truly hated that stubbornness back then. At that time, Ruan Tian’s eyes were only full of Shen Shu as if she couldn’t see anything else, and her love had been only for him. 

        Qin Yu had used various methods, threatened and cajoled, grabbed her wrist and demanded for her to say that she wasn’t worthy of Shen Shu, and even said that he would strangle her to death. But Ruan Tian had only returned him a blank look and said: “Well, strange me then, I’ll still keep liking him.”

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        That Friday night, Qin Yu and Shen Shu happened to meet at a cocktail party.

        When Shen Shu spotted Qin Yu, he lifted his chin and said lazily: “Go out and talk?” Then he sauntered away.

        At the end of the dimly corridor, Qin Yu found Shen Shu leaning against the wall and lighting up a cigarette. He had put away his usual false mask of cordiality, and his eyes were cold and unfeeling. 

        Shen Shu asked: “You’ve liked her since long ago?” 

        His tone was frigid, with traces of anger.

        Qin Yu didn’t deny, “Yes.” He then smiled softly, “Are you unhappy? Shen Shu, the person who has been leading her on for several years is not me, nor is it me who forced you and her to divorce.”

        Internally he sneered. What was the saying? Reaping what you sow?

        Shen Shu slowly raised his looked up, and his eyes were frosty, “You really calculate well.”

        Thinking about it, Qin Yu had also contributed to this outcome.

        Qin Yu had always been looking on from the side while he made a fool of himself, and also doing whatever he could to make him hate Ruan Tian more and more as the years went by.

        Shen Shu had never been a person with a good temper. Of course, in front of outsiders he would always pretend, but it wasn’t necessary when he was in front of Qin Yu. 

        He angrily stubbed out the cigarette butt. But then his face changed and he smiled lightly. He said: “Ruan Tian has always liked the sunny honor student type.”

        After all, it was exactly that facade of his that Ruan Tian had fallen in love with back in high school.

        The one she had liked was the Shen Shu who was an honor student, who always wore his school uniform all year-round, who was never late, and who never cursed. 

        He walked over and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder, “It’s true that she hates me now, but she has never loved or hated you. Qin Yu, to her, you are nothing.”

        Shen Shu was also a qualified executioner, the type who could easily kill with words and strike people where it hurt the most. 

        Qin Yu had definitely had a hand in things reaching this point, so he could at least leave some words to disgust him. 

        After that, the two returned to the party and had no further communication.

        However, the stiff atmosphere between them was very obvious.

        Someone who was more in the know saw other people looking confused and informed in a low voice, “Actually, Mr. Qin’s current girlfriend is Mr. Shen’s ex-wife.”

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        With that, the crowd suddenly realized what was going on.

        It was said that you should never make a move on the wife of a friend. Since the situation was like this it was no wonder that it seemed as if Young Master Shen was ready to completely cut ties with the Qin family.

        The gossip from these sorts of high-end social gatherings always spread out very quickly, so by the next day, the news that Qin Yu’s girlfriend that everyone knew about but no one had seen was actually Ruan Tian was already spreading wildly.

        Even more exaggeratedly, some people had even made up “inside news” about Ruan Tian and Qin Yu’s upcoming wedding date.

        When Ruan Tian heard about these rumors from Jiang Lili, her face was full of question marks. At the same time, she felt it was very funny.

        If it was said that the chances of a remarriage between her and Shen Shu was 1%…

        Then the chances of her marrying Qin Yu were probably something like 0.1%. It was practically an impossibility.

        What’s more, the woman whom those two dog men were really aiming for was obviously Zhou Xiaoqiao, the female lead who had a big chest and a thin waist.

        However, even before Ruan Tian could refute the rumor personally, Qin An scolded the rumormonger who had broken the news on Weibo for her: “This is fake. Nonsense like this shouldn’t exist.” 

        After Qin An helped her refute the rumor, he triumphantly jumped into WeChat and haughtily sent her a message:【I’ve helped you, you’re welcome. 】

        【Do these people even have brains? They should know that there’s no way our Qin family could accept a woman who has already been married once! 】

        Qin An absolutely refused to let Ruan Tian become his sister-in-law.

        If that really happened, wouldn’t he be killed? 

        Ruan Tian didn’t bother saying much nonsense. She just sent back three short messages in rapid succession- 

        【Go and die!】 

        【Go and die quickly!】

        【Take your brother and Shen Shu and all go die together! 】

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