Chapter 169

  ‘Me and My New Roommates’ concluded successfully with top ratings on network television as well as unprecedented numbers of viewers on their live broadcasts.

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        Thanks to the program, Director Liu raised many eyebrows among the Fruit Station executives and was finally able to talk to his superiors in the company with a straight back. 

        After all, as the years went by his notoriety among the Fruit Station staff had only been growing, and he had been given many nicknames like ‘The Variety Show Killer’ or ‘Taiwan’s Visual Poison’. But now, with this show, he had finally washed away his old shame. 

        The overjoyed Director Liu even personally distributed red envelopes to the whole cast and, secretly, he made Ruan Tian’s red envelope the biggest of them all.

        As the dust was settling, Director Liu sent Ruan Tian a long message: 【Tian, ah, the station thinks that I performed very well this time, so they’ve decided to let me be the chief director of for this year’s end of the year New Year’s Eve concert. Let me schedule things with you now ahead of time, our station will definitely invite you to participate to do some singing and dancing. 】

        Wow! Ruan Tian was surprised and happy.

        And when she heard the words “singing and dancing”, her eyes shone with excitement. She asked with high expectations: 【Well, Director Liu, can you arrange for two or three young and handsome little brothers as backup dancers for me? 】

        Director Liu waved his hand to show this was nothing to him, 【I can arrange it easily. How many do you want? I can get ten if two are not enough. 】

        Ruan Tian wasn’t modest at all, 【En, ten sounds like a good number. 】

        Thus, Ruan Tian’s invitation to do a guest performance during the New Year’s Eve concert was tentatively settled over the phone.

        Director Liu actually had some private thoughts about this matter. He even wanted to put Ruan Tian in the show as the finale. After all, by now, he had been completely convinced and converted by Ruan Tian.

        Of course, since there was still half a year before the New Year’s Eve concert, Director Liu felt that he had to plan ahead this time. He went and approached one of the Fruit Station leaders to talk about inviting Ruan Tian in advance.

        The leader snorted and replied, “Such a small matter, can’t you decide for yourself?

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        Director Liu plucked up his courage and confided his true thoughts, “I think it would be appropriate to let Ruan Tian be the finale of the show…” 

        The leader looked at him with eyes that seemed to scream ‘are you crazy?’ for a long moment. Finally, he said, “What are you trying to do? If you don’t want to be the chief director there are plenty of people eager to take the role.”

        Director Liu said, “Ruan Tian was born for the big screen. Whenever our station brings her on for a show or a drama, the ratings always spike and the audience always likes her very much. We can just give her some of those new recruits from the academy to dance and sing behind her, and I guarantee our ratings will skyrocket.” 

        The station leader fell into silence and began to seriously consider it. After pondering for a while, he said, “Well, let’s talk about it again when the time comes.”

        Director Liu nodded and left the office with a clear heart and feeling refreshed. 


        Though she had finished filming the variety show, Ruan Tian was still very busy and spent time with the other crew almost every day.

        Wang Baiyuan still didn’t seem like he had any intention to take the job seriously and often messed around. Today, while waiting to shoot the next scene, he approached Ruan Tian to chat: ​”I heard you grew up in the countryside?”

        As usual, his questions were sharp, impolite, and targeted to annoy her. It all made Ruan Tian feel very uncomfortable.

        She cooly took another sip of her drink and replied in an emotionless tone: “None of your business.”

        Wang Baiyuan didn’t get annoyed, he just leisurely moved his feet and walked away. In fact, he himself had grown up in the countryside as well. Back when he was still a child he had been rolling in the mud and picking tea leaves in the fields. When he finally managed to escape that place and move to the big city, he had vowed to himself that he would live the life of a rich boss.

        Just like one of those rich CEOs on TV, he wanted to be a man who could do whatever he wanted to do.

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        His philosophy was to live life happily. 

        Now that there was no one buzzing in her ears anymore, Ruan Tian continued to read her script and go over her lines.

        While filming Ruan Tian seldom had any NGs, which saved a lot of work for the crew and caused them to like her quite a bit. Thanks to her professionalism, she was able to finish filming almost three scenes a day on usual days. Of course, when compared with the last film she worked on, ‘Destined Immortals’, this amount of intensity wasn’t much.

        Occasionally, she could even have days off from filming. Secretly, Ruan Tian felt that if Wang Baiyuan hadn’t been cast as the male lead, they would definitely have been able to finish filming much faster.

        But these days the crew was more or less calm, and Jiang Lili also frequently came around to deliver good news. Ruan Tian’s recent outstanding performances had brought her various resources to her door that in the past would have been completely out of reach. 

Chapter 169

  ‘Me and My New Roommates’ concluded successfully with top ratings on network television as well as unprecedented numbers of viewers on their live broadcasts.

        Thanks to the program, Director Liu raised many eyebrows among the Fruit Station executives and was finally able to talk to his superiors in the company with a straight back. 

        After all, as the years went by his notoriety among the Fruit Station staff had only been growing, and he had been given many nicknames like ‘The Variety Show Killer’ or ‘Taiwan’s Visual Poison’. But now, with this show, he had finally washed away his old shame. 

        The overjoyed Director Liu even personally distributed red envelopes to the whole cast and, secretly, he made Ruan Tian’s red envelope the biggest of them all.

        As the dust was settling, Director Liu sent Ruan Tian a long message: 【Tian, ah, the station thinks that I performed very well this time, so they’ve decided to let me be the chief director of for this year’s end of the year New Year’s Eve concert. Let me schedule things with you now ahead of time, our station will definitely invite you to participate to do some singing and dancing. 】

        Wow! Ruan Tian was surprised and happy.

        And when she heard the words “singing and dancing”, her eyes shone with excitement. She asked with high expectations: 【Well, Director Liu, can you arrange for two or three young and handsome little brothers as backup dancers for me? 】

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        Director Liu waved his hand to show this was nothing to him, 【I can arrange it easily. How many do you want? I can get ten if two are not enough. 】

        Ruan Tian wasn’t modest at all, 【En, ten sounds like a good number. 】

        Thus, Ruan Tian’s invitation to do a guest performance during the New Year’s Eve concert was tentatively settled over the phone.

        Director Liu actually had some private thoughts about this matter. He even wanted to put Ruan Tian in the show as the finale. After all, by now, he had been completely convinced and converted by Ruan Tian.

        Of course, since there was still half a year before the New Year’s Eve concert, Director Liu felt that he had to plan ahead this time. He went and approached one of the Fruit Station leaders to talk about inviting Ruan Tian in advance.

        The leader snorted and replied, “Such a small matter, can’t you decide for yourself?

        Director Liu plucked up his courage and confided his true thoughts, “I think it would be appropriate to let Ruan Tian be the finale of the show…” 

        The leader looked at him with eyes that seemed to scream ‘are you crazy?’ for a long moment. Finally, he said, “What are you trying to do? If you don’t want to be the chief director there are plenty of people eager to take the role.”

        Director Liu said, “Ruan Tian was born for the big screen. Whenever our station brings her on for a show or a drama, the ratings always spike and the audience always likes her very much. We can just give her some of those new recruits from the academy to dance and sing behind her, and I guarantee our ratings will skyrocket.” 

        The station leader fell into silence and began to seriously consider it. After pondering for a while, he said, “Well, let’s talk about it again when the time comes.”

        Director Liu nodded and left the office with a clear heart and feeling refreshed. 


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        Though she had finished filming the variety show, Ruan Tian was still very busy and spent time with the other crew almost every day.

        Wang Baiyuan still didn’t seem like he had any intention to take the job seriously and often messed around. Today, while waiting to shoot the next scene, he approached Ruan Tian to chat: ​”I heard you grew up in the countryside?”

        As usual, his questions were sharp, impolite, and targeted to annoy her. It all made Ruan Tian feel very uncomfortable.

        She cooly took another sip of her drink and replied in an emotionless tone: “None of your business.”

        Wang Baiyuan didn’t get annoyed, he just leisurely moved his feet and walked away. In fact, he himself had grown up in the countryside as well. Back when he was still a child he had been rolling in the mud and picking tea leaves in the fields. When he finally managed to escape that place and move to the big city, he had vowed to himself that he would live the life of a rich boss.

        Just like one of those rich CEOs on TV, he wanted to be a man who could do whatever he wanted to do.

        His philosophy was to live life happily. 

        Now that there was no one buzzing in her ears anymore, Ruan Tian continued to read her script and go over her lines.

        While filming Ruan Tian seldom had any NGs, which saved a lot of work for the crew and caused them to like her quite a bit. Thanks to her professionalism, she was able to finish filming almost three scenes a day on usual days. Of course, when compared with the last film she worked on, ‘Destined Immortals’, this amount of intensity wasn’t much.

        Occasionally, she could even have days off from filming. Secretly, Ruan Tian felt that if Wang Baiyuan hadn’t been cast as the male lead, they would definitely have been able to finish filming much faster.

        But these days the crew was more or less calm, and Jiang Lili also frequently came around to deliver good news. Ruan Tian’s recent outstanding performances had brought her various resources to her door that in the past would have been completely out of reach. 

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