Chapter 176

The idea of Ruan Tian becoming the spokesperson for UES was crazy. It was even more shocking than the time she had beaten Wang Baiyuan up on set.

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This sort of endorsement deal, an eight-figure deal at that, would be difficult even for those Movie Queens to secure, not to mention a small actress like Ruan Tian. No matter how a person thought about it, the spokesperson just couldn’t be Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian was still a small actress who had never even starred in any popular drams or TV shows, so who would believe it? Even fools would have more realistic dreams.

Thus, when the OP of the thread finally revealed that the mystery person was actually Ruan Tian, all of the onlookers became relentless realists and “golden sentences” flowed out one after another. 

3457L: Just look back at Li Dong for reference. At that time she had just become an internationally recognized Movie Queen but, even after a long period of negotiations, she still failed to secure the spot as a global spokesperson for UES and could only settle for the title of regional spokesperson.

3458L: Hmph. Comparing Li Dong to Ruan Tian is just humiliating Li Dong…

3459L: I can’t believe there are still people here talking about this nonsense. Doesn’t everyone already know that there is no real information online? One by one they foolishly keep chatting about this topic, isn’t it obvious that it’s just Ruan Tian trying to create hype for herself?

3460L: I advise and Ruan Tian fans not to think this is real. This cake is too big for your small idol, you should just go back to wash and sleep.

Meanwhile, the members of the TianTian Group were really a bit jittery about taking any news as real after the last blow they had suffered.

Thus, when the fan club saw screenshots of the “revelation”, the upper members directly refuted it within the group, “False! Everyone, do not believe these messy news sources from outside, just concentrate on waiting for our TianBaby to make a move.”

In the face of these refutations, the fans didn’t feel particularly disheartened because they hadn’t even believed it in the first place.

But then, at 10:00 the next morning, the UES Group’s official Weibo made an announcement: @RuanTian, Let’s all explore the world of jewelry together with UES Group’s new global spokesperson.

This twist was magical enough for the onlookers to suspect that they were still dreaming.

It was like the clouds had opened up and sent down a deafening roar of thunder and lightning, smashing their heads until they were muddled and confused.

However, after reading it over several times to double and triple check, the netizens discovered that this announcement did indeed come from the official Weibo account of the luxury brand UES. That same luxury brand that was rumored to always thoroughly and rigorously examine any prospective spokespeople for a long time before signing any endorsement deals. 

This slot, which any number of aloof and distant stars hadn’t managed to secure was unexpectedly quietly won away by Ruan Tian?

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The TianTian Group was so shocked by the news that they even forget to control the comments.

The comment section was instantly plunged into turmoil.

“? ? ?”

“Am I still sleeping right now?”

“The slot really went to Ms. Ruan Tian, some Chinese actress?”

“Getting this resource is like taking one step and ascending directly to heaven, right? Without any actual achievements, she was still able to win such a big endorsement deal? I smell something fishy. No wonder her popularity has been exploding recently.”

At the same time, Ruan Tian Weibo’s account also came online because Jiang Lili had instructed her to follow, comment on, and repost UES’s announcement a few moments before.

Ruan Tian thought hard about it, but in the end, she couldn’t think of any appropriate words, so she simply sent a “yay” emoji.

The TianTian Group immediately began to rejoice and shower her with praises in the comment section: 

“Our Sister Ruan has done well.”

“TianBaby will be making a lot of money this time! I feel so relieved! “

“Sister Ruan continues to rush forward regardless of those sour chickens in the background!”

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian could still only feel that it was all unreal.

That was an endorsement fee of 50 million yuan! It was the first time Ruan Tian realized that her endorsement was actually so valuable?

But then she remembered, back when she signed her contract with Qin Pictures that year, it had stipulated a 50-50 cut.

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In other words…

This 50 million would be divided into two, and 25 million would need to be given to that dog-thief, Qin Yu!

Ruan Tian suddenly felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

The announcement sent shockwaves through all corners of the entertainment circle and caused a lot of people to feel shocked. After all, it was commonly understood that the resources from the UES Group were really difficult to get.

In addition to all the ordinary things like having a certain amount of fame and having a good relationship with the brand, candidates also needed to undergo a long period of contact and observation. There was no one else like Ruan Tian who had been able to directly ascend to the sky with a single step like this. 

Various insiders asked around, but very few people knew the inside story, so their queries were fruitless. In the end, they could only conclude that it must be Qin Yu forcibly directing all the best resources in his company to Ruan Tian.

Thus, with this precedent of Qin Yu’s “doting”, people began betting in advance that ‘Destined Immortals’, which would be airing over the winter break, would definitely explode in popularity. 

Chapter 176

The idea of Ruan Tian becoming the spokesperson for UES was crazy. It was even more shocking than the time she had beaten Wang Baiyuan up on set.

This sort of endorsement deal, an eight-figure deal at that, would be difficult even for those Movie Queens to secure, not to mention a small actress like Ruan Tian. No matter how a person thought about it, the spokesperson just couldn’t be Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian was still a small actress who had never even starred in any popular drams or TV shows, so who would believe it? Even fools would have more realistic dreams.

Thus, when the OP of the thread finally revealed that the mystery person was actually Ruan Tian, all of the onlookers became relentless realists and “golden sentences” flowed out one after another. 

3457L: Just look back at Li Dong for reference. At that time she had just become an internationally recognized Movie Queen but, even after a long period of negotiations, she still failed to secure the spot as a global spokesperson for UES and could only settle for the title of regional spokesperson.

3458L: Hmph. Comparing Li Dong to Ruan Tian is just humiliating Li Dong…

3459L: I can’t believe there are still people here talking about this nonsense. Doesn’t everyone already know that there is no real information online? One by one they foolishly keep chatting about this topic, isn’t it obvious that it’s just Ruan Tian trying to create hype for herself?

3460L: I advise and Ruan Tian fans not to think this is real. This cake is too big for your small idol, you should just go back to wash and sleep.

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Meanwhile, the members of the TianTian Group were really a bit jittery about taking any news as real after the last blow they had suffered.

Thus, when the fan club saw screenshots of the “revelation”, the upper members directly refuted it within the group, “False! Everyone, do not believe these messy news sources from outside, just concentrate on waiting for our TianBaby to make a move.”

In the face of these refutations, the fans didn’t feel particularly disheartened because they hadn’t even believed it in the first place.

But then, at 10:00 the next morning, the UES Group’s official Weibo made an announcement: @RuanTian, Let’s all explore the world of jewelry together with UES Group’s new global spokesperson.

This twist was magical enough for the onlookers to suspect that they were still dreaming.

It was like the clouds had opened up and sent down a deafening roar of thunder and lightning, smashing their heads until they were muddled and confused.

However, after reading it over several times to double and triple check, the netizens discovered that this announcement did indeed come from the official Weibo account of the luxury brand UES. That same luxury brand that was rumored to always thoroughly and rigorously examine any prospective spokespeople for a long time before signing any endorsement deals. 

This slot, which any number of aloof and distant stars hadn’t managed to secure was unexpectedly quietly won away by Ruan Tian?

The TianTian Group was so shocked by the news that they even forget to control the comments.

The comment section was instantly plunged into turmoil.

“? ? ?”

“Am I still sleeping right now?”

“The slot really went to Ms. Ruan Tian, some Chinese actress?”

“Getting this resource is like taking one step and ascending directly to heaven, right? Without any actual achievements, she was still able to win such a big endorsement deal? I smell something fishy. No wonder her popularity has been exploding recently.”

At the same time, Ruan Tian Weibo’s account also came online because Jiang Lili had instructed her to follow, comment on, and repost UES’s announcement a few moments before.

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Ruan Tian thought hard about it, but in the end, she couldn’t think of any appropriate words, so she simply sent a “yay” emoji.

The TianTian Group immediately began to rejoice and shower her with praises in the comment section: 

“Our Sister Ruan has done well.”

“TianBaby will be making a lot of money this time! I feel so relieved! “

“Sister Ruan continues to rush forward regardless of those sour chickens in the background!”

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian could still only feel that it was all unreal.

That was an endorsement fee of 50 million yuan! It was the first time Ruan Tian realized that her endorsement was actually so valuable?

But then she remembered, back when she signed her contract with Qin Pictures that year, it had stipulated a 50-50 cut.

In other words…

This 50 million would be divided into two, and 25 million would need to be given to that dog-thief, Qin Yu!

Ruan Tian suddenly felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

The announcement sent shockwaves through all corners of the entertainment circle and caused a lot of people to feel shocked. After all, it was commonly understood that the resources from the UES Group were really difficult to get.

In addition to all the ordinary things like having a certain amount of fame and having a good relationship with the brand, candidates also needed to undergo a long period of contact and observation. There was no one else like Ruan Tian who had been able to directly ascend to the sky with a single step like this. 

Various insiders asked around, but very few people knew the inside story, so their queries were fruitless. In the end, they could only conclude that it must be Qin Yu forcibly directing all the best resources in his company to Ruan Tian.

Thus, with this precedent of Qin Yu’s “doting”, people began betting in advance that ‘Destined Immortals’, which would be airing over the winter break, would definitely explode in popularity. 

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