Chapter 177

As usual, after Huai Mo gave the order it only took a few days for the people below to get it done for him.

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Huai Mo found that he really liked Ruan Tian.

Rather, he loved her so much that he couldn’t help himself.

However, he was aware that when he fell in love with someone, it would not proceed in the normal manner. 

It would definitely become something more violent and unreasonable than a “normal love”.

Thus, he had spent a lot of time trying to learn what kind of person Ruan Tian liked. 

His plan was to get close to her, make her let her guard down, and then finally eat her up.

At the same time, Huai Mo’s grandfather was very worried about the way his grandson had been behaving these days. After all, he knew that the more normal this grandson of his behaved, the more sick and twisted he was on the inside.

Huai Mo hadn’t really bothered to conceal his pursuit either, thus Qin Yu was aware that Huai Mo was probably targeting Ruan Tian, and that he had even probably privately done a lot of things for her.

However, to Qin Yu’s annoyance, Ruan Tian didn’t seem to resent the little bastard at all!

In Qin Yu’s opinion, he and Huai Mo were basically the same types of people.

The crows under the sky were each as black as another. None of them had clean hands, and none of them were good things.

So he really didn’t understand why Ruan Tian always seemed so agreeable when she met Huai Mo, but whenever she saw him she was like a mouse seeing a cat.

And today, the atmosphere in Qin Yu’s high-rise office building was heavy and full of oppression.

The top boss was obviously in a terrible mood, and whenever his cold glare swept over his workers would find their foreheads drenched in cold sweat.

The atmosphere in the office was so oppressive that the workers found it hard to even breathe.

This low atmosphere had first appeared when Qin Yu happened to see Ruan Tian on the front page of Entertainment Weekly.

The whole front page was taken up by a picture of Ruan Tian and Shen Shu in an amusement park.

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The angle the picture had been taken from made the scene seem very ambiguous. In the picture, both people were bowing their heads, Shen Shu’s hand was wrapped around Ruan Tian’s wrist, and it looked as if they were kissing.

Qin Yu looked at the magazine with a thin smile, but the smile didn’t reach his cold eyes, and his face was somehow terrifying. 

A secretary suddenly knocked on the door and came in. She carefully walked forward and handed over the documents in her hands. “These documents all require your signature, Mr. President.”

Qin Yu didn’t even look at the documents. Instead, he rumbled in a low voice: “Prepare a car. I’m going to the outskirts of the capital.”

The secretary replied hesitantly, “What do you need to do at the outskirts of the capital? These files…”

Qin Yu looked at her coldly and said, “Didn’t I say to prepare a car? Do you not understand human language?”

The secretary shut up immediately and turned to begin making arrangements.


Ruan Tian didn’t have to do any filming this morning, so she was taking it slow. She woke up around seven or eight and wanted to head to the nearby supermarket to buy herself some ingredients so she could cook a delicious meal for herself at lunchtime.

However, she suddenly encountered Qin Yu and her whole plan was disrupted.

Today there were two rows of expressionless bodyguards spread out along the edges of the corridor, as if to grandly announce Qin Yu’s presence, and also to block her way forward. 

Qin Yu stared at her face for a long moment before asking in a half-mocking tone, “Did you go to an amusement park with Shen Shu on Valentine’s Day?”

Ruan Tian’s eyes were calm. “Qin Yu, what’s it to do with you? What are you so angry about?”

“I just don’t understand. Why are you so committed to him? Haven’t you had enough of his disgust for you? If you’re unhappy following him, why don’t you just put someone else in your eyes?” Qin Yu’s brows were twisted. He grabbed her arm and pushed her back against the wall as he spoke.

Ruan Tian’s back was suddenly pressed to the wall, and she distantly thought that it was a little cold. At the same time, she fearlessly looked back into Qin Yu’s eyes and replied, “‘Someone else’? Are you talking about yourself?”

Ruan Tian had always been reluctant to have a direct conflict with Qin Yu, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have any thoughts about him.

As soon as she realized that she was actually just a small villainess in this novel, she had begun to suspect that the role Qin Yu played should be the lovestruck second wheel who went around cleaning up the villains behind the female lead’s back. 

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Ruan Tian tilted her head and quietly looked up into Qin Yu’s eyes.

His eyes, his brows, his face.… they were actually all very beautiful.

However, Ruan Tian truly felt that she would rather see a dog than see Qin Yu.

She opened her mouth. “Back when I first transferred into our high school, you were the one who took the lead in bullying me.”

“Maybe you don’t think much of it, but you are undeniably the one most responsible for my miserable days back then. You were the one who took my love letters and read them aloud, you were the one who announced my poor math grades to everyone, and you were the one who picked on me everywhere, all the time. It wasn’t something cute like a boy trying to attract a girl’s attention, you really just took bullying me as your pastime and leisure.”

“At first, I didn’t hate you that much, but over time you really, really went too far.”

Ruan Tian was suddenly determined to give Qin Yu some treatment for all the water in his head today. 

His three views were just too twisted for her to let be.

Chapter 177

As usual, after Huai Mo gave the order it only took a few days for the people below to get it done for him.

Huai Mo found that he really liked Ruan Tian.

Rather, he loved her so much that he couldn’t help himself.

However, he was aware that when he fell in love with someone, it would not proceed in the normal manner. 

It would definitely become something more violent and unreasonable than a “normal love”.

Thus, he had spent a lot of time trying to learn what kind of person Ruan Tian liked. 

His plan was to get close to her, make her let her guard down, and then finally eat her up.

At the same time, Huai Mo’s grandfather was very worried about the way his grandson had been behaving these days. After all, he knew that the more normal this grandson of his behaved, the more sick and twisted he was on the inside.

Huai Mo hadn’t really bothered to conceal his pursuit either, thus Qin Yu was aware that Huai Mo was probably targeting Ruan Tian, and that he had even probably privately done a lot of things for her.

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However, to Qin Yu’s annoyance, Ruan Tian didn’t seem to resent the little bastard at all!

In Qin Yu’s opinion, he and Huai Mo were basically the same types of people.

The crows under the sky were each as black as another. None of them had clean hands, and none of them were good things.

So he really didn’t understand why Ruan Tian always seemed so agreeable when she met Huai Mo, but whenever she saw him she was like a mouse seeing a cat.

And today, the atmosphere in Qin Yu’s high-rise office building was heavy and full of oppression.

The top boss was obviously in a terrible mood, and whenever his cold glare swept over his workers would find their foreheads drenched in cold sweat.

The atmosphere in the office was so oppressive that the workers found it hard to even breathe.

This low atmosphere had first appeared when Qin Yu happened to see Ruan Tian on the front page of Entertainment Weekly.

The whole front page was taken up by a picture of Ruan Tian and Shen Shu in an amusement park.

The angle the picture had been taken from made the scene seem very ambiguous. In the picture, both people were bowing their heads, Shen Shu’s hand was wrapped around Ruan Tian’s wrist, and it looked as if they were kissing.

Qin Yu looked at the magazine with a thin smile, but the smile didn’t reach his cold eyes, and his face was somehow terrifying. 

A secretary suddenly knocked on the door and came in. She carefully walked forward and handed over the documents in her hands. “These documents all require your signature, Mr. President.”

Qin Yu didn’t even look at the documents. Instead, he rumbled in a low voice: “Prepare a car. I’m going to the outskirts of the capital.”

The secretary replied hesitantly, “What do you need to do at the outskirts of the capital? These files…”

Qin Yu looked at her coldly and said, “Didn’t I say to prepare a car? Do you not understand human language?”

The secretary shut up immediately and turned to begin making arrangements.


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Ruan Tian didn’t have to do any filming this morning, so she was taking it slow. She woke up around seven or eight and wanted to head to the nearby supermarket to buy herself some ingredients so she could cook a delicious meal for herself at lunchtime.

However, she suddenly encountered Qin Yu and her whole plan was disrupted.

Today there were two rows of expressionless bodyguards spread out along the edges of the corridor, as if to grandly announce Qin Yu’s presence, and also to block her way forward. 

Qin Yu stared at her face for a long moment before asking in a half-mocking tone, “Did you go to an amusement park with Shen Shu on Valentine’s Day?”

Ruan Tian’s eyes were calm. “Qin Yu, what’s it to do with you? What are you so angry about?”

“I just don’t understand. Why are you so committed to him? Haven’t you had enough of his disgust for you? If you’re unhappy following him, why don’t you just put someone else in your eyes?” Qin Yu’s brows were twisted. He grabbed her arm and pushed her back against the wall as he spoke.

Ruan Tian’s back was suddenly pressed to the wall, and she distantly thought that it was a little cold. At the same time, she fearlessly looked back into Qin Yu’s eyes and replied, “‘Someone else’? Are you talking about yourself?”

Ruan Tian had always been reluctant to have a direct conflict with Qin Yu, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have any thoughts about him.

As soon as she realized that she was actually just a small villainess in this novel, she had begun to suspect that the role Qin Yu played should be the lovestruck second wheel who went around cleaning up the villains behind the female lead’s back. 

Ruan Tian tilted her head and quietly looked up into Qin Yu’s eyes.

His eyes, his brows, his face.… they were actually all very beautiful.

However, Ruan Tian truly felt that she would rather see a dog than see Qin Yu.

She opened her mouth. “Back when I first transferred into our high school, you were the one who took the lead in bullying me.”

“Maybe you don’t think much of it, but you are undeniably the one most responsible for my miserable days back then. You were the one who took my love letters and read them aloud, you were the one who announced my poor math grades to everyone, and you were the one who picked on me everywhere, all the time. It wasn’t something cute like a boy trying to attract a girl’s attention, you really just took bullying me as your pastime and leisure.”

“At first, I didn’t hate you that much, but over time you really, really went too far.”

Ruan Tian was suddenly determined to give Qin Yu some treatment for all the water in his head today. 

His three views were just too twisted for her to let be.

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