Chapter 178

With this new determination in her heart, Ruan Tian pushed Qin Yu’s hand off her arm and continued speaking: “I remember back in high school you once gave me a jar of sweets. I like sweets, so I was actually very happy at the time, but as soon as I opened the jar, unpeeled the wrapper, and ate one…”

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“You turned to Shen Shu and said that I was like a little beggar, eager to accept anything from anyone.”

“So, you disgust me.”

“Qin Yu, I only find you disgusting.”

After saying these words that had been long weighing on her mind, Ruan Tian heaved a subtle sigh of relief.

How musical those words sounded.

She had really managed to scold him! Scolded the son of a bitch good!

Qin Yu didn’t want to keep listening. Hearing that word, “disgusting”, almost left him unable to stand.

These things she listed out one by one were all things he had done. 

Back then, he hadn’t thought much and hadn’t cared much, but now he found that it had all been recorded down and he needed to pay it back.

In those days, Ruan Tian had always stubbornly refused to bow her head no matter what he did. It was as if he had been bewitched, and before he knew it he was using all of his means, trying to force her to look at him instead of Shen Shu, trying to force her to give up!

He suddenly lost it. “I disgust you? Okay, then you can retaliate! You can come and find me! You can beat me, scold me, humiliate me all you like if it makes you happy, but why do you have to go back to Shen Shu? Will you die if that man isn’t in your life?”

With this, Ruan Tian was convinced.

Sure enough, it was impossible to communicate with a lunatic!

She wanted to shout: **** you! **** your mother! You and I will never reconcile under this sky!


Qin Yu suddenly shook off her hand and then turned his bloodshot eyes to stare at one of the bodyguards on the side. “Give me your nightstick.” He said.

A long moment went by, but the bodyguard didn’t budge. 

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Qin Yu’s voice suddenly became severe, “Give it to me!”

The bodyguard finally relented and pulled out his nightstick and delivered it to his boss’s hand.

Qin Yu readily accepted it and then shoved it over to Ruan Tian. Then he called in a loud voice, “Go on! Hit me in the face if you like! However unhappy you were back then, whatever humiliation you suffered, you can vent it out on me now! Do it!”

Ruan Tian silently swore.

Five big words flashed across her mind: Qin Yu really went crazy!

However, this was Qin Yun’s own request and, as a kind-hearted person, Ruan Tian felt that she should respond to everything he asks for!

Thus, Ruan Tian really kicked out at him with all the ruthlessness in her heart and shouted, “Scram!”

Qin Yu’s thigh was in a lot of pain after being kicked by Ruan Tian, but at the same time, he suddenly seemed to calm down. The corners of his mouth smoothed out and he said hoarsely, “If you and Shen Shu really get back together, I will kill him.”

Ruan Tian wanted to roll her eyes. Who was Shen Shu to her? He wasn’t worthy of her concern. 

However, this Qin Yu had better be true to his word! If he didn’t kill that Shen Shu for her, he wasn’t a man!

But in real life, the only answer to Qin Yu’s words was the slamming sound as her door swung shut. 

As soon as she got inside, Ruan Tian sent a message to Qin An: 【 Your brother has lost his mind. Quickly come and pick him up, or else I’ll call the police. 】

Qin An replied in the next second: 【 Call the police then. 】

Ruan Tian: 【??? 】

What a joke! Qin An’s fear of his brother hadn’t been developed in a single day.

His brother was really scary, okay? Who would dare go over to pick him up when he was acting crazy?


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After the events of that day, Qin Yu became even more overboard, and his methods were quite arrogant and tough.

The next afternoon, a certain staff member from a popular video-sharing website jumped out and revealed: 【Breaking news! Actually, Qin Pictures have personally made a move and asked us to remove all of Ruan Tian’s fan’s CP videos on our website, including the ones featuring Ruan Tian and Shen Shu, probably we will have no choice but to comply. 】

【Also, my good sister told me that it’s not the case that Ruan Tian is the noble imperial concubine of Qin Pictures! The actual story is that young master Qin refused to let Ruan Tian go, and even sent his legal team to battle her when she tried to terminate her contract with his company, twice! 】

In fact, this was real. The lawsuit to attempt to terminate the contract between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu really had been fought more than once. Back then, Ruan Tian’s first lawsuit had ended in complete disaster, with the courts outright rejecting all of her demands.

However, Ruan Tian was a stubborn and bullheaded person. Even though she was still poor and lowly person back then, she determinedly used all of her savings to hire another lawyer. She absolutely refused to accept the outcome of her first lawsuit and went on to file another one. Of course, she only lost again after going to court a second time and, in the end, she could only give up when she finally lost so much money that she couldn’t afford to continue.

Ruan Tian obviously hadn’t been able to afford a good lawyer back then and, in the end, she had reluctantly hired a cute new lawyer who had just gotten her certificates. Thus, it wasn’t much of a surprise when the two of them were completely overpowered by Qin Yu’s elite legal team.

Chapter 178

With this new determination in her heart, Ruan Tian pushed Qin Yu’s hand off her arm and continued speaking: “I remember back in high school you once gave me a jar of sweets. I like sweets, so I was actually very happy at the time, but as soon as I opened the jar, unpeeled the wrapper, and ate one…”

“You turned to Shen Shu and said that I was like a little beggar, eager to accept anything from anyone.”

“So, you disgust me.”

“Qin Yu, I only find you disgusting.”

After saying these words that had been long weighing on her mind, Ruan Tian heaved a subtle sigh of relief.

How musical those words sounded.

She had really managed to scold him! Scolded the son of a bitch good!

Qin Yu didn’t want to keep listening. Hearing that word, “disgusting”, almost left him unable to stand.

These things she listed out one by one were all things he had done. 

Back then, he hadn’t thought much and hadn’t cared much, but now he found that it had all been recorded down and he needed to pay it back.

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In those days, Ruan Tian had always stubbornly refused to bow her head no matter what he did. It was as if he had been bewitched, and before he knew it he was using all of his means, trying to force her to look at him instead of Shen Shu, trying to force her to give up!

He suddenly lost it. “I disgust you? Okay, then you can retaliate! You can come and find me! You can beat me, scold me, humiliate me all you like if it makes you happy, but why do you have to go back to Shen Shu? Will you die if that man isn’t in your life?”

With this, Ruan Tian was convinced.

Sure enough, it was impossible to communicate with a lunatic!

She wanted to shout: **** you! **** your mother! You and I will never reconcile under this sky!


Qin Yu suddenly shook off her hand and then turned his bloodshot eyes to stare at one of the bodyguards on the side. “Give me your nightstick.” He said.

A long moment went by, but the bodyguard didn’t budge. 

Qin Yu’s voice suddenly became severe, “Give it to me!”

The bodyguard finally relented and pulled out his nightstick and delivered it to his boss’s hand.

Qin Yu readily accepted it and then shoved it over to Ruan Tian. Then he called in a loud voice, “Go on! Hit me in the face if you like! However unhappy you were back then, whatever humiliation you suffered, you can vent it out on me now! Do it!”

Ruan Tian silently swore.

Five big words flashed across her mind: Qin Yu really went crazy!

However, this was Qin Yun’s own request and, as a kind-hearted person, Ruan Tian felt that she should respond to everything he asks for!

Thus, Ruan Tian really kicked out at him with all the ruthlessness in her heart and shouted, “Scram!”

Qin Yu’s thigh was in a lot of pain after being kicked by Ruan Tian, but at the same time, he suddenly seemed to calm down. The corners of his mouth smoothed out and he said hoarsely, “If you and Shen Shu really get back together, I will kill him.”

Ruan Tian wanted to roll her eyes. Who was Shen Shu to her? He wasn’t worthy of her concern. 

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However, this Qin Yu had better be true to his word! If he didn’t kill that Shen Shu for her, he wasn’t a man!

But in real life, the only answer to Qin Yu’s words was the slamming sound as her door swung shut. 

As soon as she got inside, Ruan Tian sent a message to Qin An: 【 Your brother has lost his mind. Quickly come and pick him up, or else I’ll call the police. 】

Qin An replied in the next second: 【 Call the police then. 】

Ruan Tian: 【??? 】

What a joke! Qin An’s fear of his brother hadn’t been developed in a single day.

His brother was really scary, okay? Who would dare go over to pick him up when he was acting crazy?


After the events of that day, Qin Yu became even more overboard, and his methods were quite arrogant and tough.

The next afternoon, a certain staff member from a popular video-sharing website jumped out and revealed: 【Breaking news! Actually, Qin Pictures have personally made a move and asked us to remove all of Ruan Tian’s fan’s CP videos on our website, including the ones featuring Ruan Tian and Shen Shu, probably we will have no choice but to comply. 】

【Also, my good sister told me that it’s not the case that Ruan Tian is the noble imperial concubine of Qin Pictures! The actual story is that young master Qin refused to let Ruan Tian go, and even sent his legal team to battle her when she tried to terminate her contract with his company, twice! 】

In fact, this was real. The lawsuit to attempt to terminate the contract between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu really had been fought more than once. Back then, Ruan Tian’s first lawsuit had ended in complete disaster, with the courts outright rejecting all of her demands.

However, Ruan Tian was a stubborn and bullheaded person. Even though she was still poor and lowly person back then, she determinedly used all of her savings to hire another lawyer. She absolutely refused to accept the outcome of her first lawsuit and went on to file another one. Of course, she only lost again after going to court a second time and, in the end, she could only give up when she finally lost so much money that she couldn’t afford to continue.

Ruan Tian obviously hadn’t been able to afford a good lawyer back then and, in the end, she had reluctantly hired a cute new lawyer who had just gotten her certificates. Thus, it wasn’t much of a surprise when the two of them were completely overpowered by Qin Yu’s elite legal team.

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