Chapter 186

Two dramas with very similar themes were being released at nearly the same time, moreover, their two female leads had both new and old grudges, so it was inevitable that the two shows would be compared against one another as soon as they began broadcasting.

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‘Destined Immortals’ primarily relied on Fruit Station’s built-in base for viewership, so it’s first episode just barely crested a 1.0 audience rating, which wasn’t very high. However, the numbers showed that the ratings gradually got higher and seemed to be showing an upward trend after the second episode.

(tl note: So TV show ratings are always in percentages and usually there would also be an accompanying demographic. In the entertainment industry, the “default” demographic most numbers refer to is ‘Adults 18-49’. So, for example, a rating of 1.2 means 1.2% of all adults aged 18-49 saw the show.)

Fruit Station itself actually hadn’t ever expected much from this show. After all, when compared with the powerful PR campaign and legions of fans of the novel that were behind ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’, their own show simply paled by comparison. 

They expected that this “competition” would more or less be over as soon as broadcasting began. 

And the ratings of ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ really did live up to expectations. Before long the number for the first episode had climbed up and up until it broke 3.0, which was astonishingly high. However, Zhao Menger didn’t even have time to feel happy before she saw that the ratings for the second episode were instantly cut by more than half.

The fans of the original novel had all been pumped full of expectations for the show, and all of their excitement had crescendoed with the release of the first episode.

But for those fans of the novel who watched the first episode and felt their expectations hadn’t been met, their subsequent anger was equal to their previous excitement.

They were raging. What the **** was this? Had the people making this show treated their lines, the book’s plot, the show’s special effects, all as a ****ing joke! ? 

Just like that, ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had broken a terrible taboo. In this industry, whenever an adaptation provoked the ire of those ‘novel fans’, the fallout was often impossible to bear. 

【I turned on my TV in high spirits and happily flipped channels to watch the ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ adaptation. However, I, your father, only felt confused while watching the show. What kind of portrayal of Dengxi is this? Hasn’t her character been completely ruined? If you can’t properly shoot a show, then just don’t, okay? 】

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【Damn it, who is that woman playing the female lead? Why didn’t you ever open your damn eyes? It looked like you were still asleep the whole time you were filming! 】

【My favorite sister from the novel is nothing like this, nor is my favorite big brother. This whole crew is nothing but liars. There are really too many shady people in the entertainment industry these days. 】

【Hey, director, I hope your mother is dead! Also, all of those people on the cast, you will be buried by me! I will tell everyone that it would be better if this show never existed. As a ten-year-long fan of the book, I just can’t accept this terrible adaptation. I will personally destroy it! 】

Much of the PR surrounding ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ used their “great respect for the original work” as a selling point to attract over the fans of the original novel. Unfortunately, now that it was revealed that their show couldn’t match the original novel in quality, it only resulted in a backlash a hundred times stronger from the enraged novel fans. 

Only a few hours after the first episode was released, on a certain site that reviewed TV shows, the section for ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had already been turned into a warzone, and the comment area was filled with a flood of one-star ratings and terrible reviews.

Zhao Meng’er was a person who always paid a lot of attention to which way the wind was blowing online. At first, when she had seen the initial super-high ratings, her heart felt like it was about to blossom with joy and she could already almost see all her beautiful dreams of exploding in popularity and rising to the top being realized.

However, the subsequent flood of bad reviews and the sudden halving of the show’s ratings made her begin to panic.

Meanwhile, her most recent Weibo post was suddenly filled with angry novel fans scolding her like crazy. Just before the broadcast, she had posted something simple with a slight bragging tone complimenting her own acting skills and now, just a few hours later, it was being deluged with a flood of hateful comments. What would normally be an innocuous post that wouldn’t attract a second glance had backfired on her terribly.

She hastily went into the comment section and deleted several posts from people scolding her. But she quickly found that she had no way to delete these toxic comments! As soon as she would delete one, three more would pop up.

In the end, Zhao Meng’er just gritted her teeth and decided not to bother trying to delete them anymore. 

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Anyway, getting scolded was also a kind of traffic!

If she thought about it optimistically, wasn’t this just what really famous people had to deal with every day? So she was already living the life of a famous person!

But who could have expected that in the following hour or so, ‘Destined Immortals’ climbed up step by step. Its ratings only went up and up and it became the topic of many positive discussions online.

Fruit Station had a lot of influence in this industry, so as the audiences bored of ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ all ran away from Red Channel and Blue Channel, many of them ended up pouring over to Fruit Station instead.

Chapter 186

Two dramas with very similar themes were being released at nearly the same time, moreover, their two female leads had both new and old grudges, so it was inevitable that the two shows would be compared against one another as soon as they began broadcasting.

‘Destined Immortals’ primarily relied on Fruit Station’s built-in base for viewership, so it’s first episode just barely crested a 1.0 audience rating, which wasn’t very high. However, the numbers showed that the ratings gradually got higher and seemed to be showing an upward trend after the second episode.

(tl note: So TV show ratings are always in percentages and usually there would also be an accompanying demographic. In the entertainment industry, the “default” demographic most numbers refer to is ‘Adults 18-49’. So, for example, a rating of 1.2 means 1.2% of all adults aged 18-49 saw the show.)

Fruit Station itself actually hadn’t ever expected much from this show. After all, when compared with the powerful PR campaign and legions of fans of the novel that were behind ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’, their own show simply paled by comparison. 

They expected that this “competition” would more or less be over as soon as broadcasting began. 

And the ratings of ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ really did live up to expectations. Before long the number for the first episode had climbed up and up until it broke 3.0, which was astonishingly high. However, Zhao Menger didn’t even have time to feel happy before she saw that the ratings for the second episode were instantly cut by more than half.

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The fans of the original novel had all been pumped full of expectations for the show, and all of their excitement had crescendoed with the release of the first episode.

But for those fans of the novel who watched the first episode and felt their expectations hadn’t been met, their subsequent anger was equal to their previous excitement.

They were raging. What the **** was this? Had the people making this show treated their lines, the book’s plot, the show’s special effects, all as a ****ing joke! ? 

Just like that, ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had broken a terrible taboo. In this industry, whenever an adaptation provoked the ire of those ‘novel fans’, the fallout was often impossible to bear. 

【I turned on my TV in high spirits and happily flipped channels to watch the ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ adaptation. However, I, your father, only felt confused while watching the show. What kind of portrayal of Dengxi is this? Hasn’t her character been completely ruined? If you can’t properly shoot a show, then just don’t, okay? 】

【Damn it, who is that woman playing the female lead? Why didn’t you ever open your damn eyes? It looked like you were still asleep the whole time you were filming! 】

【My favorite sister from the novel is nothing like this, nor is my favorite big brother. This whole crew is nothing but liars. There are really too many shady people in the entertainment industry these days. 】

【Hey, director, I hope your mother is dead! Also, all of those people on the cast, you will be buried by me! I will tell everyone that it would be better if this show never existed. As a ten-year-long fan of the book, I just can’t accept this terrible adaptation. I will personally destroy it! 】

Much of the PR surrounding ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ used their “great respect for the original work” as a selling point to attract over the fans of the original novel. Unfortunately, now that it was revealed that their show couldn’t match the original novel in quality, it only resulted in a backlash a hundred times stronger from the enraged novel fans. 

Only a few hours after the first episode was released, on a certain site that reviewed TV shows, the section for ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had already been turned into a warzone, and the comment area was filled with a flood of one-star ratings and terrible reviews.

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Zhao Meng’er was a person who always paid a lot of attention to which way the wind was blowing online. At first, when she had seen the initial super-high ratings, her heart felt like it was about to blossom with joy and she could already almost see all her beautiful dreams of exploding in popularity and rising to the top being realized.

However, the subsequent flood of bad reviews and the sudden halving of the show’s ratings made her begin to panic.

Meanwhile, her most recent Weibo post was suddenly filled with angry novel fans scolding her like crazy. Just before the broadcast, she had posted something simple with a slight bragging tone complimenting her own acting skills and now, just a few hours later, it was being deluged with a flood of hateful comments. What would normally be an innocuous post that wouldn’t attract a second glance had backfired on her terribly.

She hastily went into the comment section and deleted several posts from people scolding her. But she quickly found that she had no way to delete these toxic comments! As soon as she would delete one, three more would pop up.

In the end, Zhao Meng’er just gritted her teeth and decided not to bother trying to delete them anymore. 

Anyway, getting scolded was also a kind of traffic!

If she thought about it optimistically, wasn’t this just what really famous people had to deal with every day? So she was already living the life of a famous person!

But who could have expected that in the following hour or so, ‘Destined Immortals’ climbed up step by step. Its ratings only went up and up and it became the topic of many positive discussions online.

Fruit Station had a lot of influence in this industry, so as the audiences bored of ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ all ran away from Red Channel and Blue Channel, many of them ended up pouring over to Fruit Station instead.

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