Chapter 187

Many people were unknowingly ensnared.

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A certain housewife who had been disinterestedly flipping through the channels, a certain student who had flopped down to watch some TV in his dorm, and many other besides who had sat down to casually watch some TV suddenly found themselves sucked into ‘Destined Immortals’ before they knew it. Then, after watching both episodes, they were surprised to find that this show seemed to be not bad at all?

Not only was the female lead beautiful, she also had excellent acting skills. She really seemed to bring the pure martial junior sister character to life.

Ruan Tian’s name flew up the hot search list that night, and she also reached the top of the Entertainment Industry Hot Person of the Day List.


This topic gained powerful momentum and blasted up to the top of the hot search that same day.

If before Ruan Tian had only been a small actress with a little bit of fame among her personal fan circle, after tonight, she had already completely walked out in front of the national public eye.

For the following week after ‘Destined Immortals’ began to air, the ratings continued to shoot up like crazy. If it could maintain this momentum, it was bound to break the ratings records at Fruit Station from the last five years.

Ruan Tian’s name was suddenly being searched every day, and her Weibo followers blew up to more than 10 million.

Meanwhile, the director of Fruit Station’s TV show department was stunned. When he had bought the rights to this show back then, he had only felt that it should be able to gain a little bit of traction, but he had never expected it to explode like this.

It had only aired a little over a dozen episodes but it was already so huge!

Since it was already so big now, he really didn’t dare to imagine what the finale would look like. 

It was shocking, and the director was so happy that he didn’t know what to do with himself. At any rate, he knew that his year-end bonus this time wouldn’t be anything small!

At the same time, no one was paying any attention to ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ anymore. The enraged fans of the novel seemed to have unanimously decided that not watching or discussing this show and just letting it die quietly was already the best revenge.

Jiang Lili was still in a bit of a daze even until now. Although she would often jokingly tell Ruan Tian ‘You must go out and get famous this time!’, now that the day had actually come she could hardly believe it.

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It wasn’t until a few major national food chains came to her door to talk about getting Ruan Tian to endorse their products, as well as seeing the seven-figure endorsement fees they were offering, that everything began to feel a little more real.

Of course, Jiang Lili didn’t dare to rashly accept these sorts of food and beverage endorsements on Ruan Tian’s behalf. Now that Ruan Tian seemed to finally be hitting the big leagues, Jiang Lili was only that much more cautious and careful. She didn’t want to end up somehow dragging Ruan Tian down by accepting some shady endorsement deal.

Ruan Tian, who had been happily staying at home to rest these days, was completely unable to sense any magical change in her life with the arrival of “fame”, so it all still felt a bit unreal. “Ah? Did I really explode and become famous?”

Was that true? Really? Why couldn’t she feel it at all?

Jiang Lili looked over at her friend blankly. Then she sucked in a deep breath and, like a chicken pecking rice, she nodded her head up and down. “Yes, you did. You’ve really blown up this time TianBaby. You don’t know how many people have been coming to find me to talk about endorsements these days, or how many magazines have been trying to kick down my door. There are five different women’s magazines who found me to ask you to shoot their New Year’s issues in January.”

It was no exaggeration. These days requests for endorsements, magazines, films, and television were falling down like snowflakes.

She had even been approached by a certain top-tier women’s magazine, which was the kind of resource that could usually only be obtained by those famous national-level goddesses. 

Jiang Lili almost felt like she was still dreaming. She sighed and muttered, “These days I really feel a bit scared to answer the phone.”

“Can I make a lot of money then?” Meanwhile, Ruan Tian’s considerations were very realistic.

She even felt a bit excited. If she could use this to gather enough money to finally pay off the damages she still owed from that botched lawsuit, she could immediately say goodbye to Qin Pictures!

Jiang Lili said: “The endorsement fees for the several endorsements already in front of us right now already add up to more than 10 million. Moreover, as you become more and more popular, your fees will only keep going up. In the future, it will be hard for you not to make money even if you don’t want to.”

Ruan Tian nodded. “That’s good then.”


Ever since ‘Destined Immortals’ was broadcast, it was as if Ruan Tian was the only person being discussed in the entertainment section of various forums. 

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【How could this be possible? Has Ruan Tian really blown up this time? 】

1L: Yes. She’s just amazing, all right? Anti-fans should get out of here!

2L: Ruan Tian is the most explosive woman in the universe. Haters get out of here.

3L: There’s no need to be so grumpy OP. You sound too sour. Truth be told, Ruan Tian has really done it this time. Before people used to mock her for her poor resources, but who would have expected that she would suddenly become known all throughout the country? It’s true what they say, us humans really can’t see through the machinations of the heavens. 

4L: My whole family, from my seven aunts and uncles all the way down to my five-year-old little cousin, have all been following this show every day. Whether you want to admit it or not, Ruan Tian has become very popular!

Chapter 187

Many people were unknowingly ensnared.

A certain housewife who had been disinterestedly flipping through the channels, a certain student who had flopped down to watch some TV in his dorm, and many other besides who had sat down to casually watch some TV suddenly found themselves sucked into ‘Destined Immortals’ before they knew it. Then, after watching both episodes, they were surprised to find that this show seemed to be not bad at all?

Not only was the female lead beautiful, she also had excellent acting skills. She really seemed to bring the pure martial junior sister character to life.

Ruan Tian’s name flew up the hot search list that night, and she also reached the top of the Entertainment Industry Hot Person of the Day List.


This topic gained powerful momentum and blasted up to the top of the hot search that same day.

If before Ruan Tian had only been a small actress with a little bit of fame among her personal fan circle, after tonight, she had already completely walked out in front of the national public eye.

For the following week after ‘Destined Immortals’ began to air, the ratings continued to shoot up like crazy. If it could maintain this momentum, it was bound to break the ratings records at Fruit Station from the last five years.

Ruan Tian’s name was suddenly being searched every day, and her Weibo followers blew up to more than 10 million.

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Meanwhile, the director of Fruit Station’s TV show department was stunned. When he had bought the rights to this show back then, he had only felt that it should be able to gain a little bit of traction, but he had never expected it to explode like this.

It had only aired a little over a dozen episodes but it was already so huge!

Since it was already so big now, he really didn’t dare to imagine what the finale would look like. 

It was shocking, and the director was so happy that he didn’t know what to do with himself. At any rate, he knew that his year-end bonus this time wouldn’t be anything small!

At the same time, no one was paying any attention to ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ anymore. The enraged fans of the novel seemed to have unanimously decided that not watching or discussing this show and just letting it die quietly was already the best revenge.

Jiang Lili was still in a bit of a daze even until now. Although she would often jokingly tell Ruan Tian ‘You must go out and get famous this time!’, now that the day had actually come she could hardly believe it.

It wasn’t until a few major national food chains came to her door to talk about getting Ruan Tian to endorse their products, as well as seeing the seven-figure endorsement fees they were offering, that everything began to feel a little more real.

Of course, Jiang Lili didn’t dare to rashly accept these sorts of food and beverage endorsements on Ruan Tian’s behalf. Now that Ruan Tian seemed to finally be hitting the big leagues, Jiang Lili was only that much more cautious and careful. She didn’t want to end up somehow dragging Ruan Tian down by accepting some shady endorsement deal.

Ruan Tian, who had been happily staying at home to rest these days, was completely unable to sense any magical change in her life with the arrival of “fame”, so it all still felt a bit unreal. “Ah? Did I really explode and become famous?”

Was that true? Really? Why couldn’t she feel it at all?

Jiang Lili looked over at her friend blankly. Then she sucked in a deep breath and, like a chicken pecking rice, she nodded her head up and down. “Yes, you did. You’ve really blown up this time TianBaby. You don’t know how many people have been coming to find me to talk about endorsements these days, or how many magazines have been trying to kick down my door. There are five different women’s magazines who found me to ask you to shoot their New Year’s issues in January.”

It was no exaggeration. These days requests for endorsements, magazines, films, and television were falling down like snowflakes.

She had even been approached by a certain top-tier women’s magazine, which was the kind of resource that could usually only be obtained by those famous national-level goddesses. 

Jiang Lili almost felt like she was still dreaming. She sighed and muttered, “These days I really feel a bit scared to answer the phone.”

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“Can I make a lot of money then?” Meanwhile, Ruan Tian’s considerations were very realistic.

She even felt a bit excited. If she could use this to gather enough money to finally pay off the damages she still owed from that botched lawsuit, she could immediately say goodbye to Qin Pictures!

Jiang Lili said: “The endorsement fees for the several endorsements already in front of us right now already add up to more than 10 million. Moreover, as you become more and more popular, your fees will only keep going up. In the future, it will be hard for you not to make money even if you don’t want to.”

Ruan Tian nodded. “That’s good then.”


Ever since ‘Destined Immortals’ was broadcast, it was as if Ruan Tian was the only person being discussed in the entertainment section of various forums. 

【How could this be possible? Has Ruan Tian really blown up this time? 】

1L: Yes. She’s just amazing, all right? Anti-fans should get out of here!

2L: Ruan Tian is the most explosive woman in the universe. Haters get out of here.

3L: There’s no need to be so grumpy OP. You sound too sour. Truth be told, Ruan Tian has really done it this time. Before people used to mock her for her poor resources, but who would have expected that she would suddenly become known all throughout the country? It’s true what they say, us humans really can’t see through the machinations of the heavens. 

4L: My whole family, from my seven aunts and uncles all the way down to my five-year-old little cousin, have all been following this show every day. Whether you want to admit it or not, Ruan Tian has become very popular!

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