Chapter 188

The show ‘Destined Immortals’ still wasn’t even halfway through its run but, unexpectedly, it had already broken records for numbers of viewers. With an average of 300 million online broadcasts a day, the show was already a big hit no matter which way you looked at it.

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At the same time, in the first few days of the show’s run, Ruan Tian had already attracted a large number of fans with her pure and lovely image, and her fans increased by over a million a day.

To put it simply, Ruan Tian was currently soaring.

In a certain episode, the little martial junior sister was finally discarded by her master who she admired and, when she was driven out of the sect, she burst into silent tears. On the screen, the cold rain mixed with the tears streaming down her face, and the audience’s noses all suddenly felt a bit sore.

The little martial junior sister had been badly injured and there was blood trickling from the corners of her lips, but she still firmly crawled up from the ground and stood tall. Her curtain of black hair was drenched by the rain and fell heavily over her thin back, and her small face was pale like a sheet of paper.

She looked terribly fragile, but her beauty caused chills. 

The audience felt as if their hearts had been broken just like the little martial junior sister in the show.

“Wuwuwu… wow, little junior sister is so miserable. Why does such a good little sister have to be so miserable? Does her master even have a heart?”

“I think I’m crying. Ruan Tian’s portrayal of that scene is just too good. I almost can’t watch.”

“Why is it so painful? When will there be some sweetness between the little sister and her master?”

“Ruan Tian’s acting skills completely trounce Zhao Meng’er next door. She really makes the little martial junior sister seem so alive.”

“TianBaby, we’re all cheering for you. Just beat up that useless master and then overbearingly rise up to the top of the cultivation world alone! Who needs a man?”

“It seems Fruit Station was really discerning when they picked Ruan Tian this time. Even I, who haven’t chased any new stars in many years, have completely fallen in love.”

Before anyone knew it, ‘Destined Immortals’ was already regarded as a phenomenal TV series.

At the same time, Ruan Tian had also become the hottest actress of the minute. As long as someone mentioned her name on Weibo it would attract a lot of responses.

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Smelling opportunity, the marketing accounts were working overtime to tirelessly pump out content related to her.

A certain marketing account:【 After a certain star shot to fame overnight, she has already signed four or five new endorsement deals. According to our sources, the endorsement fees were not low at all. Moreover, it’s rumored that she has already won the spot on a certain top-tier woman’s magazine’s New Year’s issue. We’ll just say congratulations to this mystery star in advance. 】

With her newfound surge of popularity, the number of Ruan Tian fans had greatly increased. Nowadays their combat effectiveness was already more than ten times greater than it had been in the past and the anti-fans couldn’t beat them at all anymore. Whenever an anti-fan appeared, they would only be drowned out by an endless deluge of counterattacks. 

At the same time, Ruan Tian had finally lost her ability to sit around and do nothing at home like she had in the past. Before long, Jiang Lili appeared to tell her about her new itinerary: “On the 30th you’ll need to attend the National Film Festival’s award ceremony, and then on the 31st you have to attend Fruit Station’s New Year’s Concert. Also, you have ads to film for that beverage company and that mobile phone company, and you’ll need to show up to do the New Year’s issue of that woman’s magazine as well.”

Jiang Lili rattled that all off in one breath and coughed to moisten her throat before sighing and continuing, “TianBaby, the days where we used to be able to sit around at home and do nothing are already gone forever.”

It was rare for a TV show to explode and soar. Even when one did, the “flowers” of the show would often fail to be pollinated. 

After all, the “pollen” on the entertainment industry was truly hard to attract no matter how beautiful a flower might be.

But perhaps Ruan Tian was just born to be famous, because she achieved it all effortlessly.

Ruan Tian felt a bit dazed. This feeling of being overwhelmed by too much work all of a sudden was really a bit wonderful.

Suddenly, she sobered up and asked in a cold voice, “How long will it take for me to earn 80 million?”

Jiang Lili was a bit shocked by her friend’s sudden change and fell silent for a moment. After thinking it over, she responded: “It shouldn’t take too long. But what do you need so much money for?”

“I want to terminate my contract with Qin Yu! ! !”

“? ? ?”

Ruan Tian held her head high and said proudly, “I can’t stand the way Qin Yu likes to act all high and mighty all the time! I’m already famous now! I’m going to make a big move and terminate my contract!”

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If she couldn’t win in court, couldn’t she just win with money?

She wanted to use her money to smash Qin Yu to death!

Jiang Li was so shocked she swore twice before exclaiming: “He set an 80 million yuan penalty for breaching your contract? Why doesn’t he just go die! ! !”

Ruan Tian said, “Heh, he probably wants so much money so that later on he can get someone to burn it for him so that he can take it with him to the afterlife.”

Jiang Lili: “…”

Chapter 188

The show ‘Destined Immortals’ still wasn’t even halfway through its run but, unexpectedly, it had already broken records for numbers of viewers. With an average of 300 million online broadcasts a day, the show was already a big hit no matter which way you looked at it.

At the same time, in the first few days of the show’s run, Ruan Tian had already attracted a large number of fans with her pure and lovely image, and her fans increased by over a million a day.

To put it simply, Ruan Tian was currently soaring.

In a certain episode, the little martial junior sister was finally discarded by her master who she admired and, when she was driven out of the sect, she burst into silent tears. On the screen, the cold rain mixed with the tears streaming down her face, and the audience’s noses all suddenly felt a bit sore.

The little martial junior sister had been badly injured and there was blood trickling from the corners of her lips, but she still firmly crawled up from the ground and stood tall. Her curtain of black hair was drenched by the rain and fell heavily over her thin back, and her small face was pale like a sheet of paper.

She looked terribly fragile, but her beauty caused chills. 

The audience felt as if their hearts had been broken just like the little martial junior sister in the show.

“Wuwuwu… wow, little junior sister is so miserable. Why does such a good little sister have to be so miserable? Does her master even have a heart?”

“I think I’m crying. Ruan Tian’s portrayal of that scene is just too good. I almost can’t watch.”

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“Why is it so painful? When will there be some sweetness between the little sister and her master?”

“Ruan Tian’s acting skills completely trounce Zhao Meng’er next door. She really makes the little martial junior sister seem so alive.”

“TianBaby, we’re all cheering for you. Just beat up that useless master and then overbearingly rise up to the top of the cultivation world alone! Who needs a man?”

“It seems Fruit Station was really discerning when they picked Ruan Tian this time. Even I, who haven’t chased any new stars in many years, have completely fallen in love.”

Before anyone knew it, ‘Destined Immortals’ was already regarded as a phenomenal TV series.

At the same time, Ruan Tian had also become the hottest actress of the minute. As long as someone mentioned her name on Weibo it would attract a lot of responses.

Smelling opportunity, the marketing accounts were working overtime to tirelessly pump out content related to her.

A certain marketing account:【 After a certain star shot to fame overnight, she has already signed four or five new endorsement deals. According to our sources, the endorsement fees were not low at all. Moreover, it’s rumored that she has already won the spot on a certain top-tier woman’s magazine’s New Year’s issue. We’ll just say congratulations to this mystery star in advance. 】

With her newfound surge of popularity, the number of Ruan Tian fans had greatly increased. Nowadays their combat effectiveness was already more than ten times greater than it had been in the past and the anti-fans couldn’t beat them at all anymore. Whenever an anti-fan appeared, they would only be drowned out by an endless deluge of counterattacks. 

At the same time, Ruan Tian had finally lost her ability to sit around and do nothing at home like she had in the past. Before long, Jiang Lili appeared to tell her about her new itinerary: “On the 30th you’ll need to attend the National Film Festival’s award ceremony, and then on the 31st you have to attend Fruit Station’s New Year’s Concert. Also, you have ads to film for that beverage company and that mobile phone company, and you’ll need to show up to do the New Year’s issue of that woman’s magazine as well.”

Jiang Lili rattled that all off in one breath and coughed to moisten her throat before sighing and continuing, “TianBaby, the days where we used to be able to sit around at home and do nothing are already gone forever.”

It was rare for a TV show to explode and soar. Even when one did, the “flowers” of the show would often fail to be pollinated. 

After all, the “pollen” on the entertainment industry was truly hard to attract no matter how beautiful a flower might be.

But perhaps Ruan Tian was just born to be famous, because she achieved it all effortlessly.

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Ruan Tian felt a bit dazed. This feeling of being overwhelmed by too much work all of a sudden was really a bit wonderful.

Suddenly, she sobered up and asked in a cold voice, “How long will it take for me to earn 80 million?”

Jiang Lili was a bit shocked by her friend’s sudden change and fell silent for a moment. After thinking it over, she responded: “It shouldn’t take too long. But what do you need so much money for?”

“I want to terminate my contract with Qin Yu! ! !”

“? ? ?”

Ruan Tian held her head high and said proudly, “I can’t stand the way Qin Yu likes to act all high and mighty all the time! I’m already famous now! I’m going to make a big move and terminate my contract!”

If she couldn’t win in court, couldn’t she just win with money?

She wanted to use her money to smash Qin Yu to death!

Jiang Li was so shocked she swore twice before exclaiming: “He set an 80 million yuan penalty for breaching your contract? Why doesn’t he just go die! ! !”

Ruan Tian said, “Heh, he probably wants so much money so that later on he can get someone to burn it for him so that he can take it with him to the afterlife.”

Jiang Lili: “…”

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