Today, Huai Mo had a fever.

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He had taken his own temperature and discovered that he had a fever of thirty-nine degrees.

However, he didn’t take any medicine and completely didn’t do anything to treat himself.

Then, he took out his phone and deleted all of the numbers in his contact list except for Ruan Tian’s. 

The next day his fever continued to rage, and Huai Mo went to class as usual. Predictably, he suddenly fainted shortly after the students began arriving, startling his fellow classmates in the lab.

See that he was burning up, his classmates quickly sent Huai Mo to the infirmary. That done, they wanted to contact his family to let them know. However, when they looked at his phone they found there was only one number in his contact list: Ruan Tian’s. 

Of course, his classmates called the number immediately.

Ruan Tian had just finished washing her hair when she suddenly got a phone call. Picking it up, an unfamiliar man’s voice said: “Excuse me, do you know Huai Mo? He has a high fever and fainted. Can you come to pick him up?”

Ruan Tian said, “I do and I can. But where is he now?”

“At the school infirmary.”

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“All right, I’ll head over then.”

Ruan Tian quickly found Jiang Lili to drive her over to the school. As she got out of the car, she put on a mask and a hat so she wouldn’t be recognized.

When they entered the infirmary, Ruan Tian saw that Huai Mo’s face was white like a sheet. He looked pale and sickly.

When the two stepped inside, Huai Mo’s eyes paused in Jiang Lili. Jiang Lili suddenly felt a chill up her spine and had the illusion that Huai Mo was looking at her as if he were looking at a dead person.

But then Huai Mo smiled weakly, as if he were feeling guilty, and the illusion disappeared. He said softly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that they would call you.”

Ruan Tian sighed, “I just knew that you couldn’t take care of yourself.”

“Well, I’m sorry to have worried you. Aren’t you busy these days though? You don’t need to mind me, just handle your own business.” Huai Mo immediately spouted some high-sounding words.

Ruan Tian sighed again. Every time she saw Huai Mo she would feel sorry for him.

He was like an abandoned puppy.

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Her heart softened and she said, “It’s okay, I can afford to take the time to bring you to the hospital.”

Jiang Lili felt Huai Mo’s eyes sweeping over her again and another chill swept up her spine. She uncomfortably looked down at her shoes and said, “I just remembered I have an order I need to pick up. If I don’t go now they might not hold it for me anymore, so I’ll leave first hehe…”

After that, Ruan Tian really brought Huai Mo over to a big hospital and let him see a doctor. The doctor prescribed some medicine so Ruan Tian sat down beside the bed to wait until it was ready to be picked up. 

After sitting for a long time, Ruan Tian began to feel sleepy.

Her head drooped a bit and leaned on Huai Mo’s shoulder until she almost fell asleep.

But then she suddenly remembered why she was here, and Ruan Tian jolted awake. She sat up and said, “Let me go find someone and ask how much longer it will be.”

Huai Mo felt regret in his heart, but on the outside, he said calmly, “Okay, thanks for your hard work.”

Ruan Tian walked over to the outpatient desk and asked the nurse who was sitting there about the medicine. After asking, she found that the medicine was already ready and that they could go home after paying and picking it up.

She yawned tiredly and slowly walked back toward Huai Mo’s room.

However, as the saying went, “enemies will meet on the narrow path”. In fact, that phrase had probably been invented to describe the relationship between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu.

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Ruan Tian looked up and saw Qin Yu standing there. Judging by the piece of paper that looked like a medical report in his hand, he had probably come to the hospital for a check-up or something. 

Spotting Ruan Tian as well, Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and asked, “Are you sick?”

Ruan Tian shook her head slowly.

Qin Yu immediately hit the nail on the head by saying, “So you came to the hospital for a man?”

****! How did he instantly guess it right?

Ruan Tian decided she didn’t want to talk to this guy and tried to walk around him, but Qin Yu moved and blocked her way.

Impatiently, Ruan Tian asked, “What do you want?”

Qin Yu reached down and took off her mask and said, “What are you doing in the hospital if you’re not sick?”

Ruan Tian wanted to get her mask back.

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She wasn’t the same as how she used to be, okay?

She was already a top flower in the entertainment industry!

“Hurry and give me back my mask. If someone takes a picture of this how am I supposed to live?”

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and then snorted out a chuckle. He said, “It’s fine, let them take pictures if they like.”

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes. As expected of Qin Yu, this dog man, he just wouldn’t feel well if he saw her doing good so he especially came over to try to cut off her road to fame. Unforgivable!

Finally, Ruan Tian looked up at him expressionlessly and began to spout nonsense in a serious tone: “It’s because I thought I might be pregnant, so I came here to take a pregnancy test. Do you have some problem?”

Qin Yu: “…”

Ruan Tian continued spout lies blindly, “Anyway, you stay further away from me. I don’t want to have a miscarriage.”

The corners of Qin Yu’s lips gently tugged upward in a smile. He gave a joyful laugh and said, “Is it my child? Is it a boy or a girl?”

Ruan Tian’s eyes went round. What the **** was this lunatic spouting off about?

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