Chapter 190

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Meanwhile, Huai Mo had gotten tired of waiting. He indifferently yanked the IV out of his arm and walked out of the room with blood trickling down from where the IV had been. Looking down the corridor, he quickly spotted Ruan Tian and also the man standing opposite of her and blocking her way. His eyes narrowed slightly for a moment, and then he started to walk over.

This was the first face-to-face meeting between Huai Mo and Qin Yu.

Both men saw each other but continued to behave calmly.

Huai Mo continued to act innocent like usual. He walked over to Ruan Tian and smiled softly. "I'm ready, let's go back now."

Qin Yu felt very angry in his heart, but his face remained impassive and didn’t show any displeasure. He put on a sardonic smile and said, “Wow, you’re even more suitable to be an actor than Ruan Tian is."

Huai Mo just continued to smile faintly.

Qin Yu took two steps forward and said forcefully, "Someone who killed both of his parents with his own hands, who drove his own aunt out of the family, why are you here pretending to be all innocent and naive? It's ridiculous to look at."

"You have your people following Ruan Tian and monitoring her every move, but you still dare to come and act pitiful in front of her. Don’t you feel ashamed to bully and trick her like this?"

Qin Yu snorted.

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In this world there was no one he needed to give face to and nothing that he feared to say.

In fact, he had long wanted to expose Huai Mo, this unseemly son of a bitch.

Now such a perfect chance had appeared, so how could he not seize the opportunity?

Ruan Tian: QAQ

The amount of information in Qin Yu's words was too scary, ah.

Ruan Tian suddenly felt a wave of confusion in her heart.


After this unpleasant meeting at the hospital, Ruan Tian had no choice but to rush off so she could attend an award ceremony, so she didn’t have time to digest any of this new information.

Her hairdresser and stylist arrived at her house ahead of time to help her do her hair, put on her makeup, and change her clothes.

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Tonight she would be wearing a custom-fitted evening dress from a certain brand’s “Celebrity Series”. It was a tube top made from stylish and gauzy materiel.

Ruan Tian asked the stylist, "If I somehow get this dress dirty, do I have to pay for it?"

"...there’s no need."

"Wow, I never knew there was such a good thing in this world. It’s good to be famous." Ruan Tian blurted.

The stylist just stayed silent. Of course, what the stylist didn't tell her was that this custom-made evening dress had already been bought and paid for by Mr. Qin at the cost of a few hundreds of thousands of yuan, so there really wasn’t any need for Ruan Tian to worry about getting it dirty at all.

In fact, unbeknownst to her, all of the evening dresses that Ruan Tian had worn before had actually been bought directly, not borrowed or rented.

Finally, at around 4 p.m., Ruan Tian walked down the red carpet alongside the director and cast members of ‘Obscurity’.

‘Obscurity’ had been shortlisted for around ten awards at this ceremony, so they were the most high-profile crew of the evening.

Unexpectedly, the number of Ruan Tian’s fans on the side ended up outnumbering even Qin An’s fans. Of course, most of these little sisters had been pulled in thanks to the explosively popular ‘Destined Immortals’.

When Ruan Tian appeared on the red carpet, the sudden wave of screams were loud enough to almost pierce her eardrums.

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"Ahhhhh, Sister Ruan!"

"Our TianBaby is the best!"

"Ahhhhh! TianBaby, you're so beautiful! "

As the most honorable film festival in China, even receiving one nomination was enough for the fans to brag for a lifetime, so the fans were filled with enthusiasm.

At this moment, someone online anonymously made a poisonous oath:

【I have to say, even being unbiased and putting my own admiration for her aside, those organizers definitely need to give Ruan Tian that Best Supporting Actress award no matter what! (If they don’t, then just let my whole family be killed by a car the next time they go out). 】

This post was actually personally posted anonymously by Zhao Meng’er, purely in the hopes of stirring up some trouble.

After all, Ruan Tian had already blocked her way twice now.

Thus, these days Zhao Meng’er was feeling so angry that she could almost vomit blood.

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Moreover, she was a person who couldn’t fathom doing things in an upright fashion. Her brain was only capable of thinking up crooked plots and schemes.

Thus, this masterpiece of a post. She was confident that whether Ruan Tian won the award or not tonight, a post like this would cause her to be implicated.

However, the feedback wasn’t as good as Zhao Meng’er expected. Her imagined legion of fans filled with righteous indignation never appeared. Instead...

"Thank you for your auspicious words."

"Thank you. Ruan Tian is definitely worth this much sacrifice."

"Hah, I'm relieved to see everyone else feels she deserves that award too!"

Zhao Meng’er: ???

Wait, this wasn’t how the script was supposed to go!


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