Chapter 191

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Last time, Shen Shu had ordered his lawyer to bring him a copy of his divorce agreement so it wasn’t long before it was delivered to him.

Shen Shu’s lawyer was an experienced professional, so when his employer ordered him to bring over a copy of the divorce agreement created by his firm, his first thought was that there was something wrong with his work. Thus, the lawyer personally went to the Shen residence and handed the document to Shen Shu himself.

When the lawyer arrived, he found Shen Shu dressed in messy casual clothes and looking haggard and pale. Shen Shu quickly accepted the document and read through the entire divorce agreement line by line without missing so much as a single dot of punctuation.

The lawyer stood beside him nervously. After considering for a long time, he finally mustered up the nerve to say: "Mr. Shen, my team is extremely professional when it comes to these sorts of matters, so you can rest assured."

The lawyer wasn’t boasting either. He was confident that each line and paragraph of this divorce agreement had been crafted meticulously without leaving any room for the other side to find any loopholes.

Shen Shu, who was still battling with a cold and running a fever, coughed twice and pressed his lips into a thin line without saying anything.

His lawyer continued: "Don’t worry, you won’t find a single line in this document that is in error. If your ex-wife wants to try to use the divorce agreement produced by our firm to file a lawsuit, there’s no chance that she could win."

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Having spoken this far, the lawyer carefully observed his employer’s reaction. To his surprise, Shen Shu’s face seemed to be getting paler and paler as he spoke.

After a long time, Shen Shu gently closed the document and put it aside. "Can't it be annulled?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

The lawyer was momentarily stupefied, but he quickly recovered. "Mr. Shen, you can rest assured. The divorce between you and your wife has already been completely settled in the eyes of the law. There’s no possibility of annulment."

Shen Shu reached up to rub his aching forehead as a wave of tiredness suddenly washed over him. The tiny bit of hope in his heart for some sort of miraculous fluke flickered and disappeared.

He managed to gather up the strength to speak one more time and said hoarsely, "I understand now. Go back."

The divorce agreement laid there quietly on the table.

Ruan Tian's signature was in plain black and white, very formal and earnestly written.

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Shen Shu stared blankly at her name for a long time, and an inexplicable rage began to surge up from the bottom of his heart. His slender fingers clenched around the document, so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and then he viciously swept it off the table and into the air.

A rare glimpse of rage and violence brewed in the man’s eyes.

Nanny Liu heard the commotion from outside the room and came in confusedly. She looked around at the papers that seemed to have been crinkled up in someone’s fist and then scattered on the floor, and then over at the cold-faced young man who was still sitting on the sofa, and she felt a bit surprised.

In fact, Nanny Liu could be regarded as a person who had watched Shen Shu, this sole son and grandson of the Shen family, grow up until now. She knew that he had been taught to be sensible and clever from a very young age. Ever since his childhood, he had always spoken and behaved in a calm and measured manner, never contradicted his elders, and hardly ever lost his temper.

From what she knew, his personality had always been cold. The type that was polite, but also distant.

But Nanny Liu had never seen him like this before.

Just when Nanny Liu was about to go forward to pick up the scattered documents, Shen Shu’s cold voice rang out: "Go and take a rest. Don't worry about this matter."

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With polite words, he frostily drove her away.

Meanwhile, the National Film Festival award ceremony was finally happening tonight. Currently, the live broadcast had already begun.

Shen Shu tuned in and then listened impatiently as the host introduced a long series of names he had never heard of before. He slowly closed his eyes tiredly, but then they snapped open again when he finally heard that familiar name.

"The next people we’ll be seeing walk down the red carpet are the crew of ‘Obscurity’, a film that really pulled in a bumper harvest at the box office this year. Let's all welcome Director Cheng and the leading stars from the film, Li Dong, Qin An, and Ruan Tian!"

The hostess's voice was shrill and excited.

Shen Shu couldn't tear his eyes away from the woman on the screen.

She was wearing a beautiful ankle-length dress and was dazzling with her makeup and freshly curled hair.

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Shen Shu, as if abusing himself, just stared at her face blankly. As he looked at her dazzling smile, he was suddenly reminded of that scene from back then.

Back then the poor-looking, cautious, and reserved girl had been standing in front of a shop’s window in her worn old school uniform and looking up at the dazzling dress the mannequin behind the glass was wearing.

That girl, her face tinged with a hint of red and wearing her cheap cotton skirt, had stood in front of him, somehow both modest and bold, and asked: “Shen Shu, do you think that would look good on me?"

Of course, Shen Shu had just ignored her.

Back in the present, Shen Shu could only watch on as Qin An held her arm and led her down the red carpet. Before long, the two people had both disappeared from the screen.

His heart felt a bit empty all of a sudden. He had a premonition that this was the end of him and Ruan Tian.

Now and in the future, she would always be holding another man's arm as she walked casually out of his world without ever stopping to look back.

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