Chapter 192

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Sicko! This was already the 100th time that Ruan Tian had silently dissed Qin An in her heart.

Why didn’t he take Li Dong's arm! ? Why did he have to hold her arm? Didn't this Qin An know that she hated him?!

Wasn’t he aware that they were sworn enemies! ?

However, under the eyes of so many fans and cameras, it wasn’t like she could just turn her head and push him away.

When they finally made it inside the venue, Ruan Tian gave a cold chuckle and said, “Qin An, have you noticed that I’ve been getting popular so now you want to come and leech some of my fame? !"

Qin An: ?

He wasn’t trying to do that, ah. He really wasn't.

Ruan Tian hmphed coldly. She squinted her eyes at him and said in a certain tone: “I think you just noticed that I’ve been blowing up so now you want to try to curry favor and steal my fame away." She paused to take a breath and then continued, "Anyway, please be more mindful. Don’t try to stir up CP rumors between us!"

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Qin An couldn’t just take this lying down, so he sneered back: "Even if I really fell to the very bottom and ended up in the adult side of this industry, I would be doing BL and slash before it ever came to your turn."

(tl note: The previous line had a lot of slang so it’s almost completely rewritten since I can’t translate it properly, sorry about that. In the original text, Qin An refers to both porn and homosexuality very euphemistically. Fun fact, apparently “going down to the sea” = “shooting pron”)

Qin An fearlessly spat out a poisonous oath.

Ruan Tian felt this oath could almost compete with that marketing account on Weibo pledging that their whole family would die in a car wreck if she didn’t win the award tonight for viciousness.

Ruan Tian couldn’t help but fall silent.

However, after a short while, she rallied and looked into Qin An’s round eyes. She asked in a very serious tone: “Since you’re considering the BL route, do you plan to take advantage of this opportunity to play love at public expense?"

(tl note: This is another slang term from the industry. “Love at public expense” means two public figures who are working on the same set that end up dating (or sleeping together, or whatever) but not admitting to it. I can’t think of a way to express that concept in a few words in english tho)

Qin An endured and endured. He tried to keep calm and cool. He recited mantras in his head to try to brainwash himself into staying emotionless and not letting himself be riled up by this terrible woman.

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Ruan Tian couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up: "Playing love at public expense with your fellow actors really suits you actually."

Qin An finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. After all, whenever he had been in front of Ruan Tian he had never concealed himself and always shown off his dirty mouth and terrible temper. "Oh my god! Your ****ing mother! Scram away with this crap! I, your father, don’t swing that way."

Ruan Tian just sighed emotionally and gave him an “understanding” look, as if to say: ‘It’s alright, you don’t need to explain anything to me.’

Qin An almost vomited blood. He began to wonder why he even had to explain himself, but despite that, he continued: "I like girls! Girls with big breasts and thin waists, okay?"

Ruan Tian: "Oh."

As the two chatted and played around, the award ceremony began.

The crew of ‘Obscurity’ were all sitting in the front row, and Ruan Tian was sandwiched between Director Cheng Sui’an and Qin An.

This year was a big year for the National Film Festival. There had been several good films with a lot of popularity which had come out during the year, so the competition for each award was particularly fierce.

As for Ruan Tian, despite everything, she honestly didn’t even dream of winning Best Supporting Actress.

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Up on stage, the less important awards were being presented one by one. Qin An suddenly leaned down toward Ruan Tian's ear and said, "Do you see that golden microphone in the middle? I’ll be winning Best Actor in a moment and taking it back with me. I’ll give my speech up above and you can just watch from down below."

He continued pretentiously: "As for you, I’m afraid it’s impossible for you to win any awards. Today’s festivities are destined to have nothing to do with you."

Ruan Tian only had one thought in her mind: This Qin An is really too noisy.

When it was finally time to give out the Best Supporting Actress Award, the camera suddenly turned to Ruan Tian's face. Unfortunately, Ruan Tian was still busy quarreling with Qin An and didn’t notice that the camera had changed to focus on her at all.

Qin An said: "Sister Tian, try not to cry after this, there will still be time for you to cry later."

Ruan Tian, her face cold like ice, shot back: "Get up and scram away."

Seeing this, the CP fans supporting QinxTian were all screaming wildly in front of their screens.

omg! Their CP was still giving out candy even during the award ceremony oooo.

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They were definitely a perfect couple!

The big screen behind the stage was playing clips from the various finalists’ films. Everyone held their breath, and the host slowly unsealed the envelope and opened it up. He looked down at the name inside, then smiled and whispered four words into the microphone:

“Congratulations to Ruan Tian.”

"Her performance was emotional and moving, showcasing a maturity beyond her age and firmly engraving herself in the hearts of audiences around the country."

With this twist, Ruan Tian was immediately ****ing terrified.

And while she was still dazed, she heard applause swelling all around her and countless gazes from the crowd. The sudden pressure almost completely immobilized her brain.

Ruan Tian unconsciously made the classic “I really won the award” expression that often showed up in these ceremonies, covering her mouth with her hands and bursting into tears.

Her mind was buzzing. What was going on here?

Did the script get changed? Why was she suddenly so much like a female lead!

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