REHC - Chapter 195

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On the side, Qin An was listening and feeling his head ache. He had to cry and beg this little uncle of his, and also get his mother to put in a good word for him, before he was finally given a chance to audition for the male lead role. But why was it when it came to Ruan Tian it was so easy for her? ! She got an audition just like that!

Although it was undeniable that her acting skills really were pretty good, it still didn’t make sense.

By the end of the night, almost everyone was drunk and no one could drink anymore.

Qin An drunkenly said to Ruan Tian, "Don't blame me for not talking nicely this time. Last time you auditioned for a supporting character role in my uncle’s movie, but this time you’re going to be auditioning to be the female lead. My uncle is much more strict and demanding with his female leads when compared with his supporting actresses, so I advise you not to hold too much hope. It's almost impossible for you, you know?"

Ruan Tian was annoyed. All she could hear was a fly chattering and buzzing around her ear.

"I'm talking to you, okay?"

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Noisy. It was really too ****ing noisy. How was a person supposed to sleep?

Finally, she lifted her head and blearily looked over at Qin An. She said solemnly, "You’ve already played a leading role in one of his movies, so why wouldn’t I be able to?"

Qin An grumbled. He felt that Ruan Tian was scolding him, but also belittling him and looking down on him.

But, in truth, he really did think that Ruan Tian wasn’t good enough to receive such a high-quality resource.

After all, everyone knew that starring in one of Cheng Sui’an’s films was pretty much a guarantee of shooting to popularity and winning awards.

Moreover, this wasn’t just limited to domestic awards. Starring in his movie meant you were likely to sweep the awards even from the major foreign film festivals. Of course, that was also the reason so many people fought so hard for these roles.

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Young Master Qin finally couldn’t help himself. He lifted his eyebrows and said in an extremely haughty tone, "Are you worthy of being compared with me? I am my father's precious son. If we’re talking about people willing to pull strings for me, I have them, if we’re talking about connections, I have them too. Can you even compare with me?"

He held his head high and spoke very righteously, seemingly not ashamed at all but actually proud of using his status to gain benefits.

Ruan Tian was so moved by his shameless spirit that she decided it wasn’t even worth arguing any further or mentioning that it didn’t have anything to do with Qin An whether she decided to audition or not.

It was nearly 3: 00 a.m. when the celebration finally broke up and ended.

Of course, for the whole evening, Ruan Tian’s phone had been blowing up with notifications as all sorts of people sent her congratulatory messages.

Even the small crew she had recently finished working with had seen the news. They were really happy for Ruan Tian and said that Ruan Tian would have to invite them to dinner the next time they met up.

She also received a lot of messages from the people on her WeChat who usually didn’t talk to her at all.

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Downstairs, Qin Yu's car was parked openly in front of the hotel doors. The crazy fans trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars were all stopped outside by cold-faced bodyguards holding dark weapons, and their cameras were blocked by the bodyguards’ tall bodies.

Qin An was in a great mood when he saw that his brother had come to pick him up and happily stumbled forward. When the thick smell of alcohol on Qin An got close enough for Qin Yu to smell, Qin Yu put on a face of disgust. He frowned and said unkindly, "Quickly scram away."

After that, the drunken Qin An was half-dragged over to another car.

Ruan Tian watched as Qin An was rudely thrown into the back seat of a nearby car and couldn’t help but blink. She looked around and spotted Qin Yu was also there, so she slowly lowered her eyes and looked down at her toes.

Qin Yu felt a little amused at the way she tried to avoid him.

With a sneer at the corners of his lips and his hands plunged lazily into his trouser pockets, he looked contemptuously at the way Ruan Tian was clinging to that little trophy in her arms. He said slowly, “What are you shying away from? You think I'm here to pick you up or something?"

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He had just opened his mouth but the first thing that came out was his usual venomous sarcasm.

Ruan Tian really wanted to say that Qin Yu had to be the most pretentious pretender in all of history.

But pretend for who!?

Stimulated by all the alcohol, Ruan Tian slowly raised her eyes to look at him and then spoke much more directly than she usually might: "Qin Yu, you coward, who are you even pretending for? It's not like I’m imagining things because of an overinflated ego. Isn’t that exactly why you're here? After all, ever since high school, the one who has been pestering and chasing like crazy was always you, not me."

Qin Yu's thin lips slowly pressed themselves into a thin line. His character had been arrogant and overbearing like this ever since he was a child, it wasn’t something he could easily change overnight.

The corners of his lips slowly sank and his smirk disappeared. At the same time, his fists clenched at his sides and he felt an immense sense of vexation.

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