Chapter 196

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Qin Yu just stood there in front of her silently for a long moment. Finally, he said, "I'll take you back."

However, right now Ruan Tian was very sleepy and she just wanted to go home and get to bed.

Thus, she gave a big yawn and said, "It’s alright, I already have a chauffeured car. No need to bother you."

Qin Yu was persistent, "It’s fine, it’s on my way anyway."

Ruan Tian was very tired, so she didn’t have the patience to talk in circles. She just said, "We can’t do that. What if you try to take advantage of me while we’re on the road?"

Qin Yu sneered and his eyes turned slightly cold, but somehow he couldn’t force out a retort. Ruan Tian continued to look at him solemnly, "It's not like it’s impossible. You might really do that kind of thing."

Qin Yu finally lost his patience. He walked forward, grabbed her arm, and then tossed her into the car. That done, he raised his arm and loosened the black tie around his neck. Then he turned to the driver and said completely straight-faced, "Drive."

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Clutching her trophy like a dead dog, Ruan Tian leaned against the car window and resolved to abuse Qin Yu in her heart even more fiercely this week.

This dog man was really fierce, wild, and unreasonable.

While she was sulking, she didn’t forget to comfort herself a bit.

Just forget it Ruan Tian.

That’s your boss. Nothing to be done if he’s a sicko.

Everyone has a responsibility to take a step back in this sort of situation so the mental patients can get the treatment they need.

My heart is like a lotus, calm, peaceful, indifferent...

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Half an hour later, Ruan Tian looked at Qin Yu, who had followed her into her house, and her anger was completely ignited.

Qin Yu had no sense of his status as a guest at all. He confidently headed into her kitchen and made a bowl of sobering soup.  went into the kitchen and made a bowl of sober-up soup. Then he patted her cheek and said, "Go and take a bath."

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes. What was this supposed to be? The golden male lead’s lines that he spouted before the beautiful romance began?

Ruan Tian directly told this guy to get out of her house.


Thanks to the legion of bodyguards Qin Yu brought along, none of the crazy fans managed to take any pictures of the events that happened in front of the hotel that night. However, a great many people had been there and seen Qin Yu’s cars arrive. Plus, even after the bodyguards drove them off, some people were still close enough to vaguely hear their conversation.

Moreover, Ruan Tian's ‘Destined Immortals’ was still very hot right now, while Ruan Tian herself had just won a national-level award for Best Supporting Actress, so could be considered one of the hottest actresses around at the moment.

Therefore, even though none of the fans managed to get any pictures, a certain fan still transcribed everything that happened in text form with a few minor embellishments and posted it online.

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【Today, I squatted outside and watched the Big Young Master Qin come and pick up Ruan Tian from the hotel. He even held Ruan Tian in his arms. Young Master Qin took off his suit jacket and put it over Ruan Tian’s head so no one could take any pictures and then carefully carried her over to the car. They’re really a perfect match. PS: Qin An was actually also there too. The competition between the two brothers was too dazzling for my little eyes. 】

"I came into this thread with question marks over my head, and now I can only go out while cursing. There’s nothing here!"

"Oh my god, how can you point at Mr. Qin and randomly accuse him of infatuation like this? Clearly, Qin Yu only went to the hotel to pick up his brother. Even if that Ruan Tian flung herself in front of him, his eyelids wouldn’t even twitch."

"Do you have any pictures? If not why does this thread even exist?"

In the end, the fan who made the thread couldn’t drum up much interest and was quickly exposed, so not many people became aware of this little piece of news.


Ruan Tian was very busy these days. She was either shooting advertisements or riding on her way to shooting advertisements every single day.

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Now that she had become somewhat popular, the formerly snobbish staffers she had to interact with at the various sets had all suddenly become kind.

It was strange. She could still remember the very first variety show she had ever worked on, where she had been cast as a small extra, and all of the staff on that set seemed to have some sort of tacit agreement with one another to regard her as air.

That group of people had shown her absolutely zero care or attention.

With her tiny background, she had only been worthy of a single cheap plastic chair.

But nowadays everything had magically changed. All the staffers that used to ignore her now politely called her “Teacher Ruan”. It seemed that with status, the treatment was completely different.

In the end, Ruan Tian was busy running around like this for nearly two weeks straight before she finally got a day off. Meanwhile, ‘Destined Immortals’ was still only halfway through its broadcast.

After seeing the cute little sister character getting abused to pieces in the show and feeling bad for her, more and more people discovered who Ruan Tian was, and her fan base continued to surge up and up.

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