Chapter 199

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It was still uncertain if she would get the role or not, but Ruan Tian had been in a bad mood for the past several days in a row.

This was because, the previous Saturday, Ruan Tian had received an invitation from her high school alma mater. Apparently, the school wanted to invite her to visit in the capacity of a famous and successful alumnus.

Of course, when she first heard the words "famous alumni" she felt it was a great opportunity to go out and act pretentious.

Still, she was busy so she had wanted to put it off, but after some thought, she had felt that maybe she could take this opportunity to go to her old school to observe and see what the current high school students were like, so she accepted the invitation.

Thus, Ruan Tian wore her sunglasses and mask to keep a low profile before heading back to her old high school on the day the invitation mentioned. When she saw the old familiar campus she was reminded of various things. For instance, what always impressed her most about this school was the so-called disciplinary office. Back then she was always being punished by the teacher there for various reasons.

For example, one day Student A and Student B had a fight in the hallway. Meanwhile, she was the student on duty and happened to pass by while cleaning. In the midst of their fight, Student A and Student B inadvertently tripped over her broom, after which she was inexplicably caught by the teacher and reprimanded. He had asked: "What were you doing here? Coming to watch the hustle and bustle?"

"I was sweeping the floor."

"Oh really? Then why were you the only one there?"

"I'm the only student on duty."

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"Then why couldn’t you have gone and swept somewhere else? Why were you hanging around this corridor?"

"This is the place I was assigned to work."

In short, all the pots were hers to carry.

(tl note: “carrying a pot” basically just means “taking the blame” So this line means that she was the one who had to take the blame for everything and anything.)

This was the curse of the “vicious female side character” that always hung over her head.

People didn’t ask and didn’t care, they would just scold her regardless.

However, when Ruan Tian arrived at the school, she learned that Shen Shu had also been invited as a “famous alumnus”.

She immediately felt indigent.

With all due respect, she was a top flower in the industry and a new rising star! Compared to her, what kind of thing was Shen Shu? In the entertainment industry, the only way someone might have heard of Shen Shu was through his connection to her!

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Shen Shu was wearing a simple beige sweater. His features were soft but his lips were a bit pale and his eyes were a bit sharp. When Ruan Tian arrived he was standing leisurely in the middle of the auditorium and chatting with their old principal. His hands were in his pockets and a faint smile was playing about the corners of his lips.

After bumping into each other, Shen Shu slowly raised his eyelids and took a few additional glances over at her face.

Meanwhile, this principal wasn’t someone who surfed the internet or paid much attention to the news, so all he had to work with was his vague memories of these two people from several years ago.

He smiled and said, "Xiao Ruan, I heard that you and Mr. Shen had a good relationship while you were in high school."

Ruan Tian wanted to sneer.

Who did he hear that from?

It was bullsh*t.


Why did he call her Xiao Ruan, but him Mr. Shen?

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Ruan Tian kept her silence.

The principal looked at them as if he were looking at his own son and daughter-in-law. He continued, "Your puppy love back then during your third year really caused the whole school in an uproar."

At first, Ruan Tian didn't want to disturb this old man's good mood, but she couldn't just let this go on. She slowly looked up and explained, "There was no puppy love, I never caught him."

The smile on the principal's face turned a bit embarrassed for a second, but he quickly recovered and said, "Well, it's all the same in the end. Haven’t you two been married for several years now? How can you not have any children yet? When are you going to have a baby?"

Ruan Tian raised her finger and said, "Principal, Shen Shu and I divorced a long time ago."

Principal: "..."

The sudden wordless silence represented the highest level of embarrassment.

Even Ruan Tian felt a bit embarrassed for him.

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Shen Shu's face didn’t look very good after this exchange. Blue veins popped out of his wrists as he clenched his fists tightly, but in the end, he also kept his silence.

Anyway, it seemed that the final goal of this trip was for them to take a group photo together.

The principal led them over to stand in front of the school's photo wall. Both of their graduation photos had been placed inside the glass case behind them the day before.

One person stood in the middle of the frame, while the other moved to the very outside edge.

The principal said stiffly, "Well, let’s take the picture?"

In the end, Ruan Tian and Shen Shu stood with one person of distance between them and Ruan Tian looked toward the camera expressionlessly.

After that, the photo was quickly taken and everything was about to be over.

However, the principal looked at Shen Shu and could somewhat tell his thoughts. Understanding flashed through his mind and he stepped over to the photographer to say a few words.

Shen Shu reached down and grabbed Ruan Tian’s slender arm. He pulled her in front of the photo wall and, with a cold face, he turned to the photographer and said: "Take another picture for us."

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