Chapter 200

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Shen Shu’s righteous and justified expression as he grabbed her arm and asked for another photo caused Ruan Tian to feel quite dumbfounded.

However, Shen Shu's five thin fingers were already wrapped around her shoulder. Even with one hand, he was strong enough to hold her in place.

Ruan Tian wanted to roll her eyes. "I don't want to take another picture."

Of course, she could almost guess what Shen Shu would want to say next so, to head him off, Ruan Tian put on a cold face and continued, "Master Shen, please be reasonable. In fact, you’ll find that the fact that we don’t have any pictures together really isn’t my pot to carry."

"After all, back then, which time didn't I cry and beg you to take pictures with me? Didn't I come to you when we were graduating? Didn't I ask you then? And didn't I also ask you if you wanted wedding photos when we were getting married? Just how many times did I ask over the years?"

Shen Shu's face was gradually turning paler and paler, but Ruan Tian continued: "For you to act like this now… there’s really no meaning."

In fact, she was extremely speechless.

Shen Shu remained motionless, his hand clutching her shoulder.

Despite Ruan Tian's cold face, Shen Shu insisted on taking the picture. However, once the photographer developed the photo, Ruan Tian walked over and snatched it over without saying a word.

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She took one look at it, and then…

Directly tore the picture in half.

One half contained her, while the other half contained Shen Shu.

Shen Shu’s jaw tightened uncontrollably. At the same time, the look in his eyes slowly turned colder and colder. As he looked at the picture that had been torn in half, he suddenly felt that all the friendliness and tolerance he had shown in these past days was ridiculous.

All of a sudden he felt like his throat was being gripped by a pair of invisible hands. His breathing became uneven, and he felt a sharp pain like he was choking on a blade.

Shen Shu had always been noble and proud, a person who rigidly followed the rules and was unfailingly polite.

He knew that Ruan Tian loved that side of him, where he wore his carefully pressed school uniform and carried his school exercise book with a cold expression.

At least, that was what Shen Shu had believed.

However, it seemed as if something had changed and it had all become useless now.

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Because of Ruan Tian’s move this time, Shen Shu experienced a rare moment of losing control. Suddenly he reached over and viciously grabbed her by the arm, his grip neither light nor heavy, and then directly pushed her back against the wall. Then he pinched her chin with two fingers and stared down into her eyes before leaning down to try to kiss her.

Ruan Tian reacted quickly and slapped him across the face.

Her eyes widened minutely in confusion. Ruan Tian felt that the present Shen Shu was very strange.

He had always clearly been a man who was always cautious and prudent in all of his actions, the type who never left anything to be faulted with any of his words or deeds, but today he seemed different.

Shen Shu carelessly reached up and wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth. "Back when you seduced me to the bed you still weren’t as energetic as you are now."

Ruan Tian didn’t get angry. After all, when comparing who could spit more venomous words, she rarely lost. She retorted, "No matter who I seduce, I’m always energetic. This isn’t anything exclusive for you, OK?"

Shen Shu was immediately enraged. His face turned pale white, and he couldn’t even force out any more bullsh*t from his mouth to argue with her.


After she finally escaped from the school, Ruan Tian received a phone call bearing a piece of bad news.

Director Cheng's assistant called to tell her that the director already had a candidate in mind for the role, so Ruan Tian didn’t have to come and audition anymore.

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Ruan Tian held her cell phone blankly and didn't know how to respond. Eventually, she forced herself to cheer up and replied, “Who did he settle on? Is it convenient to say who it is?"

The assistant said, "Ms. Ruan, this has to be kept secret. I can only tell you that she is a newcomer who has just graduated and that she is very clever."

Ruan Tian really wasn’t reconciled with this twist. It was unacceptable that she would be brushed off without even being given an audition.

Unfortunately, no matter who she asked, she couldn’t find out who had caught the director’s eye.

In the end, Ruan Tian was so desperate that she even went to the headquarters of Qin Pictures, and then straight to Qin Yu's office.

She knocked on the door and, unexpectedly, Qin Yu was the one who came to open it. When he saw who was outside the door, he raised an eyebrow, then he immediately tried to push the door closed again.

Ruan Tian was a flexible person, so she quickly threw away her pride and jammed her foot in the crack of the door before plastering on a lackey-like smile and saying, "Boss Qin, wait a minute."

Unfortunately, Qin Yu, this wretch, was the type to cut off his nose to spite his face. He said, “Ms. Ruan? Did you just call me ‘Boss Qin’? I really can’t afford this form of address from your esteemed self.”

Ruan Tian kept her smile on with difficulty. "I want to ask you about something."

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Qin Yu snorted and gradually stopped trying to shut the door. "I don't do business with no stakes. If you want something from me there needs to be some sort of benefit for me."

Ruan Tian gritted her teeth and endured. "Go ahead and say what you want."

Qin Yu lightly threw out a sentence, "Let's extend your contract for another ten years."

Ruan Tian immediately shot back frostily, "Why don’t you just go die! ! !"

After saying that, she awkwardly seemed to remember something and fell silent.

"Ugh, Boss Qin, that's not what I meant to say."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Erm, well, that's actually exactly what I meant."

Indeed, she wouldn’t mind if this dog could hurry up and die, but she usually wouldn’t say it out loud...

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