REHC - Chapter 201

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Qin Yu was finally too lazy to tease her anymore. Even without asking he knew why she had come, so he said casually, "It’s your sister's best friend. That girl called Shi'an. She was the first one from our circle to enter film school and also the first to graduate."

Ruan Tian was stupefied for a moment, but then she sincerely said thank you to him before turning and leaving.

When she finally made it out of Qin Yu's building, Ruan Tian looked up at the starry sky blankly. In this situation, she had only one thought it mind: "It’s the ****ing female lead again!"

Of course, with the female lead's powerful golden finger, her best friend was also sheltered under its halo. Ruan Tian even remembered this person. She was a rare acting genius who also had a good family background.

It seemed that the haze of Zhou Xiaoqiao was still following her around like a shadow.

In the novel, Zhou Xiaoqiao established a relationship with Cheng Sui’an through Qin An and then quietly introduced her best friend Shi’an to him.

And, as expected, the glory of the female lead’s halo would also shine on the head of her best friend.

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Everything was just so perfect for her.

Ruan Tian was really scared this time.

After all, there were only a few days left before everything would be settled and Ruan Tian would have no choice but to admit defeat.

She called Cheng Sui’an many times, but each time it was his assistant who answered the phone. In the end, she directly went to Cheng Sui’an's studio to block him in person.

Cheng Sui’an hadn’t expected that Ruan Tian would be so persistent. Of course, honestly speaking, he had some good feelings about Ruan Tian and was very optimistic about her future.

She seemed very pure and was able to immerse herself in a role, which could really attract an audience.

However, it was also because she was so pure that he felt she wasn’t suitable for the role of a tragic heroine.

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Meanwhile, while Shi'an's audition hadn’t been amazing, he felt it was good enough, so Director Cheng decided to settle on her for the role.

Outside the studio, Ruan Tian’s two black eyes were fixed on Cheng Sui’an’s. She said, “Director Cheng, please give me a chance.” After a long pause, she continued, “I can do better than her.”

Ruan Tian wasn’t shy and looked directly into Cheng Sui’an’s eyes with her two clear and bright black orbs.

However, Cheng Sui’an generally wasn’t a person that was easy to persuade. Perhaps, if he hadn’t found any candidate that he felt was right for the role, he wouldn’t mind giving Ruan Tian an audition but, unfortunately, after seeing Shi'an's performance with his own eyes the day before Director Cheng had immediately felt that the role must belong to her.

In fact, Director Cheng had not originally had much expectation for the people that those films schools sent to audition. He felt that many companies in the industry these days were very impetuous and liked to pull seedlings up by the roots to “make them grow”, resulting in a culture where students who were still in school would sign contracts with companies very early without ever really devoting themselves to their studies or properly honing their basic skills.

Moreover, before recently Director Cheng had never even met this Shi’an person. He only bumped into her when Qin An led her and another beautiful girl over to his house one day and bragged about her achievements.

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Of course, when he heard the kid praising the girl to the high heavens Director Cheng had understood his nephew’s intentions and, seeing that the girl called Shi’an had a pretty enough face and a decent foundation, he had decided to just go with the flow and let her audition to give Qin An face.

Now, facing Ruan Tian, Director Cheng rubbed his brow with a sour expression. Finally, he sighed and said, "There will be other chances in the future."

If these words had been said to someone with a weaker mentality they might directly give up.

But Ruan Tian wasn’t that kind of person.

Ruan Tian pursed her lips and said: "Director Cheng, this is your only day for auditions, right? Why not let me try as well? I won't keep you long." After a moment of hesitation, she continued, "You can just take it as having one extra choice, okay?"

(tl note: why not mention his freaking PROMISE TO LET YOU AUDITION?!)

Director Cheng’s brows furrowed tightly and he didn’t speak for a long time.

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He looked into Ruan Tian's eyes and saw her firm determination and, after a long while, he slowly nodded, "OK, come up with me."

He decided to just give her a chance and let her give up that way.

Once the two got up to Director Cheng’s studio, Ruan Tian finally saw the legendary future top star, Shi’an, for the first time.

She was very beautiful, with an expression that seemed to speak to her purity and naivety, but which also held a bit of anxiousness and caution.

Her black hair was long and straight, her face, her cheeks, her chin, were all fair and well-defined, her skin was tender and delicate, basically, it was hard to pick out even a single flaw in her appearance. Even her figure was extremely outstanding.

She was definitely worthy of being the female lead’s best friend. Indeed an indisputable top beauty.

Ruan Tian wasn’t vain, but she knew she was also very beautiful. However, she had to admit that she was no match for the other party purely in terms of physical condition.

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