REHC - Chapter 202

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In the studio, Zhou Xiaoqiao was also standing there and holding Shi’an's arm. Her face looked a little thin, as if she had lost a lot of weight recently, and her eyes were trembling wetly. When she spotted Ruan Tian, she pasted on a surprised and joyful expression, as if she were so happy she might burst into tears. She immediately cried out in a low voice, "TianTian, how come you’re here? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you."

Zhou Xiaoqiao lowered her head and her face turned slightly aggrieved. "Last time, I was just so angry. I lost my mind a little and said those unkind words. Let me apologize to you now. I’m so sorry. Will you forgive me, sister? I really miss you."

Ruan Tian almost wanted to throw up.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was as disgusting as ever.

With a cold and expressionless face, she replied, "I'm here to audition."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was secretly startled, and her hand on Shi’an’s arm unconsciously tightened and clenched on her friend's clothes. After she managed to calm herself down, she smiled and said, "Really? I thought the matter of the role was already settled? Well, work hard!"

Zhou Xiaoqiao's smile had changed slightly. It now seemed to hide something sharp, as well as a bit of complacency, and her eyes were full of a sense of certainty that her friend definitely wouldn’t lose.

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In the past, Zhou Xiaoqiao really had never regarded Ruan Tian as a threat, but now things were different.

Ruan Tian was a thorn in her eye, and she was determined to stop this “sister” of hers from rising up any higher and further blotting out her own light.

And Zhou Xiaoqiao had known from long ago that Ruan Tian wanted to win this role, which was why she had arranged things so that Ruan Tian wouldn’t even get an audition.

Even now, with Ruan Tian brazenly coming to audition uninvited, Zhou Xiaoqiao still wasn’t worried. After all, Shi’an had already gotten Director Cheng’s approval. There was no way she could so easily be replaced now that things were all but settled.

So Zhou Xiaoqiao decided to just watch quietly and let Ruan Tian do her little audition and make a fool of herself.

Shi’an flashed a smile and said to Zhou Xiaoqiao, "I've seen your little sister's movie before, it's all right." ...but Ruan Tian wasn’t anything irreplaceable in that movie.

Shi’an left the second half of her thought unsaid.

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Truthfully, Shi’an didn’t even regard Ruan Tian as an opponent. Moreover, a big director wouldn’t easily go back on their words and change the person in a role after already selecting a candidate and informing them.

Moreover, Shi’an's family was rich and she herself was beautiful, so she was confident.

With her excellent grades, skills, and beautiful appearance, many film and television companies had offered her olive branches during the years she had been in school.

However, she hadn’t agreed to any of them, because she had always been waiting for a perfect opportunity.

She was an ambitious person, and she was confident that she was destined to stand above the heads of the multitudes, so she had always felt that she was beyond the reach of those small companies who first set their eyes on her.

And now that perfect chance had finally appeared. Cheng Sui’an's film wasn’t only a springboard for her, it was a key step in her plans for stardom. So long as she could secure this role, the fame and awards would find their way into her hands even if she didn’t want them.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian didn't bother paying any attention to Zhou Xiaoqiao and her friend, she just went to the corner and sat down with her script and tried to immerse herself in the role. Half an hour later, she would put on an explosive performance for these people to see.

Qin An looked over at her guiltily. Eventually, like there was a fire under his butt, he couldn’t sit still and wandered over to sit next to her. He said, "Ruan Tian, my brother is really right, you’re a good woman, but this role..."

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Ruan Tian tilted her face so she could give him a frosty look from the corner of her eyes.

She really should have known that men were more unreliable than dogs.

And this Qin An was a true dog of dogs, a king of double standards.

"You think I can’t do it, but this newcomer who has never acted in anything before can?"

Qin An pondered for a moment before replying "I also didn't expect for her to be so awesome before she auditioned. Anyway, isn't it only because I saw Sister Xiaoqiao was worried and wanted to help her?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao had been the goddess in Qin An's heart for many years. Her status in his eyes wasn’t something easy to shake in such a short amount of time.

Qin An finally just muttered, "Now that it's like this, don't blame me. Just... whoever wins will be decided by their own strength."

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Ruan Tian hasn't felt such a piercing headache for a long time.

Qin An was actually kind of amazing, with how he could say so few words yet cause her to feel so irritated.

It seemed that still, in all of these people’s eyes, Zhou Xiaoqiao could never do wrong.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian was worthless except for her pretty face.

To them, she was impolite, uneducated, poor, and even when she accomplished something, they would just think she relied on someone else to accomplish it.

Whatever she did or said she could never be as good as Zhou Xiaoqiao, nor even as good as her best friend.

Ruan Tian managed to calm down eventually. She slowly raised her eyes and stared directly back into Qin An’s eyes before saying emotionlessly: “You’re right, it will really only be decided by our own strength."

She would definitely use her own strength to stomp Zhou Xiaoqiao and her little group of BFFs under the soles of her feet before this was all over.

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