Chapter 203

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In addition to crushing Zhou Xiaoqiao and her friends, Ruan Tian also wanted to make Qin An realize clearly that his dog eyes were blinded by love and causing him to hold ridiculous double standards.

Qin An was rattled by Ruan Tian's serious gaze, and he could only lower his head, not daring to look her in the eye.

When the audition finally began, aside from the few of them, there was only one cameraman and no other crew.

Cheng Suian leaned back in his chair and put up his legs.

"Let's start." He said faintly.

Ruan Tian was instructed to act out the scene where the female lead finally fully lost control and killed someone.

【 The female lead’s brother was stabbed to death and his body fell right in front of her eyes. Before dying, he struggled to grab his sister’s sleeve as if to run away with her as they had done in the past.

The female lead looked blankly at the body on the ground. Trembling, she dropped to her knees and tried to staunch the bleeding. There were no tears in her eyes and her expression was calm, not ferocious at all. She just looked down at him quietly and murmured, "Jiang Yi, get up, let's go."

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"Get up, let’s go."

Her tone of voice was the same as usual, gentle and placid.

The person on the ground didn't respond.

Unconsciously, tears began to track down her cheeks. The girl reached up and wiped her face with the back of her hand. Her hand came away wet, and she realized that she was crying.

Belatedly, a wave of grief overwhelmed her.

She clenched her teeth and wept silently, wet tears falling from her eyes one by one.

After realizing, she just fell back, sat on the ground, and began to cry, "Jiang Yi, wake up..." She murmured between sobs.

Meanwhile, she was distantly aware that the people around her were laughing and mocking her.

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The shrill voices all around gradually seemed to become clear in her ears and overlap with voices from her past.

She suddenly remembered back when those people had locked her in the restroom after stripping off her school uniform, they had laughed the same way.

Or when someone had inexplicably grabbed her by her hair and dragged her into the corridor to be abused before the eyes of the whole school, they had laughed the same way.

Her mind flash and whirled and recalled all of those malicious pairs of eyes. Then and now overlapped blurrily in her mind.

The girl stopped crying, her eyes turned numb, and her fingers slowly wrapped around the dagger’s handle. Then, in a frenzy, she jumped up and stabbed those blurry figures one after another.

Only once each and every one of them had fallen before her did she finally stop and kneel down. Then she raised her head and turned her face in the direction of the camera to let out a laugh. 】

Ruan Tian really squeezed out everything she had for this scene. From her frigid tears, to her numb and empty eyes amidst her “frenzy”, there was no shadow of a pure and innocent girl. She was more like a demon who had just crawled up from the gates of hell.

Cheng Sui’an was shocked by the rawness of Ruan Tian's performance. Pretty much all of the girls who had auditioned before this had acted the character hysterically and with great emotional intensity, but now he realized that these over-acted hysterics wouldn’t be able to cause a stir in an audience’s hearts the same way Ruan Tian’s more blank and numb interpretation of the character would.

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The look on her face just now was so distressing that even he was feeling heartbroken.

And her last smile was so creepy, but also left a feeling of emptiness and sadness in his mind even after the scene had ended.

Director Cheng didn’t know from when, but his eyes were wet. He felt that while acting just now Ruan Tian had really completely disassembled her own self and become Jiang Xing.

The desperate, crazy, Jiang Xing.

She performed naturally, without a trace of fakeness. No one else acted like her, like a lunatic that would completely abandon themselves and become the character.

Before now, Director Cheng really hadn’t thought there could be anyone more suitable to play Jiang Xing than Shi'an.

However, with Ruan Tian for comparison, he knew he was wrong. Although Shi’an's performance had been impeccable from a technical perspective, it didn’t have the same ability to stir the audience’s heart to sympathy the way Ruan Tian’s performance did.

After her performance was done, Ruan Tian just sat on the ground with a dazed expression on her face. She was slowly adjusting herself back to her normal mindset.

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Director Cheng's mind was still full of that last look Ruan Tian had given the camera. After a while, he gathered himself and turned to Shi’an. He said, "You’re pretty good, I’m sure you’ll go far in this circle in the future. But for now, go back."

Without using any sharp words, he directly told her the result.

Zhou Xiaoqiao and Shi’an were still in a daze and couldn’t catch up the what was happening. When Shi’an finally processed what Director Cheng was saying, she could hardly believe it. She blurted out, "Director Cheng, didn't you ask me here to sign the contract today?"

Cheng Sui’an replied bluntly: "Have you signed anything?"

Shi’an was speechless. She clenched her fists, and she could barely hold back the feelings of incredulous rage in her heart from appearing on her face.

Wasn’t this supposed to be the scene where she finally secured the resource that would let her soar to the top! ? She really couldn’t stand this feeling of suddenly having her road blocked and her plans disrupted at the last possible moment.

Shi’an's teeth were about to be broken from how tightly she was clenching them, and she said in a hoarse voice, "Director, think about it again, I …"

Cheng Sui’an only said two words: "Go back."

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