Chapter 204

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Director Cheng had always been a very decisive person. In his life, he never hesitated or became afraid when it was time to make a choice. Clearly, Shi’an and Ruan Tian had two very different styles, and they were completely incomparable.

Shi’an relied on her talent and technical skill but, unfortunately, with her style there was no way she would be able to get an audience fully engaged.

Even until they were riding the car back, Zhou Xiaoqiao was still in shock. At the same time, the resentment in her heart was no lower than that of Shi’an.

Zhou Xiaoqiao knew that Ruan Tian mustn’t be allowed to fly any higher. Her wings needed to be clipped, and immediately, or else it would all be over.

Today, she had been so full of confidence. She had been ready to watch from the side while Ruan Tian made a fool of herself and took a huge plunge, but why did the situation suddenly reverse? !

Zhou Xiaoqiao clenched her fists tightly, and her fingernails drover deep into her palm. In the end, she used too much force and caused a few small cuts, causing her body to tremble with pain.

She forced a smile on her face and turned to Qin An, who was driving, and asked, “Do TianTian and your uncle have a very good relationship? If not, how could this thing that was almost settled suddenly change at the last minute?"

The words "good relationship" could easily be misinterpreted to mean something dirty.

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Hearing this, Qin An felt very uncomfortable. He replied: "Ruan Tian acted the part better, so it’s not surprising she got the role."

For instance, Ruan Tian’s eyes when she was frenziedly stabbing with the knife were definitely enough to scare him to death!

At that moment, he had felt very cold, as if she might come and pluck off his dog head at any second.

Qin An was surprised to find that Ruan Tian was able to believably act out more roles than he had previously imagined.

She could easily play the part of a pitiful little girl one day, and then a tragic character driven to madness the next.

Since she had so much commitment to her roles, it seemed she really regarded acting as her life.

He had never seen anyone strive for a role harder than her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao knew that she shouldn’t say anything more right now, but somehow she couldn’t help herself. She muttered: “But AnAn obviously wanted that role, it’s no good for her to come and rob it away like that.”

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Qin An felt even more uncomfortable when he heard Zhou Xiaoqiao say that.

For this kind of thing, there was no need to talk about robbing or not robbing. Everyone just did their best and strove to win.

Qin An fell silent. Somehow, the magical filter over the “goddess of his heart” seemed to have cracked and slipped away.

These days he still occasionally did her some little favors, but that feeling of always urgently wanting to see her had long faded away.

To him, it wasn’t clear whether he had changed or Zhou Xiaoqiao had changed.


It took Ruan Tian more than half an hour to finally adjust her mind back to a normal state. Once she composed herself, she took out some tissues to wipe her face and then slowly got up from the ground.

Cheng Sui’an immediately appeared and handed her a contract. At the same time, he said, "I’m sorry, I shouldn't have underestimated you."

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He shouldn’t have used his biases and preconceived judgments to make a decision this time. He almost made a mistake.

Ruan Tian accepted the contract but said, "I want to take it back to my lawyer and have him look over everything before I sign it, do you mind?"

Of course, in reality, she didn’t have any lawyer. She just planned to take it back and have Jiang Lili look over it for her.

Cheng Sui’an shook his head. "I don't mind. Filming won’t start until June, so there's no hurry."

He looked at Ruan Tian's delicate, somewhat pale, face and suddenly said, "Ruan Tian, you have more potential than I thought."

Whether it was desperation or stubbornness, she was willing to completely break herself down for a role.

Moreover, she was tough, upright, calm, and able to make decisive moves to try to reverse the situation when things were going wrong.

Ruan Tian replied shamelessly, "Well, I’ve realized that I’m an acting genius since long ago."

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Cheng Sui’an was amused by her boasting. He chuckled and said, "You go back and have a good rest this time." After a few seconds of silence, he added: "Some advice: sometimes you don't have to work so hard."


Ruan Tian almost wanted to roll her eyes.

If she didn’t work this hard, she would definitely be pinned down under the radiance of the female lead’s halo with no chances to make a comeback.

In this world, it was hard to be a woman, but it was even harder to be a vicious female supporting character.

Ruan Tian had only one New Year's resolution this year, and that was to pray that Zhou Xiaoqiao could leave her happy little life as soon as possible.

Ruan Tian took the contract downstairs and wanted to find a taxi, but a sleek black car suddenly stopped steadily in front of her. The window rolled down, and the man in the back seat smiled at her and greeted, "TianTian."

It was Huai Mo.

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