Chapter 205

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Huai Mo hadn’t contacted her ever since Qin Yu exposed him in the hospital that day.

He also seemed to have finally completely put away his scruples this time. Now he was traveling in a huge car, with another two cars of bodyguards in front and back, a completely ostentatious display.

Before Ruan Tian could say anything, Huai Mo said, "Do you need a ride? I'll take you there."

Ruan Tian didn't move.

Huai Mo asked in a sad voice, "Are you afraid of me too?"

Ruan Tian nodded. "Indeed."

Anyone would find it scary to be stalked.

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Hearing her telling the truth unreservedly, Huai Mo only felt she was even cuter.

"Don’t worry, I won't bully you. Get in the car."

Ruan Tian sighed. It seemed she had no choice.

However, it seemed that Huai Mo really only wanted to give her a ride. When they finally arrived at her building, he obediently stayed in his car and didn’t try to come upstairs with her.

Unfortunately, he also still liked to hug her and lean his head again her shoulder. Before she could get out of the car, he hugged her said, "I didn’t dare to come to see you until now, because I was afraid that you were still angry with me."

He pressed his lips against the scattered bit of her hair on her shoulder and murmured, “TianTian, don’t exhaust yourself. It's okay to be afraid of me, just don't be angry, okay?"

Ruan Tian made a noncommittal sound.

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After getting out of the car, she didn’t immediately go upstairs. Instead, she turned a corner and went to a nearby convenience store to buy some ice cream to comfort herself.

When she made it home, Ruan Tian directly tossed the contract Director Cheng had passed her to Jiang Lili. When Jiang Lili saw what it was, her mouth fell open so wide she could swallow an egg whole.

"Tian, tell me, did the script change and you were reborn or something? It’s okay, you can tell me.” Jiang Lili grabbed the contract eagerly and refused to let go. She continued babbling, “Oh my god, this is the female lead role in a big-time director’s movie! You were even able to convince Cheng Sui’an, that super difficult director, twice! I really admire you. Now you’re really on track to be the next Movie Queen wuwuwu…”

Ruan Tian laughed happily and then proceeded to narrate how she had unexpectedly managed to slap Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face while taking the audition today.

At the end of the story, she recalled with relish: "You didn't get to see how wonderful Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was at that time, what a pity for you."

"Don't worry, I can imagine." Jiang Lili laughed along. However, she didn’t forget her identity as an agent just because she was happy, she quickly changed the topic "I picked a variety show for you, it will be recorded during May, so there won’t be any schedule conflicts. Once you finish the variety show you can immediately join Director Cheng’s crew in June."

Ruan Tian plopped down on the sofa and hugged a pillow. Her head drooped and she murmured, "I want to just rest until June so I can prepare myself for the movie."

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Jiang Lili smiled and said, "The variety show is paying 20 million."

Ruan Tian immediately perked up and made an “ok” gesture with her fingers, "Rest or whatever, I think it's totally unnecessary."

For Ruan Tian, only money was truly energizing.


Meanwhile, Zhou Xiaoqiao was fully putting her talents as a white lotus on display as she “apologized” to Shi’an after they got back. All of her words, both overtly and in subtext, seemed to be saying: “I’m sorry, I can't control my sister either." “That's just the kind of person she is." “Usually, I'm the one she beats and bullies, I’m helpless too."

Of course, even without Zhou Xiaoqiao’s provocations, Shi’an was already thoroughly resentful of Ruan Tian, this person who had suddenly appeared to stand in her way, and had no plans of letting her off easily.

Especially since Ruan Tian had appeared at the most critical moment, as if she were deliberately targeting her and trying to prevent her from soaring up. From this incident, Shi’an hated Ruan Tian so much that she almost wanted to eat her alive.

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Shi’an asked, "Shen Shu doesn't have any old feelings for this ex-wife of his, does he?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao’s delicate brows furrowed and she responded, "You should know, Shen Shu has always… to me..."

In the middle of her words she deliberately trailed off and spoke vaguely.

Getting her friend’s “confirmation” Shi’an immediately returned home and prepared an extremely comprehensive smear campaign with a focus on the ins and outs of Ruan Tian’s marriage and family life.

This was different from the times Ruan Tian had been smeared online before. This time, Shi’an had found the most expensive PR team in the circle and spent a lot of money to let them take off a layer of Ruan Tian’s skin.

Anyway, since Shen Shu didn’t have any feelings for his ex-wife, and since Ruan Tian’s company had never shown any care for this rebellious star who had a bad relationship with her boss, Shi’an felt that even if she played some little tricks and let Ruan Tian be smeared until she was ruined, there shouldn’t be anyone to jump out and protect her.


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