Chapter 206

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What's more, Ruan Tian had just become very popular, so she had many opponents who wanted nothing more than to step all over her. These people were all just hiding in the dark and waiting for any opportunity to present itself.

Thus, under Shi’an’s direction, various entertainment news sites began “exposing” Ruan Tian. They posted about how she had tricked her ex-husband into marriage so she could use him to climb up in the entertainment industry, and also about how Ruan Tian was always employing “soft violence” tactics as well as various forms of psychological abuse against her parents because she was dissatisfied with how they planned to distribute the family fortune.

Under the leadership of a professional team, the labels "forced her ex-husband to marry her" and " psychologically abuses her own parents" were directly pasted onto Ruan Tian.

Immediately, there was public outcry, and all the righteous passers-by who had no idea of the causes, consequences, or evidence all got worked up and angry just from reading the headlines.

They were all deeply shocked. They really didn’t expect Ruan Tian to be such a person!

"What did your parents do wrong? Should you psychologically abuse them?"

"Even white-eyed wolves aren’t as good at biting the hand that feeds them as this Ruan Tian."

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"If I were her parents, I wouldn't acknowledge such a daughter. Unfortunately, I liked her when she played the little junior martial sister recently, too bad she’s so evil once she gets off stage."

"There’s no good excuse for Ruan Tian to psychologically abuse her own parents, it’s no wonder her parents didn't want to give her even a penny."

"I can’t believe junior martial sister is such a person off-camera."

When Ruan Tian first saw these headlines, she immediately thought they were from The Onion, or one of those other ironic “news” sites.

However, when she clicked and took a closer look, she found that it was a real news site and the whole article seemed to be cursing and blaming her? ? ?

The same afternoon on the day the news broke, Shen Shu, this usually aloof and distant figure, unexpectedly released a clarification: 【There was no trick to force me into marriage. We fell in love with each other and got married because we were mutually in love. 】

Really, Ruan Tian somewhat admired his ability to tell lies with his eyes wide open, it was a bit amazing.

However, the issue of her psychologically abusing her parents wasn’t so easily dismissed. This kind of thing was a sure-fire trigger that would touch a nerve with all decent people, and the ordinary passers-by who didn’t know anything about the situation were easily swayed against Ruan Tian.

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Of course, Ruan Tian was very self-aware about this issue. If she really wanted to sit around and wait for Mother Zhou to clarify anything for her, she might as well just get out of the entertainment industry immediately because that would definitely never happen.

Meanwhile, Qin Yu seemed to be even angrier about this issue than she was. He directly found the people from the PR department and forced them all to work overtime deleting all the slanderous posts and shutting down the threads discussing the topic.

Ruan Tian didn't feel it was necessary at all.

Qin Yu just mocked her for pretending so much and acting as if she were too noble to stoop to their level.

Hearing his words, Ruan Tian thought for a moment and then said, "En, you’re right, I really am pretending to be noble."

Then, she raised her “noble” head and said in a serious tone, "In fact, every time you help me, I only feel that you are insulting me." She paused for two seconds and then met Qin Yu’s frosty eyes like a warrior who was unafraid of death, and continued: "Just like when Shen Shu said today that we got married because we both loved each other, I also thought he was insulting me."

Qin Yu: "…"

He let out a laugh choked with anger and somehow felt so blocked that he couldn’t retort.

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This person really didn’t know how to say any nice words!

Of course, it wasn’t like it was impossible for Ruan Tian to solve the matter herself.

It was just that… she really didn’t want to post anything to clarify. And it was completely impossible for her to apologize.

After all, she was the victim who ended up lost and trafficked because of her parents.

Therefore, even if she really did psychologically abuse them, it would be considered a reasonable response!

Besides, she hadn't even done such a thing in the first place.

A little later, at a press conference that was held after the end of a celebration banquet held for the cast and crew of ‘Destined Immortals’, a reporter confronted her with a microphone and asked her face-to-face about the rumors online and if they were true or false.

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Ruan Tian decided to be non-confrontational and merely replied: “It’s a misunderstanding..."

Just when the reporter thought Ruan Tian was going to try to explain and clarify things, he heard Ruan Tian’s next words: “...I’m actually an orphan."


The reporter was dumbfounded.

Was it okay to lie so ****ing obviously once you were famous?

Still, what a scoop!

The reporter had expected that Ruan Tian would attempt to offer some sort of explanation or clarification but, surprisingly, she did neither. Instead, it was as if Ruan Tian didn’t care about the rumors circulating around outside at all. Further, the word “orphan” could be considered to be a little overly vicious.

After all, wasn’t saying that equivalent to saying that her parents were dead?

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